
HBSE Class 10 English Question Paper 2024-25 Solved

HBSE Class 10 English Question Paper 2024-25 Solved

HBSE Class 10 English Question Paper 2024-25 Solved.

Passage 1: Self-Control and Life Choices

Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. How can the choices we make daily impact our life?

    • (c) Both (a) and (b)
  2. A life lacking discipline is characterized by:

    • (d) carelessness
  3. How does the writer define stress?

    • (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
  4. Which word in the last paragraph means the same as ‘surrendering’?

    • (c) succumbing
  5. The author aims to:

    • (d) offer advice to

Short Answer Questions:

  1. How can we take control of our lives?

    • By exercising self-control, practicing self-discipline, and setting boundaries.
  2. What enhances our safety while driving on the highways?

    • Painted lines that establish margins and prevent accidents.
  3. With which disease was the writer suffering from?

    • The writer suffered from stress and exhaustion due to overworking.
  4. What did the writer realize about his life eventually?

    • That he was leading an unsustainable life and needed to adjust his lifestyle.
  5. What is the message conveyed in the last paragraph of the passage?

  • Everyone should recognize their limits, avoid unnecessary stress, and find a balance in life.

Passage 2: Bhadla Solar Park

Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. Where is the Bhadla Solar Park located?

    • (b) Rajasthan
  2. How much area does the Bhadla Solar Park cover?

    • (b) 56 square kilometers
  3. What is the total installed capacity of the Bhadla Solar Park?

    • (d) 2245 MW
  4. What is one of the key benefits of the Bhadla Solar Park?

    • (a) It creates jobs
  5. What is the global impact of the Bhadla Solar Park?

    • (b) It contributes to lowering greenhouse gas emissions

Short Answer Questions:

  1. Why is Rajasthan an ideal location for the Bhadla Solar Park?

    • Because it has abundant sunlight and high solar energy potential.
  2. How many solar panels are there in the Bhadla Solar Park?

    • Over 8 million solar panels.
  3. What is the role of Bhadla Solar Park in India’s renewable energy goals?

    • It helps India move towards its goal of achieving 175 GW of renewable energy capacity.
  4. How does the Bhadla Solar Park help in reducing India’s dependence on fossil fuels?

    • By generating clean electricity, it reduces the need for coal and other fossil fuels.
  5. What economic benefit does the Bhadla Solar Park provide to the local community?

  • It creates job opportunities and boosts the local economy.

3. Attempt any ten sentences from the given items:

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb:

(i) I have been waiting for you outside for five minutes.
(c) have been waiting

(ii) I am studying for my exams these days.
(d) am studying

B. Change the following into indirect speech:

(iii) The teacher said to Ramesh, “Why didn’t you complete your homework?”
(a) The teacher asked Ramesh why he had not completed his homework.

(iv) Yashika said, “I don’t like watching horror movies.”
(b) Yashika said that she didn’t like watching horror movies.

C. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles:

(v) English is the language of the English.
(c) the

(vi) I get a stipend of Rs. 1500 a month.
(a) a

D. Punctuate the following sentences:

(vii) unless you work hard you cant stand first.
(c) Unless you work hard, you can’t stand first.

(viii) the teacher said students dont make a noise.
(d) The teacher said, “Students, don’t make a noise.”

E. Fill in the blanks with suitable modals:

(ix) We took a taxi lest we should miss the train.
(b) should

(x) May she have good health!
(c) May

F. Fill in the blanks with the correct nonfinite form of the verb:

(xi) This question is difficult to solve.
(b) to solve

(xii) You had better stop smoking.
(a) stop

Section C (Writing Skills)

(i) Write an application to the Principal for sick leave.

The Principal,
GGSSS Silana, Jhajjar
Subject: Application for Sick Leave

Respected Sir,
I am writing to inform you that I am suffering from fever and will not be able to attend school for two days, from March 3rd to March 4th. Kindly grant me leave for these days.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
Class: [Your Class]

(ii) Write a paragraph on ‘Importance of Trees’.

Importance of Trees

Trees play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance of our planet. They provide oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, and prevent soil erosion. Trees also offer shelter to birds and animals. In addition, they bring beauty to the environment and provide shade and fruits. Due to deforestation, the world is facing climate change and loss of biodiversity. Therefore, we must plant more trees to ensure a greener and healthier future.

Option 1: Letter Writing

(a) Complaint Letter on Air Pollution

B-22, Golden Villa
March 3, 2025

The Chairman,
State Pollution Control Board,
Rewari, Haryana

Subject: Urgent Complaint Regarding Rising Air Pollution

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my concern over the increasing air pollution in our area. The air quality has deteriorated drastically due to excessive vehicular emissions, industrial smoke, and construction dust. Many residents, especially children and elderly people, are suffering from respiratory issues.

I request you to take immediate action by enforcing pollution control measures, increasing green cover, and ensuring proper waste management. Strict regulations on factories and traffic control are also necessary to improve air quality.

I hope you will look into this matter urgently.

Yours sincerely,

(b) Leave Application for an Unwell Mother

P. M. Shree Government Senior Secondary School
March 3, 2025

The Principal,
P. M. Shree Government Sr. Sec. School,

Subject: Request for Leave

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am Nisha/Arun, a student of Class X-B. I request you to kindly grant me leave for three days (March 3–5, 2025) as my mother is unwell, and I need to take care of her. She requires immediate medical attention, and my presence at home is necessary.

I assure you that I will complete all my missed assignments and studies. I would be grateful for your kind consideration.

Yours obediently,

Option 2: Report Writing

District-Level Science Exhibition Report

Our school participated in the District-Level Science Exhibition held at City International School, Karnal, on February 25, 2025. A total of 20 schools from different parts of the district took part in the competition. Our team presented an innovative project on “Renewable Energy Solutions”, which was highly appreciated by the judges. We are proud to announce that our school secured the First Prize for the Best Scientific Innovation. The experience was enriching and encouraged us to work on future scientific projects.

Option 3: Story Writing

The Lion and the Mouse

One day, a lion was sleeping in the jungle when a mouse accidentally jumped on him. The angry lion caught the mouse and was about to kill it. The frightened mouse begged for mercy and promised to help the lion someday. Amused, the lion let him go.

A few days later, the lion was trapped in a hunter’s net. He roared loudly for help. The little mouse heard him and came running. With his sharp teeth, he gnawed the net and set the lion free. The lion thanked the tiny creature and realized that even small friends can be helpful.

Moral: A kind act is never wasted.

Option 4: Argumentative Paragraph

Do Mobile Phones Distract Students?

Mobile phones have become an essential part of life, but they can distract students and affect academic performance. Continuous notifications, social media, and gaming often take students’ attention away from studies. Instead of focusing on lessons, they may spend hours on entertainment. Studies suggest that excessive screen time reduces concentration and memory retention.

However, mobile phones can also be educational tools when used responsibly. They provide access to online learning materials, research resources, and communication with teachers. The key is balance. Schools can set guidelines for limited phone usage, ensuring that students benefit from technology without it becoming a distraction.

Section D (Literature)

Q6. Read the passage and answer the questions:

(i) Why did the seagull’s mother not pay attention to his begging for food?
➡️ The seagull’s mother ignored his begging to encourage him to fly and become independent.

(ii) What had the seagull’s mother picked up?
➡️ The seagull’s mother picked up a piece of fish.

(iii) What did the seagull’s mother do when she was abreast of the ledge?
➡️ She halted in mid-air with the piece of fish in her beak, just out of reach.

(iv) Maddened by hunger, what did the seagull do?
➡️ The seagull, driven by hunger, dived towards the fish and fell off the ledge.

(v) What seized the seagull?
➡️ A monstrous terror seized him when he realized he was falling.

Q6. (OR) Read the passage and answer the questions:

(i) How did Valli save money?
➡️ Valli saved money by resisting temptations to buy things like peppermints, toys, and balloons.

(ii) How much money had Valli saved?
➡️ Valli had saved a total of sixty paise.

(iii) What time did Valli use for her ‘excursions’?
➡️ Valli used the afternoon hours, from one to four, for her ‘excursions’ while her mother took a nap.

(iv) What was difficult for Valli at the village fair?
➡️ It was difficult for Valli to resist riding the merry-go-round, but she controlled her desire to save money.

(v) What was Valli’s first excursion outside the village?
➡️ Valli’s first excursion outside the village was a bus ride to the nearby town.

Q7. Attempt any two:

(i) What was unique in the inauguration ceremony in South Africa?
➡️ The ceremony was unique as it marked the end of apartheid and the beginning of democracy with Nelson Mandela as the first Black president.

(ii) Why does Anne Frank think to have a diary?
➡️ Anne Frank felt lonely and needed a true friend to share her thoughts, so she decided to maintain a diary.

(iii) Describe the beautiful sights that Rajvir saw as the train pulled out of the station.
➡️ Rajvir saw vast tea gardens with neatly pruned bushes and workers plucking tea leaves in the fields.

(iv) What was the basic idea of Buddha’s preaching?
➡️ Buddha preached that desire leads to suffering, and one can attain peace by overcoming worldly attachments.

Q8. Lencho was a very innocent person. Discuss it in the light of his second letter.

➡️ Lencho’s innocence is evident in his second letter to God, where he asks for the remaining money, believing the post office employees stole it. His unwavering faith in God and ignorance about human generosity make him appear naïve.

Describe the character-sketch of Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov.
➡️ Chubukov is a landowner in The Proposal by Anton Chekhov. He is greedy and eager to get his daughter married. He is hypocritical—first welcoming Lomov, then engaging in heated arguments. He is humorous yet practical.

Q9. Attempt following stanza:

(i) Why does the poet compare hate to ice?
➡️ The poet compares hate to ice because both are cold, cruel, and capable of destruction.

(ii) What does ‘it’ indicate here?
➡️ ‘It’ refers to the destruction of the world.

(iii) What is more dangerous than ice?
➡️ Hatred is more dangerous than ice as it can destroy relationships and humanity.

(iv) How is ice sufficient for destruction?
➡️ Ice represents cold-heartedness, which can emotionally and physically destroy life.

(v) What is the rhyme scheme of this stanza?
➡️ The rhyme scheme is ABAA.

Q9. (OR)

(i) Where is the tiger’s strength locked?
➡️ The tiger’s strength is locked behind the bars of the cage.

(ii) Why is the tiger stalking in the cage?
➡️ The tiger is restless and frustrated in captivity, so he keeps walking back and forth.

(iii) How does the caged tiger react to the visitors?
➡️ The caged tiger ignores the visitors as he is depressed and helpless.

(iv) Why is the tiger locked?
➡️ The tiger is locked in the cage for human entertainment and protection.

(v) What is the mood of the tiger?
➡️ The tiger is angry, sad, and frustrated due to his captivity.

Q10. Attempt any two:

(i) How does a leopard behave?
➡️ A leopard moves silently and attacks its prey swiftly, without warning.

(ii) Why does the poet compare the branches with the patients?
➡️ The poet compares the branches to patients because they seem weak and lifeless, just like sick people in a hospital.

(iii) What were the names of Belinda’s pets?
➡️ Belinda had a kitten named Ink, a mouse named Blink, a dog named Mustard, and a dragon named Custard.

(iv) What is the central idea of the poem, ‘For Anne Gregory’?
➡️ The poem conveys that external beauty is temporary, but inner beauty and kindness are more important.

Q11. Attempt any two:

(i) What did Anil do? How did he spend money?
➡️ Anil was a struggling writer who wrote articles and stories. He spent his money freely on food, books, and basic needs.

(ii) How did Ebright’s not winning anything at the Science Fair motivate him?
➡️ Losing at the fair motivated Ebright to work harder in research, eventually leading him to become a great scientist.

(iii) From whom did Matilda Loisel borrow the necklace and why?
➡️ Matilda borrowed a necklace from her friend Mme. Forestier to wear at the ball to look rich and elegant.

(iv) Why was Sulekha called Bholi? Why was she sent to school?
➡️ Sulekha was called Bholi because she was slow-minded and stammered. She was sent to school so she could learn and become independent.


The parting scene of Tricki from Mrs. Pumphrey’s house was full of excitement and panic. Discuss.
➡️ When Dr. Herriot took Tricki to the clinic, Mrs. Pumphrey panicked, thinking he was severely ill. She sent his favorite food, toys, and medicines in large quantities. Later, when Tricki recovered and returned home healthy, she was overjoyed and considered it a miracle.

What happened when the village constable Mr. Jaffers tried to arrest Griffin at Iping?
➡️ When Mr. Jaffers tried to arrest Griffin, the scientist removed his clothes and became invisible. The constable was shocked and helpless as Griffin attacked him and escaped.

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