
HBSE Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 12 English(Core): Sample Paper Design

BSEH Half-Yearly Exam: Sample Question Papers 12th English

Readlearnexcel solution of Haryana Board Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 12 English(Core) sample paper design, Time-90 Minutes,  Marks-40, will let you practice for the upcoming HBSE Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 12 English(Core) on September 9 and help you secure good marks in the half-yearly exams. In this series of articles, I will cover the whole syllabus up to Sept. 2022 to prepare the question paper and some sets of sample papers to help the students secure the best marks in the examination for class 12 English. Moreover, it will help the students improve their way of attempting the final exams in class 12 English. Understand the sample paper for class 12 English and this design is applicable for all subjects like Maths., Chemistry, Physics, and Commerce. Please check the details of Sr. Sec. Half-yearly Question Paper and you will get the same types of questions and patterns in the upcoming half-yearly exams of Haryana Board.

HBSE Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 12 English(Core): Sample Paper Design



Time-90 Minutes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Marks-40

Instructions: (1) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Question number 1 to 15 carry 1 mark each. Question numbers 16 to 18 carry 2 marks each. Question numbers 19 to 21 carry 3 marks each and question numbers 23 to 23 carry 5 marks each.

Q. (1-10). Mark on the correct answer.

Questions: Choose the correct option:

Q.1. Attempt any ten of the following MCQs(Multiple Question Paper). 10*1=10

(1) Who is the writer of the story “The Rattrap”?

(A) Ruskin Bond

(B) Selma Lagerlof

(C) R.K. Narayan

(D) None of the above

Ans. (B) Selma Lagerlof

(2) When Douglas was ten or eleven years old, what did he decide to learn?

(A) to swim

(B) to dance

(C) to play football

(D) None of the above

Ans. (A) to swim

(3) Where does Saheb live?

(A) Seemapuri

(B) Hauz khas

(C) Chandini Chowk

(D) None of the above

Ans. (A) Seemapuri

(4) Where does Mukesh’s family work?

(A) In a school

(B) On a farm

(C) In a bangle factory

(D) None of the above

Ans. (C) In a bangle factory

(5) Who was Mr. Hamel?

(A) A French Teacher

(B) A leader

(C) A blacksmith

(D) None of the above

Ans. (A) A French Teacher 

(6) Who is the central character of the story ‘The Third Level’?

(A) Marley

(B) Charley

(C) Sam

(D) None of the above

Ans. (B) Charley

HBSE Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 12 English(Core): Sample Paper Design

(7) Who is Jo in the story ‘Should Wizard Hit Mommy?

(A) Jack’s friend

(B) Jack’s daughter

(C) Jack’s neighbour

(D) None of the above

Ans. (B) Jack’s daughter

(8) Who is the writer of Tiger King?

(A) Kalki

(B) R.K. Narayan

(C) William Douglas

(D) None of the above

Ans. (A) Kalki

(9) What are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers doing?

(A) They are not prancing across a screen

(B) They are prancing across a screen

(C) They are  prancing across a river

(D) None of the above

Ans. (B) They are prancing across a screen

(10) What does the poet say about the Sun and the Moon?

(A) The sun and moon are heavenly bodies.

(B) The sun and moon are not beautiful things of nature.

(C) The sun and moon are  beautiful things of nature.

(D) None of the above

Ans. (A) The sun and moon are heavenly bodies.

HBSE Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 12 English(Core): Sample Paper Design

Q.(11-15) Fill in the blanks.

Q.11  Who is the author of The Last Lesson?

Ans. Alphonse Daudet

Q.12 Who is the poet of ‘A Thing of Beauty’?

Ans. John Keats

Q.13 Who is Charley?

Ans. Narrator

Q.14 Write the meaning of ‘prancing’?

Ans. Jumping

Q.15 Rose……(smell) sweet.

Ans. Smells

ReadLearnExcel English Grammar:

HBSE Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 12 English(Core): Sample Paper Design

Q. (16-18) Write answers in 20-30 words. (VSA).

Q. (16) Why was Saheb not happy working at the tea- stall? Explain

Answer. Saheb was fond of tennis, and he used to go to the club to watch the playing boys. After some time, Saheb starts working at a tea stall where he was earning 800 rupees, but he was not happy as he was no longer his own master.

Q. (17) What does “The Third Level” refer to in the story ?

Ans. Jack Finney is the author of The Third Level. The author addresses the human nature of running away from a problem and seeking solace in an imaginary world in The Third Level. The author or narrator of The Third Level creates a character named Charley who wishes to escape the problems in his life and travel to an imaginary world known as the third level. There are generally two levels: the ground level and the basement. The third level refers to a means of escape from the modern world’s problems. We call it escapism.
Q. (18) Who is the Tiger King? Why does he get that name? (SAT, JULY 2019, PRE-BOARD 2020)

The Tiger King was the king of Pratibandapuram. His real name was Jang Jang Bahadur. He got this name because he had killed so many innocent tigers in different states. The author gave this name to the king to prove the feudal attitude of kings towards wild animals. The astrologer declared that one day they would die. The small child asked the chief astrologer to disclose the way the death would come. The astrologer was surprised to hear this and replied that the death would come from a tiger. The young prince growled and warned, “Let tigers be aware!” Therefore, he decided to kill a hundred tigers and got the name “The Tiger King.”

HBSE Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 12 English(Core): Sample Paper Design

Q.(19-21) Write answer in 30-40 words.

Q. (19) Who is Dr. Sadao Hoki? Where did he live?

Ans. Dr. Sadao was an eminent surgeon and a scientist. Sadao’s house was located on the Japanese coast. He lived there with his wife, Hana, and two children, as well as his servant. He did not want to treat him, but his medical profession required him to do so. As a doctor, it was his responsibility to save lives first, regardless of the person’s identity. The general summoned Sadao and ordered him to murder the American soldier. It did not occur. Sadao assisted the soldier in fleeing in a boat. As a result, we think the doctor’s final solution to the problem was the best possible one in the circumstances.

Q. (20) Why was Saheb not happy working at the tea- stall? Explain.

Answer.  “Garbage to them is gold”. They make both ends meet by collecting garbage. Children had a different angel for collecting garbage. “I sometimes find a rupee, even a ten-rupee note.” After some time, Saheb starts working at a tea stall where he was earning 800 rupees, but he was not happy as he was no longer his own master. The tin was very heavy, and he was not the master of his will and was compelled to work at fixed hours.

Q. (21) What is the theme of the poem ” An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum” ?

Ans. Stephen Spender, a poet, discusses the injustice and inequality in our educational system. In the school system, social justice reigns supreme. Students in slum schools face discrimination in a variety of ways. The infrastructure of slum schools is deteriorating.

The poet describes the differences in schools, and students in slum schools are extremely poor and physically weak. Their eyes are like rats’ eyes, which indicates that they are physically very weak. The girls’ bodies are frail, and their necks are unable to support the weight of their heads. The rooms are dark and lack natural light. Their gaze is constantly drawn to dreams that cannot be realised under these conditions. Rich people live and move in a comfortable city. They simply donate something to such schools and are unconcerned about the future of students in slum schools.

As a result, the future of students in such schools is as bleak and dim as the light in their classrooms. They also have the right to move freely in open spaces to enjoy the sun and nature. The sun is a symbol of progress, and these students deserve to have the sun in their lives as well.

HBSE Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 12 English(Core): Sample Paper Design

Q. (22-23) Answer in 50-60 words.

(22) Recently your school celebrated Independence Day in your school. Write a report on Independence Day. As the editor of the school magazine, prepare a report of the function.


Image result for 75th independence day

Report on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav/Independence Day2022

By Neha, Class 12


August 15, 2022

Being a student of class 12, I am writing a report on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav/Independence Day2022, which was celebrated in G.S.S.S., Bahadurgarh, and Jhajjar. Independence Day function. The school entrance was filled with national flags. Children at a primary school were holding national flags in their hands. The 75th Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in India, with the theme “Nation First, Always First,” was celebrated with different programs. The Rangoli was created in tricolour by class 12 students. The Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav started at 9 A.M. with the flag hoisting by a girl who was highly qualified with excellent academic records. The National Anthem was sung at the time of the flag hoisting.

The Principal, Sh Suresh Kumar, gave a speech on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav/Independence Day2022. He asked the students to celebrate Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in their neighbourhood.

Then, the cultural programmes started with Saraswati Vandna by class 11 girls. After that, there was a speech on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in English by Payal, a student of class 12 (Commerce). Then, there was Ragni a teacher on patriotism, which explained the freedom movement of India. After that, the poster-making programmes on Independence Day started.

After cultural and other competitions, the prize distribution programmes started. The chief guest distributed the prizes for the different activities. In the end, sweets were distributed to all, which were organised by our Physical Education Teacher. Thus, the programme ended with flag hoisting by all the students and a song on national integration. The school commemorated the freedom fighters by raising the national flag on the whole campus. Finally, the Principal declared a holiday on August 16.

Q.23.  As Student Editor, draft notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board inviting articles from the students for your school magazine. You are Mohit/Rupini of Vasant Vihar School, Pune. ( 2012) Answer:


Notice Vasant Vihar School Pune  Articles are invited for School Magazine 5th August 2012 The school is going to print a school magazine. Students are hereby informed to submit their articles for the school magazine ‘Vasant Annual Magazine’ latest by the 10th of July, 2012. Articles should be neat and printed on A4 size paper with the name, class, and section of the student. Please submit your articles to the undersigned in Room no. 9 during recess time. Rupini/Mohit Student Editor

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