
Deep Water 55 MCQs answers NCERT Class 12 English

Free PDF, Deep Water 55 MCQ questions and answers of NCERT class 12 English are critical in deciding whether you have understood the chapter, Deep Water, and its summary in detail. 55 MCQ questions from Deep Water will help you in your examination preparation. These MCQ questions about Deep Water are designed by an expert teacher who has been teaching class 12 English for the last 25 years.  20 Difficult Words’ Meaning.

Updated on January, 2024

Deep Water mcq and difficult words

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20 Difficult Words Used in Deep Water used in MCQs

20 Difficult Words Used in Deep Water

  • Treacherous:
  • Meanings: Dangerous, hazardous, deceitful.
  • Sentence: The author deemed the Yakima River “treacherous” due to its unpredictable currents.
  • Misadventure:
  • Meanings: Unfortunate incident, mishap, accident.
  • Sentence: The “misadventure” at the pool left the author frightened and unable to swim.
  • Paralyzed:
  • Meanings: Immobilized, unable to move, numb.
  • Sentence: After the failed attempt, the author’s legs were “paralyzed,” and he struggled to stay afloat.
  • Rigid:
  • Meanings: Stiff, inflexible, unyielding.
  • Sentence: His legs became “rigid” as panic set in, making it even more challenging to escape the water.
  • Conquer:
  • Meanings: Overcome, defeat, master.
  • Sentence: Through persistent efforts, the author eventually “conquered” his fear of water.
  • Enthusiastically:
  • Meanings: Eagerly, with excitement, passionately.
  • Sentence: The instructor worked “enthusiastically” to build the author’s swimming skills.
  • Affirmations:
  • Meanings: Positive statements, declarations, assertions.
  • Sentence: The author embraced “affirmations,” declaring he could overcome the terror of swimming.
  • Liberation:
  • Meanings: Freedom, release, emancipation.
  • Sentence: Successfully swimming in Wentworth Lake brought a sense of “liberation” to the author.
  • Demeanor:
  • Meanings: Behavior, conduct, manner.
  • Sentence: The author maintained a calm “demeanor” during the exam, despite the challenging questions.
  • Arduous:
  • Meanings: Difficult, strenuous, demanding.
  • Sentence: Overcoming his fear of water was an “arduous” task that required consistent effort.
  • Pivotal:
  • Meanings: Crucial, central, essential.
  • Sentence: The teacher played a “pivotal” role in guiding the author through the learning process.
  • Imprints:
  • Meanings: Marks, impressions, indelible signs.
  • Sentence: Childhood fears can leave lasting “imprints” on one’s psyche.
  • Resilience:
  • Meanings: Toughness, ability to recover, adaptability.
  • Sentence: The author’s “resilience” shone through as he faced setbacks but continued to strive.
  • Umbrella Term:
  • Meanings: General or inclusive term.
  • Sentence: “Fear” in the story serves as an “umbrella term” covering various emotional responses.
  • Holistic:
  • Meanings: Comprehensive, all-encompassing, integrated.
  • Sentence: The story presents a “holistic” view of overcoming childhood fears, including emotional and physical aspects.
  • Intricacies:
  • Meanings: Complex details, nuances, intricateness.
  • Sentence: The “intricacies” of the author’s journey unfold as he navigates the challenges of learning to swim.
  • Unwavering:
  • Meanings: Steady, firm, resolute.
  • Sentence: The teacher’s “unwavering” commitment to the author’s success motivated him to persevere.
  • Profound:
  • Meanings: Deep, significant, meaningful.
  • Sentence: The “profound” meaning of overcoming childhood fears is explored in the narrative.
  • Beacon:
  • Meanings: Guiding light, signal, indicator.
  • Sentence: The teacher’s guidance acted as a “beacon,” illuminating the path to academic success.
  • Culmination:
  • Meanings: Climax, conclusion, final result.
  • Sentence: The author’s successful swim in Wentworth Lake was the “culmination” of his efforts to conquer the fear of water.


Learn Speaking by Using Words from Deep Water

1. Encouragement and Support:

M.S. Yadav: Ravi, I’ve noticed a sense of treacherous fear when it comes to your Class 12 exams. It’s crucial to conquer this fear. Remember, misadventures happen, but they don’t define your journey.

Ravi: I feel paralyzed by the pressure, sir.

M.S. Yadav: It’s natural to feel that way, but resilience is key. Facing these arduous challenges will lead to liberation from fear. Let’s work on a plan together.

2. Positive Affirmations:

Ravi: I doubt my ability to perform well in exams.

M.S. Yadav: Ravi, it’s time for some affirmations. You have the ability to master your subjects. Believe in your potential, and enthusiastically embrace the learning process.

3. Overcoming Setbacks:

Ravi: The intricacies of the syllabus are overwhelming.

M.S. Yadav: Overcoming setbacks is part of the journey. Your unwavering commitment will help you navigate through the intricacies. Let’s break down the topics and tackle them one by one.

4. Guiding Through Challenges:

Ravi: I don’t know where to start; the whole syllabus feels like a culminating mountain.

M.S. Yadav: Think of it as a holistic climb. I’m here as your beacon, guiding you through each section. Remember, the teacher plays a pivotal role in your academic journey.

5. Embracing Profound Meaning:

Ravi: Why is it so difficult, sir?

M.S. Yadav: Conquering the fear of exams is profound—it’s about facing challenges, embracing freedom from fear, and leaving positive imprints on your academic journey. Your success will be the culmination of your hard work and resilience.

Deep Water MCQ Questions Class 12 English


Who is the writer of Deep Water?

(a) William Wordsworth

(b) William Douglas

(c) Anees Jung

(d) Alphonse Daudet

(b) William Douglas


When was William Douglas born?


(b) 1887

(c) 1890

(d) none of the above



Where is river Yakima?

(a) Canada

(b) the USA

(c) England

(d) Australia

(b) the USA


The Yakima River is…

(a) treacherous

(b) slow

(c) peaceful

(d) none of the above

(a) treacherous


The word dangerous is referred to in the book

(a) continually

(b) drowning

(c) treacherous

(d) gradual

(c) treacherous


Where is Y.M.CA.?

(a) California

(b) New York

(c) London

(d) Yakima

(d) Yakima

Q.7. What did William Douglas’s mother warn him about Yakima?

(a) dangerous

(b) smooth

(c) swim

(d) dirty

(a) dangerous


How is Y.M.C.A. for swimming?

(a) safe

(b) unsafe

(c) hot

(d) cold

(a) safe


What is the depth of the YMCA pool at the shallow end?

(a) four feet

(b) three feet

(c) five feet

(d) six feet

(b) three feet


Why did the author not walk naked into the pool?

(a) hair on legs

(b) skinny legs

(c) bend legs

(d) big legs

(b) skinny legs


When was the author’s fear of water started?

(a) age of four

(b) age of six

(c) age of seven

(d) none of the above

(a) age of four


What happened to the author on the beach of California?

(a) The waves swept him

(b) not swept

(c) swimming

(d) Unable to swim

(a) The waves swept him


What was the author’s father’s reaction to his drowning on the beach?

(a) sad

(b) weeping

(c) laughing

(d) none of the above

(c) laughing


The author had fear not when he went to the YMCA pool?

(a) stirred childish fear

(b) no fear

(c) happy

(d) swimming easily

(a) stirred childish fear


What did the author do in the YMCA pool?

(a) started copying others to learn to swim

(b) couldn’t swim

(c) Both a and b

(d) none of the above

(a) started copying others to learn to swim


What happened in the beginning at YMCA?

(a) was comfortable

(b) feared

(c) couldn’t swim

(d) none of the above

(a) was comfortable


How was the bottom of the pool looking?

(a) neat

(b) white and clean

(c) salty water

(d) both a and b

(d) both a and b


What did the healthy do with the author?

(a) shaken hand

(b) laughed at

(c) thrown in water

(d) swam together

(c) thrown in water


What happened to the narrator?

(a) got frightened

(b) swallowed water

(c) started swimming

(d) both a and b

(d) both a and b


What did the author do before he hit the bottom?

(a) fight with boy

(b) planned to come out

(c) started swimming

(d) started swimming with wings

(b) planned to come out


What is the depth of the YMCA pool?

(a) 8 feet

(b) 7 feet

(c) 9 feet

(d) 10 feet

(c) 9 feet


What seized the author?

(a) fear

(b) sheer

(c) terror

(d) all the above

(d) all the above


What happened to the author underwater?

(a) swallowed water

(b) paralyzed

(c) both a and b

(d) none

(c) both a and b


What happened to the author, after all, trying to come out of the water?

(a) legs felt limb

(b) blackness

(c) fear wiped out

(d) all the above

(d) all the above


How was he feeling in the last?

(a) quiet

(b) peace

(c) drowsy

(d) all

(d) all


Who said these words,” mother’s…now I must go to sleep…”

(a0 Wordsworth

(b) William Douglas

(c) Kalki

(d) all

(b) William Douglas


Douglas practiced in the pool

(a) nine times a week

(b) five days a week

(b) six days a week

(c) twice a week

(d) thrice a week

(d) thrice a week


At the end of the experience, Douglas felt

(a) happy

(b) sad

(c) relaxed

(c) sad

(d) victorious

(c) relaxed


Douglas called the boy as

(a) weak

(b) strong

(c) mental

(d) brouser

(d) brouser

Q.30. What is the meaning of brouser?

(a) weak

(b) strong

(c) mental

(d) none


(b) strong


What wrong happened at YMCA?

(a) Douglas had many friends with him

(b) He was with his mother

(c) with his father

(d) alone

(d) alone


William Douglas was a friend of the President…?

(a) President Kennedy

(b) President Roosevelt

(c) President Clinton

(d) President Bidden

(b) President Roosevelt


How did the author decide that he was free from fear?

(a) After swimming into the lake Wentworth

(b) After swimming into Yakima

(c) After taking a lesson from the trainer

(d) By swimming alone in YMCA

(c) After taking a lesson from the trainer


What compelled him to hire an instructor?

(a) want an expert in swimming

(b) want to overcome his fear

(c) he couldn’t learn alone

(d) both b and c

(d) both b and c


William Douglas always walked in full trousers?

(a) His legs were heavy

(b) due to long hair

(c) skinny legs

(d) none

(c) skinny legs


Who said these words, “there is terror only in the fear of death”?

(a) William Douglas

(b) Charley

(c) Bama

(d) Zatikala-Sa

(a) William Douglas


Who said these words, ” All we have to fear is fear itself”?

(a) President Kennedy

(b) President Roosevelt

(c) President Clinton

(d) President Bidden

(b) President Roosevelt


Who said these words, “I had both sensations of death and terror”?

(a) William Douglas

(b) Charley

(c) Bama

(d) Zatikala-Sa

(a) William Douglas


Full form of YMCA

(a) Young Master Charted Accountant

(b)Young Men’s Christian Association

(c) Youth Men’s Christian Association

(d) Yale Master College Association

(c) Youth Men’s Christian Association

Q.40. Who said these words, ” Well, Mr. Terror, what do you think you can do to me”?

(a) William Douglas

(b) Charley

(c) Bama

(d) Zatikala-Sa

(a) William Douglas


Who do these words indicate, ” Well, Mr. Terror, what do you think you can do to me”?

(a) author confidence in swimming

(b) won the fear of water

(c) became a good swimmer

(d) all

(d) all


What is the main idea of Deep Water?

(a) Childhood fear

(b) fear can be controlled by training

(c) systematic training is not required

(d) both a and b

(d) both a and b


The author went to Lake Wentworth and swam?

(a) 2 miles

(b) 4 miles

(c) 3 miles

(d) none

(a) 2 miles


What is the theme of Deep Water?

(a) fear

(b) adventure

(c) discrimination

(d) none

(a) fear


When did the author decide to learn to swim?

(a) At the age of 12

(b) At the age of 10

(c)  At the age of 14

(d) none


(b) At the age of 10


Where did the author get the opportunity to learn to swim?

(a) at YMCA

(b)Yakima river

(c)  Yamuna river

(d) none

(a) at YMCA


What is the meaning of aversion?

(a)  repulsion

(b) like

(c) skinny legs

(d) none

(a) repulsion


What is the meaning of subdued?

(a)  repulsion

(b) like

(c) skinny legs

(d)  defeat

(d)  defeat


What is the meaning of ache?

(a)  repulsion

(b) pain

(c) skinny legs

(d)  defeat

(b) pain


What is the meaning of thrash?

(a)  repulsion

(b) pain

(c) beat

(d)  defeat

(c) beat


Who said these words? “sheer, stark terror seized me”

(a) the author

(b)William Douglas

(c) Bama

(d) both a and b

(d) both a and b


What is the meaning of “sheer, stark terror seized me”?

(a) fear returned

(b) started swimming

(c) fear of water

(d) both a and c

(d) both a and c


What is the meaning of ” I crossed to oblivion and the curtain of life fell”?

(a) fear returned

(b) started swimming

(c) almost dead

(d) both a and b

(c) almost dead


Who thought this way, ” I crossed to oblivion and the curtain of life fell”?

(a) The author

(b) trainer

(c) his father

(d) both a and b

(a) The author


What is the meaning of wobbly?

(a) fear returned

(b) started swimming

(c) almost dead

(d) both a and b

(a) fear returned

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