
HBSE Class 9 English Annual Question Paper 2024 Solution

HBSE Class 9 English Annual Question Paper 2024 Solution

HBSE Class 9 English Annual Question Paper 2024 Solution

The HBSE Class 9 English question paper for 2024 presents a comprehensive evaluation of students’ understanding and proficiency in the English language. It comprises a variety of questions that assess different language skills, including comprehension, grammar, writing, and literature analysis. In this solution guide, we will provide detailed answers to all 12 questions from the question paper, addressing each question with precision and clarity. By following this solution guide, students can enhance their comprehension, writing, and analytical skills, thereby preparing themselves effectively for future assessments.HBSE Class 9 English Annual Question Paper 2024 Solution

HBSE Class 9 English Annual Question Paper 2024 Solution


(Unseen Comprehension

  1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow

Reading books is better than watching television or mobile because it provides an active learning, an opportunity to think and imagine for learners while the latter is a passive one. Consequently, book readers can control the speed and the control of learning interval: they can stop to think freely if they want and continue their reading at any time

In contrast television and mobile views can not control the rhythm of the process; they have to follow the program passively, lacking much free time of  thinking. Watching too much of television can prevent, to some extent, the mental growth of children; many parents refuse to install cable TV in their houses because they are worried that their kid would become more passive and more stupid after watching too many programs

In a word, active learning is cherished by the modern education and reading books can achieve this goal while watching television and mobiles cann’t. The knowledge in books greatly exceeds that in TV cassettes. Accordingly if we want to learn more knowledge with broad scopes and diversified contents, we have to turn to read books rather than watch television programs and mobiles

However in the learning of the skills, watching television and videos is more important than reading books because of its dynamic nature. What you see and visualize has far more reaching and impacts our memorization. Moreover it is attractive and interesting. So it becomes very necessary to maintain a healthy balance between the two in order to get more fruitful 



(i) What can the book readers conrol


(b) learning interval 

(c) stop or continue reading 

(d) all of the above 

(ii) Imagination and thinking processes are involved in

(a) watching TV and mobiles 

(b) reading books 

(cplaying games 

(d) writing homework 

(iii) The regular habit of watching TV and mobiles in children 

(amakes them lazy 

(b) reading books 

(c) playing games

(d) makes them addict 

(iv) For knowledge with broad scopes and diversified contents turn to 

the ….

a) books 

(b) television and mobiles

(c) videos 

(d) newspapers 

(v) Electronic media is an effective tool for …….

(a) school children 

(b) housewives 

(c) working ladies 

(d) learning of skills 

(vi) Which is more attractive and interesting for the students

(vii) Where can you not control the rhythm of the reading process

(viii) Which of the two has a more dynamic nature according to the passage

(ix) Which word in the passage means passive

(xWhy do some parents not install cable TV’s in their houses


(i) What can the book readers control?

  • (d) all of the above

(ii) Imagination and thinking processes are involved in:

  • (b) reading books

(iii) The regular habit of watching TV and mobiles in children

  • (a) makes them lazy

(iv) For knowledge with broad scopes and diversified contents turn to the ….

  • (a) books

(v) Electronic media is an effective tool for …….

  • (d) learning of skills

(vi) Which is more attractive and interesting for the students?

  • Not provided in the passage.

(vii) Where can you not control the rhythm of the reading process?

  • Television and mobiles.

(viii) Which of the two has a more dynamic nature according to the passage?

  • Television and mobiles.

(ix) Which word in the passage means – ‘passive’?

  • Passive.

(x) Why do some parents not install cable TV’s in their houses?

  • To prevent their children from becoming more passive and more stupid after watching too many programs.
  1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow

Most of the main landers living in South Andamans have come from all across India, especially Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. Port Blair, the capital of the Andamans and the Nicobar Islands in South Andaman has a truly cosmopolitan texture with people of all religions, castes and cultures living in peaceful coexistence. And for the reason, the Andamans and Nicobar Islands are also called Mini IndiaThe Island has a lot to offer to an ovid tourist. Out of the total area, nearly 50% Comprises Tribal reserves, National Park and Wildlife sanctuaries

Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park exhibits a variety of corals, coloured fish, sea turtles and other sea animals. Sightseeing tours, scuba drivingsnorkelling, trekking, island camping and relaxing are some of the other activities one can indulge in.

 Situated in the Bay of Bengal, about 800 Km off the East coast of Indiathey stretch across more than 700 km from North to South with 36 inhabited islands. The archipelago is believed to have been a part of a mountain range . that extended from Burma (now Myanmar) to Indonesia. It still retains its original geography of hilly terrain with dense tropical forests

The islands support nearly two thousand species of plants and more than two fifty species of birds. They had been covered in mystery for centuries before they were first colonized by the British in 1789. Being cut off from the rest of the world, the social and the cultural development of its inhabitants was also in complete isolation and the entire population consisted of aborigines


(i) From where have the main landers descended from? 

(a) Tamil Nadu 

(b) Bihar 

(cWest Bengal 

d) Tamil Nadu and West Bengal 

ii)Which is the capital city of the Andamans and Nicobar Islands

(a) Bhopal 

b)Port Blair 

(cGandhi Nagar 

(d) Chandigarh 

(iiiWhat is the location of Andaman Islands

(a100 km off the East Coast 

(b) 800 Km off the East Coast 

(c800 Km off the West Coast 

(d700 Km off the East Coast 

(ivFor what is the National Park famous

(a) Corals and coloured fish 

(bSea turtles 

(cSea animals 

d) All of the above 

(v) They were first colonized by …….

(a) The French 

(b) The Portuguese 

c)The British 

(d) None of the above 

(vi) How many inhabited islands are there in the Andamans

(vii) There are more than 350 species of Birds. (State True or False

(viii) What are the main activities for the tourists on this island

(ix) From where to where have the mountain ranges been extended

(x) What is the capital city of the Andamans and Nicobar Island?


(i) From where have the main landers descended from?

  • (d) Tamil Nadu and West Bengal

(ii) Which is the capital city of the Andamans and Nicobar Islands?

  • (b) Port Blair

(iii) What is the location of Andaman Islands?

  • (b) 800 Km off the East Coast

(iv) For what is the National Park famous?

  • (d) All of the above

(v) They were first colonized by …….

  • (c) The British

(vi) How many inhabited islands are there in the Andamans?

  • Not provided in the passage.

(vii) There are more than 350 species of Birds. (State True or False)

  • False

(viii) What are the main activities for the tourists on this island?

  • Sightseeing tours, scuba diving, snorkeling, trekking, island camping, and relaxing.

(ix) From where to where have the mountain ranges been extended?

  • From Burma (now Myanmar) to Indonesia.

(x) What is the capital city of the Andamans and Nicobar Island?

  • Port Blair



  1. Fill in the blanks with correct option (Any ten)

(iThe match ……in a draw. (Tense) 

(a) end 

b) ended 

(c) ending 

(d) ends 

(ii) Sohan had not done his work. (Voice

(a) His had not been done work by Sohan

(bWork had not been done his by Sohan

c) His work had not been done by Sohan

(dNone of these 

(iii) He said to me, I have gone to Delhi many times. (Change the narration

(a) He asked me that I had gone to Delhi many times

bHe told me that he had gone to Delhi many times

(cHe ordered me that I had gone to Delhi many times

(d) None of these 

(iv) A servant ….obey his master. (Modal) 

(a) need 

(b) will 


d) must

(v) ….. rich should help the poor. (Article) 

a) The 

(b) An


(vi) I prefer tea ….coffee. (Preposition


(b) at 


(d) None of these 


(vii) Rakesh is ill 

he has not come. (Conjunction







(d) of 

(viii) How…… students are there in your school? (Determiners) 

(a) many 

(b) some 

(c) much 

(da few 



(ix) There ….ten teachers in my school. (Subject-Verb agreement) 

(a) was 

b) were


d) am

(x) netaji s c bose was a source of inspiration for azad hind fauj 

(a) Netaji s c bose was a source of inspiration for Azad Hind Fauj

(b) Netaji S C Bose was a source of inspiration for Azad Hind Fauj

(c) Netaji SC bose was a source of inspiration for Azad hind fauj

(d) None of these




(c) has 



netaji s c bose was a source of inspiration for azad hind fauj (Punctuation) 



(xi) Anil ……speak five languages. (Modal

(a) will 

(b) dare 

(c) may 

d) can 


(xii) The book is ….………. the table. (Preposition

(a) of 

(b) in 

(c) at 

d) on 


(i) The match ended in a draw. (Tense)

  • (b) ended

(ii) Sohan had not done his work. (Voice)

  • (c) His work had not been done by Sohan.

(iii) He said to me, “I have gone to Delhi many times”. (Change the narration)

  • (b) He told me that he had gone to Delhi many times.

(iv) A servant must obey his master. (Modal)

  • (d) must

(v) The rich should help the poor. (Article)

  • (a) The

(vi) I prefer tea to coffee. (Preposition)

  • (c) of

(vii) Rakesh is ill and he has not come. (Conjunction)

  • (a) and

(viii) How many students are there in your school? (Determiners)

  • (a) many

(ix) There were ten teachers in my school. (Subject-Verb agreement)

  • (b) were

(x) Netaji S.C. Bose was a source of inspiration for Azad Hind Fauj. (Punctuation)

  • (b) Netaji S C Bose was a source of inspiration for Azad Hind Fauj.

(xi) Anil can speak five languages. (Modal)

  • (d) can

(xii) The book is on the table. (Preposition)

  • (d) on


(Writing Skills

  1. Attempt any one of the following

(i) Write an application to the Principal of your school for maintaining cleanliness in the school campus and proper hygiene in the drinking water tank and washrooms. 

[Your Name]
[Your Class and Section]

The Principal
[School Name]
[School Address]

Subject: Request for Maintaining Cleanliness in School Premises

Respected Principal,

I am writing to bring to your attention the issue of cleanliness in our school campus. As responsible students, we understand the importance of cleanliness and hygiene for our health and well-being. However, we have observed some areas in the school premises that require immediate attention.

Firstly, the drinking water tank seems to be neglected, and the water quality is deteriorating. We kindly request regular cleaning and maintenance of the water tank to ensure safe and clean drinking water for all students and staff members.

Secondly, the washrooms are often found to be unclean and lacking proper hygiene. This not only affects our comfort but also poses health risks. We urge for regular cleaning and sanitation of the washrooms to maintain a hygienic environment.

Furthermore, general cleanliness in the school compound, including classrooms, corridors, and playgrounds, needs to be upheld. We believe that a clean environment fosters a positive learning atmosphere and promotes good health practices among students.

We request your immediate attention and action in addressing these cleanliness concerns. Your support and cooperation in this matter are highly appreciated.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]

(ii) Write a letter to your friend thanking him for a wonderful tour to the hill station of Mussoorie in the summer vacations when you stayed in his home for five days. 

(ii) Letter to a Friend Thanking for a Wonderful Tour

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, PIN Code]

Dear [Friend’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I wanted to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude for the unforgettable trip to Mussoorie during the summer vacations.

Staying at your home for five days was truly a delightful experience. Your hospitality and warmth made me feel like a part of your family. From exploring the scenic beauty of Mussoorie to indulging in delicious local cuisine, every moment spent with you was filled with joy and laughter.

The breathtaking views from Lal Tibba and Gun Hill, the serene atmosphere of Kempty Falls, and the adventurous trekking trails left me mesmerized. I cannot thank you enough for being such an amazing host and showing me around your hometown with so much enthusiasm.

I cherish the memories we created together and will always remember this trip as one of the highlights of my life. Thank you once again for your kindness and for making my summer vacation truly special.

Looking forward to more adventures together in the future!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

  1. Attempt any one of the following

(iAs a secretary of NSS unit, write a notice for organizing a NSS camp in your school

(i) Notice for Organizing NSS Camp

[School Name]
[School Address]


Attention: All Students

Subject: Organization of NSS Camp

This is to inform all students that the National Service Scheme (NSS) unit of our school is organizing a NSS camp from [Date] to [Date] in the school premises. The camp aims to promote social service and community engagement among students.

Activities planned include cleanliness drives, tree plantation, and awareness campaigns on health and hygiene. Interested students are requested to register their names with the undersigned.

For further details, contact [NSS Coordinator’s Name] at [Contact Number].

[Your Name]
NSS Secretary
[School Name]

(ii) Write a report on the Quiz held in your school on the topic of road safety. 

(ii) Report on Quiz on Road Safety

Date: [Date]

A quiz on road safety was organized in our school auditorium on [Date]. The event aimed to raise awareness among students about the importance of road safety measures. Students from various classes participated enthusiastically. The quiz comprised questions related to traffic rules, road signs, and safety precautions.

The quiz was conducted in an interactive format, engaging participants in discussions about road safety practices. The winners were awarded certificates and prizes to encourage their active participation.

Overall, the quiz was a success in imparting valuable knowledge about road safety to the students and promoting safer practices on the roads.

[Your Name]
[Your Position/Class]
[School Name]


[A: Prose Text (Beehive)

  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow : 5

Margie always hated school, but now she hated it more than ever. The 

mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in Geography and she 

had been doing worse and worse until her mother had shaken her head 

sorrowfully and sent for the county inspector

He was a round little man with a red face and a whole box of tools with 

dials and wires. He smiled at Margie and gave her an apple, then took the 

teacher apart


(i) What is the name of the chapter from where this extract has been taken

(ii) What did Margie hate more than ever

(iii) What had the mechanical teacher done

(iv) Why had the mother shaken her head

(vWho did take the teacher apart


(i) The name of the chapter from where this extract has been taken is “The Fun They Had.”

(ii) Margie hated school more than ever.

(iii) The mechanical teacher had been giving Margie test after test in Geography.

(iv) The mother had shaken her head sorrowfully because Margie had been doing worse and worse on her tests.

(v) The teacher was taken apart by the county inspector.


I look at the flute seller standing in a corner of the square near the hotel. In 

his hand is a pole with an attachment at the top from which fifty or sixty 

bansuris protrude in all directions, like the quills of a porcupine. They are of 

bamboo there are cross flutes and recorders. From time to time he stands the 

pole on the ground, selects a flute and plays for a few minutes. The sound 

rises clearly above the noise of the traffic and the hawkerscries. He plays 

slowly, meditatively, without excessive display


(i) Where was the flute seller standing? 

(ii) What was he holding in his hand? 

(iii) How many bansuris were there on the top? 

(iv) What were the bansuris made of? 

(v) How does he play the flute ? 


(i) The flute seller was standing in a corner of the square near the hotel.

(ii) He was holding a pole in his hand.

(iii) There were fifty or sixty bansuris on the top of the pole.

(iv) The bansuris were made of bamboo.

(v) He plays the flute slowly and meditatively without excessive display.

  1. Answer any two questions given below: 2×3=

(i) How does Evelyn hear music ? (The Sound of Music

(ii) What two important decisions did the doctor take? (The Snake and the Mirror

(iii) What shows Santosh’s concerns for the environment? (Reach for the Top) 

(iv) How did Maria Sharapova become number one tennis player in the 

World ? (Reach for the Top

(i) Evelyn hears music through the vibrations she feels, as she is deaf but sensitive to vibrations, allowing her to experience the joy of music in “The Sound of Music”.

(ii) In “The Snake and the Mirror,” the doctor decides not to treat the narrator as he couldn’t afford it and decides to take up a cheaper profession to avoid similar situations in the future.

(iii) Santosh’s concerns for the environment are depicted in “Reach for the Top” through his efforts to save trees from being cut down and his dedication to planting new ones.

(iv) Maria Sharapova became the number one tennis player in the world due to her exceptional skills, relentless determination, and countless hours of practice, making her a formidable force on the tennis court.

  1. How is Albert Einstein known as a scientific genius and a world citizen? (A Truly Beautiful Mind

Albert Einstein is celebrated as a scientific genius for his groundbreaking contributions to theoretical physics, particularly his theory of relativity and the famous equation E=mc². Beyond his scientific achievements, Einstein advocated for peace, human rights, and global cooperation, earning him the title of a world citizen. He used his platform to speak out against injustice and promote international understanding, leaving a legacy that extends beyond the realm of science.


What does Abdul Kalam say about his three childhood friends? (My Childhood

In “My Childhood,” Abdul Kalam fondly recalls his three childhood friends from Rameswaram: Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindan, and Sivaprakasan. He describes them as sincere, dedicated, and compassionate individuals who influenced his life positively. They shared a strong bond of friendship, supporting and inspiring each other through various challenges and adventures. Kalam remembers them with great affection and gratitude, highlighting the significance of friendship in shaping his formative years.

[B: Poetry (Beehive)

  1. Read the following stanza carefully and answer the questions that follow

And both that morning equally lay 

In leaves no step had trodden black

Oh! I kept the first for another day

Yet knowing how way leads on to way

I doubted if I should ever come back


(aWhat were the two roads covered with? leaves 

(bWhy do the steps turn black

(cFor what did the poet keep the first road

(d) What was the poet knowing

(e) What did the poet doubt

(a) The two roads were covered with leaves.

(b) The steps turn black due to the accumulation of dirt or mud on them, possibly from being walked on repeatedly.

(c) The poet kept the first road for another day.

(d) The poet was aware of how one path leads to another, suggesting the interconnectedness of choices and experiences.

(e) The poet doubted if they would ever come back, reflecting uncertainty about revisiting the same path or moment in the future


Remember, no men are strange

no countries foreign 

Beneath all uniforms

a single body breathes 

Like ours: the land

our brothers walk upon 

Is earth like this,

in which we all shall lie


(aWhat should we remember

(bWhat are all men to us

(cWhere do our brothers walk upon

(d) Where shall we all lie in the end

(e) What is the name of the poem

(a) We should remember that no men are strange and no countries are foreign.

(b) All men are like us, sharing a common humanity.

(c) Our brothers walk upon the same land that we do.

(d) In the end, we shall all lie in the earth.

(e) The name of the poem is “No Men are Foreign.”

  1. Answer any two of the following

(a) What things did the wind God affect in the poem ? (Wind

(b) What kind of a place is Innisfree ? (The Lake Isle of Innisfree

(c) What did Saint Peter ask the old lady for? (A Legend of the Northland

(d) What did the Duck say to the kangaroo ?(The Duck and the Kangaroo)  2×3=6 

(a) The wind god affected the sea, the trees, the clouds, and the fields in the poem “Wind.”

(b) Innisfree is a serene, idyllic island where the poet desires to live in solitude close to nature, as described in “The Lake Isle of Innisfree.”

(c) Saint Peter asked the old lady for a piece of her bread, according to “A Legend of the Northland.”

(d) The Duck asked the Kangaroo if she could carry him in her pouch because he was tired of waddling.

[C: Supplementary Reader (Moments)] 

  1. Attempt any two of the following: 2× 3 =

(a) Why was Toto sold back to the owner? (The Adventures of Toto

(b) How did Iswaran tell the story of a fallen tree? (Iswaran the Story teller

(c) How did the guru and the disciple become the king and the minister? (In the Kingdom of Fools

(d) Why did the swallow decide to stay with the prince? (The Happy Prince

(a) Toto was sold back to the owner because he caused a lot of trouble in the house, breaking dishes and upsetting the cook, leading the father to decide to sell him, as depicted in “The Adventures of Toto.”

(b) Iswaran narrated the story of a fallen tree in a dramatic and animated manner, using vivid descriptions and sound effects to engage his audience, as described in “Iswaran the Storyteller.”

(c) The guru and the disciple became the king and the minister respectively through their cleverness in answering the riddles posed by the king, showcasing their intelligence and wisdom in “In the Kingdom of Fools.”

(d) The swallow decided to stay with the prince because he saw the prince’s kind heart and selflessness, realizing that helping the needy was more important than his migration, as illustrated in “The Happy Prince.”

  1. Where was the child lost and how? (The Lost Child)

The child was lost in a fair amidst a bustling crowd. Entranced by the myriad attractions, he wandered away from his parents, who were busy purchasing toys for him. As he explored the fair, his attention was drawn to various stalls, colorful decorations, and merry-go-rounds. In the midst of his excitement, he lost track of his parents’ whereabouts. Despite his frantic search and calling out for them, he couldn’t find them amidst the throngs of people. The child’s innocent curiosity led him astray, leaving him alone and bewildered in the midst of the crowded fairground, separated from his family.


Which type of a person was the beggar ? (The Beggar

The beggar in “The Beggar” was portrayed as a mysterious and enigmatic figure. He possessed an aura of wisdom and insight that intrigued those around him. Despite his outward appearance of poverty and destitution, he exhibited a profound understanding of human nature and the complexities of life. His beguiling words and captivating stories captured the attention of the narrator, who found himself drawn to the beggar’s presence. Through his interactions with the narrator, the beggar imparted valuable lessons about the true nature of happiness and the importance of embracing life’s challenges with resilience and optimism. Ultimately, he left a lasting impression on the narrator, transforming his perspective on life.

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