
NCERT Solution of A Triumph of Surgery Class 10 English

NCERT Solution of A Triumph of Surgery Class 10 English of the book “Footprints
Without Feet” will explain A Triumph of Surgery’s summary, critical analysis, difficult word meaning, and most important questions.

NCERT Solution of A Triumph of Surgery Class 10 English

Summary: “A Triumph of Surgery” narrates the story of Tricki, a small dog pampered and overfed by his wealthy owner, Mrs. Pumphrey. Concerned about Tricki’s health, Mrs. Pumphrey consults a veterinary surgeon, who advises strict dietary changes and more exercise. Despite initial reluctance, Tricki is hospitalized for observation and gradually recovers with proper care. Mrs. Pumphrey’s excessive indulgence and the narrator’s efforts to rehabilitate Tricki highlight themes of pet care, responsibility, and the consequences of overindulgence.

Difficult Word Meanings, Synonyms, and Antonyms (in Hindi):

  1. Pampered – indulged, coddled, spoiled (आस्वादित) – synonyms: लाड़लापन, आनंदित, बिगाड़ना
  2. Overfed – excessively fed, gorged, stuffed (अत्यधिक पोषित) – synonyms: अधिक पोषण, अधिक भरा, अतिभोज
  3. Veterinary – relating to animal health, animal medical (पशु चिकित्सा) – synonyms: पशु चिकित्सा, पशु वैद्यकीय, पशुचिकित्सक
  4. Indulgence – excessive pampering, leniency, gratification (अत्यधिक लालच) – synonyms: लालच, लाड़-प्यार, संतुष्टि, विलासिता
  5. Rehabilitation – restoration, recovery, reintegration (पुनर्स्थापना) – synonyms: पुनर्वास, पुनर्स्थापन, पुनर्गठन
  6. Observation – monitoring, scrutiny, examination (अवलोकन) – synonyms: निगरानी, अध्ययन, पर्यवेक्षण
  7. Responsibility – duty, obligation, accountability (ज़िम्मेदारी) – synonyms: कर्तव्य, ज़िम्मेदारी, ज़िम्मा, जिम्मेदारी
  8. Consequences – outcomes, results, repercussions (परिणाम) – synonyms: परिणाम, नतीजा, परिणाम, अनुपात
  9. Consults – seeks advice, confers, discusses (परामर्श) – synonyms: परामर्श, परामर्श, सलाह लेना, परामर्श करना
  10. Reluctance – unwillingness, hesitation, disinclination (अनिच्छा) – synonyms: अनिच्छा, अवांछना, अस्वीकृति, अत्यंत नाराजगी
  11. Excessively – overly, extremely, extravagantly (अत्यधिक) – synonyms: अधिक, अधिकता, अत्यधिक, अत्यंत
  12. Rehabilitation – restoration, recovery, reintegration (पुनर्स्थापना) – synonyms: पुनर्वास, पुनर्स्थापन, पुनर्गठन
  13. Hospitalized – admitted to hospital, under medical care (अस्पताल में भर्ती) – synonyms: अस्पताल में भर्ती, अस्पताल में भर्ती, चिकित्सा
  14. Convalescing – recovering, recuperating, healing (संवाल) – synonyms: पुनर्वास, पुनर्स्थापन, पुनर्गठन
  15. Indulgent – lenient, permissive, tolerant (विलासी) – synonyms: विलासी, लाड़-प्यार, अत्यधिक सहानुभूति, आस्वादित
  16. Tactful – diplomatic, considerate, discreet (कुशल) – synonyms: सावधान, सावधान, सावधान, समझदार
  17. Regime – system, regimen, routine (व्यवस्था) – synonyms: व्यवस्था, प्रणाली, व्यवस्था, नियम
  18. Concerned – worried, anxious, troubled (चिंतित) – synonyms: चिंतित, चिंतित, व्यग्र, चिंतित
  19. Excessive – extreme, immoderate, extravagant (अत्यधिक) – synonyms: अधिक, अत्यधिक, अत्यधिक, अत्यंत

30 difficult words from the chapter “A Triumph of Surgery” by James Herriot, along with their meanings, synonyms, and antonyms:

  1. Distraught
    • Meaning: Extremely worried and upset
    • Synonyms: Agitated, distressed, frantic
    • Antonyms: Calm, composed, collected
  2. Tottering
    • Meaning: Moving in an unsteady or shaky manner
    • Synonyms: Staggering, wobbling, teetering
    • Antonyms: Steady, stable, balanced
  3. Swooned
    • Meaning: Fainted or became unconscious
    • Synonyms: Fainted, collapsed, blacked out
    • Antonyms: Revived, awoke, regained consciousness
  4. Surged
    • Meaning: Moved suddenly and powerfully forward or upward
    • Synonyms: Rushed, swelled, heaved
    • Antonyms: Receded, ebbed, subsided
  5. Convalescing
    • Meaning: Recovering health and strength after illness
    • Synonyms: Recuperating, healing, recovering
    • Antonyms: Deteriorating, declining, worsening
  6. Engulfed
    • Meaning: Surrounded or covered completely
    • Synonyms: Swallowed, overwhelmed, submerged
    • Antonyms: Released, uncovered, exposed
  7. Scrimmage
    • Meaning: A rough or confused struggle or fight
    • Synonyms: Skirmish, tussle, brawl
    • Antonyms: Peace, harmony, tranquility
  8. Hovering
    • Meaning: Remaining in one place in the air
    • Synonyms: Lingering, floating, hanging
    • Antonyms: Departing, leaving, descending
  9. Trembled
    • Meaning: Shook involuntarily
    • Synonyms: Shook, quivered, shivered
    • Antonyms: Steadied, stabilized, calmed
  10. Reverently
    • Meaning: With deep respect
    • Synonyms: Respectfully, devoutly, piously
    • Antonyms: Disrespectfully, irreverently, disdainfully
  11. Gasping
    • Meaning: Breathing with difficulty
    • Synonyms: Panting, wheezing, struggling for breath
    • Antonyms: Breathing easily, exhaling, sighing
  12. Gleaming
    • Meaning: Shining brightly
    • Synonyms: Shining, glittering, sparkling
    • Antonyms: Dull, tarnished, lackluster
  13. Pathetic
    • Meaning: Arousing pity or sadness
    • Synonyms: Pitiful, pitiable, sorrowful
    • Antonyms: Admirable, inspiring, impressive
  14. Indulgent
    • Meaning: Yielding to the wishes or demands of others
    • Synonyms: Lenient, permissive, tolerant
    • Antonyms: Strict, severe, harsh
  15. Ceremonial
    • Meaning: Relating to or used for formal events of a religious or public nature
    • Synonyms: Ritualistic, formal, solemn
    • Antonyms: Informal, casual, unceremonious
  16. Triumph
    • Meaning: A great victory or achievement
    • Synonyms: Victory, success, accomplishment
    • Antonyms: Defeat, failure, loss
  17. Constitution
    • Meaning: The physical makeup of a person
    • Synonyms: Health, condition, physique
    • Antonyms: Illness, weakness, fragility
  18. Despairing
    • Meaning: Showing the loss of all hope
    • Synonyms: Hopeless, despondent, discouraged
    • Antonyms: Hopeful, optimistic, encouraged
  19. Roused
    • Meaning: Brought out of a state of inactivity
    • Synonyms: Awakened, aroused, stirred
    • Antonyms: Calmed, pacified, lulled
  20. Tactful
    • Meaning: Showing sensitivity in dealing with others
    • Synonyms: Diplomatic, discreet, considerate
    • Antonyms: Tactless, inconsiderate, blunt
  21. Wailings
    • Meaning: Loud cries of sorrow or pain
    • Synonyms: Lamentations, moans, sobs
    • Antonyms: Silence, laughter, cheer
  22. Enrich
    • Meaning: Improve or enhance the quality of
    • Synonyms: Enhance, improve, augment
    • Antonyms: Impoverish, degrade, diminish
  23. Infusing
    • Meaning: Filling with a particular quality or feeling
    • Synonyms: Instilling, imbueing, injecting
    • Antonyms: Extracting, removing, withdrawing
  24. Reluctant
    • Meaning: Unwilling or hesitant
    • Synonyms: Hesitant, unwilling, loath
    • Antonyms: Willing, eager, enthusiastic
  25. Imposing
    • Meaning: Impressive in appearance or manner
    • Synonyms: Grand, stately, majestic
    • Antonyms: Unimpressive, modest, humble
  26. Luxurious
    • Meaning: Extremely comfortable, elegant, or enjoyable
    • Synonyms: Opulent, lavish, sumptuous
    • Antonyms: Spartan, austere, simple
  27. Desperate
    • Meaning: Having lost all hope
    • Synonyms: Hopeless, frantic, despairing
    • Antonyms: Hopeful, optimistic, confident
  28. Overwhelmed
    • Meaning: Overcome with emotions or stress
    • Synonyms: Overpowered, swamped, inundated
    • Antonyms: Unaffected, unfazed, underwhelmed
  29. Subdued
    • Meaning: Quiet and rather reflective or depressed
    • Synonyms: Restrained, muted, quiet
    • Antonyms: Exuberant, loud, lively
  30. Frantic
    • Meaning: Wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion
    • Synonyms: Frenzied, panicked, hysterical
    • Antonyms: Calm, composed, serene

Critical Analysis of “A Triumph of Surgery” 

“A Triumph of Surgery” by James Herriot is a poignant tale that delves into themes of compassion, trust, and redemption. The story follows the journey of a small dog named Tricki who falls seriously ill due to overfeeding and neglect by his owner, Mrs. Pumphrey. When Tricki’s health deteriorates, Mrs. Pumphrey seeks the help of a veterinary surgeon, the narrator of the story.

The surgeon, despite facing challenges due to Tricki’s pampered lifestyle and Mrs. Pumphrey’s overindulgence, decides to treat the dog with care and dedication. Through the surgeon’s efforts, Tricki undergoes a remarkable recovery, demonstrating the transformative power of skilled medical intervention and genuine care.

The narrative also sheds light on the relationship dynamics between Tricki, Mrs. Pumphrey, and the surgeon. Mrs. Pumphrey’s misguided affection and the surgeon’s professional expertise create a compelling contrast, highlighting the importance of responsible pet ownership and the role of empathy in healing.

One of the key lessons from the story is the significance of responsible stewardship and empathy towards animals. Mrs. Pumphrey’s initial neglect and overindulgence towards Tricki serve as cautionary examples, emphasizing the importance of understanding the needs of pets and providing them with proper care and attention.

Additionally, the story underscores the idea that redemption is possible through acts of kindness and compassion. Despite Mrs. Pumphrey’s initial shortcomings as a pet owner, her willingness to seek help for Tricki and the surgeon’s compassionate treatment lead to a positive outcome, demonstrating the potential for growth and transformation.

Overall, “A Triumph of Surgery” serves as a heartwarming reminder of the healing power of empathy, the importance of responsible pet ownership, and the potential for redemption through acts of compassion and care.

Students can learn several valuable lessons from “A Triumph of Surgery”:

  1. Responsibility and Care: The story emphasizes the importance of responsible pet ownership. Students learn the significance of understanding the needs of animals and providing them with proper care and attention.
  2. Empathy and Compassion: Through the surgeon’s compassionate treatment of Tricki, students understand the importance of empathy towards animals and the impact it can have on their well-being.
  3. Professionalism and Dedication: The surgeon’s dedication to his profession and commitment to helping Tricki despite the challenges he faces demonstrate the importance of professionalism and perseverance in achieving positive outcomes.
  4. The Consequences of Neglect: Mrs. Pumphrey’s initial neglect of Tricki’s health and her tendency to overindulge him highlight the consequences of irresponsible pet ownership. Students learn about the importance of recognizing and addressing the needs of animals.
  5. Redemption and Growth: The story showcases the potential for redemption and growth through acts of kindness and compassion. Students learn that mistakes can be rectified through positive actions and that everyone has the capacity to change for the better.

Overall, “A Triumph of Surgery” teaches students valuable lessons about responsibility, empathy, professionalism, and the transformative power of compassion.

10 Most Important Questions and Answers:

  1. Why is Mrs. Pumphrey worried about Tricki?
    • Mrs. Pumphrey is worried about Tricki because he appears listless, lacks energy, and has become excessively fat.
  2. What does she do to help him? Is she wise in this?
    • Mrs. Pumphrey feeds Tricki extra meals, including malt, cod-liver oil, and Horlicks, and indulges him with sweet treats despite the veterinarian’s advice to cut down on such indulgences. Her actions are unwise as they exacerbate Tricki’s health issues.
  3. Who does ‘I’ refer to in this story?
    • ‘I’ refers to the narrator, who is a veterinary surgeon attending to Tricki’s health issues.
  4. What kind of a person do you think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon, is? Would you say he is tactful as well as full of common sense?
    • The narrator appears to be a compassionate and sensible individual. He demonstrates tact in dealing with Mrs. Pumphrey’s indulgence towards Tricki while providing practical advice for the dog’s well-being.
  5. Do you think Tricki was happy to go home? What do you think will happen now?
    • Tricki appears to enjoy his time at the hospital, as he actively participates in activities and socializes with other dogs. Upon returning home, he may initially relish the attention and care but may also face the risk of reverting to his previous lifestyle if Mrs. Pumphrey continues her indulgent habits.
  6. Do you think this is a real-life episode, or mere fiction? Or is it a mixture of both?
    • The story could be based on real-life experiences of the author, James Herriot, who was a renowned veterinarian. While it may be fictionalized to some extent, it likely draws from Herriot’s observations and encounters in his profession.
  7. Why does Mrs. Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery is “a triumph of surgery”?
    • Mrs. Pumphrey attributes Tricki’s recovery to the veterinary surgeon’s intervention and refers to it as a “triumph of surgery” because she believes that medical treatment played a crucial role in restoring Tricki’s health.
  8. Is the narrator as rich as Tricki’s mistress?
    • The narrator, although not explicitly described, appears to lead a modest lifestyle compared to Mrs. Pumphrey, who is portrayed as wealthy and indulgent.
  9. How does he treat the dog?
    • The narrator treats Tricki with care, ensuring proper medical attention, diet, and exercise to aid in his recovery and overall well-being.
  10. Why is he tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest?
    • The narrator is tempted to keep Tricki as a permanent guest due to the dog’s affectionate nature and the care provided at the hospital. However, he recognizes the importance of returning Tricki to Mrs. Pumphrey despite the temptation.

Theme: The central themes of “A Triumph of Surgery” revolve around pet care, responsibility, indulgence, and the consequences of overindulgence. It explores the dynamics between pet owners and their animals, highlighting the importance of sensible care and the detrimental effects of excessive pampering.

Title Explanation: The title “A Triumph of Surgery” refers to the successful medical intervention that leads to Tricki’s recovery. It underscores the pivotal role of the veterinary surgeon’s expertise and treatment in restoring the dog’s health, portraying it as a triumph or a significant achievement in the realm of veterinary medicine.

NCERT Solution of A Triumph of Surgery Class 10 English

Critical Explanation of Questions in “A Triumph of Surgery” by James Herriot

Read and Find Out

  1. Why is Mrs. Pumphrey worried about Tricki?
    • Critical Explanation: Mrs. Pumphrey is worried about Tricki because he has become extremely ill. He refuses to eat, has bouts of vomiting, spends all his time lying down, and has no energy or interest in his usual activities. Her worry stems from her deep affection for Tricki, but it is also a consequence of her overindulgence, which has led to his deteriorating health. This situation highlights the negative impact of excessive pampering and the importance of maintaining a balanced approach to pet care.
  2. What does she do to help him? Is she wise in this?
    • Critical Explanation: Mrs. Pumphrey initially tries to help Tricki by giving him his favorite foods, but when he continues to refuse them, she becomes distraught and calls Mr. Herriot for help. While her intentions are good, her actions are not wise because they perpetuate the problem rather than solve it. Her lack of understanding of proper pet care and her emotional attachment lead her to overindulge Tricki, which ultimately contributes to his illness. Her actions reflect her ignorance about the needs of her pet and her reliance on Mr. Herriot’s expertise to resolve the situation.
  3. Who does ‘I’ refer to in this story?
    • Critical Explanation: In this story, ‘I’ refers to James Herriot, the narrator and veterinary surgeon. He is the central figure who intervenes to address Tricki’s health problems caused by Mrs. Pumphrey’s excessive pampering. Mr. Herriot’s perspective provides a professional and practical viewpoint on the situation, contrasting with Mrs. Pumphrey’s emotional and misguided approach.

Read and Find Out (Continued)

  1. Is the narrator as rich as Tricki’s mistress?
    • Critical Explanation: The narrator, Mr. Herriot, is not as rich as Mrs. Pumphrey. This is evident from his observations of the luxurious lifestyle she affords Tricki, including a wardrobe of coats and an abundance of provisions. Mr. Herriot’s more modest lifestyle as a working veterinary surgeon contrasts with Mrs. Pumphrey’s wealth and extravagance, highlighting the differences in their socioeconomic statuses.
  2. How does he treat the dog?
    • Critical Explanation: Mr. Herriot treats Tricki with a combination of professional care and common sense. Recognizing that Tricki’s illness is due to overfeeding and lack of exercise, he removes the dog from his indulgent environment and places him on a strict regimen of no food, plenty of water, and physical activity with other dogs. This practical and straightforward approach leads to Tricki’s rapid recovery, demonstrating Mr. Herriot’s effective and empathetic veterinary practices.
  3. Why is he tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest?
    • Critical Explanation: Mr. Herriot is tempted to keep Tricki as a permanent guest because of the generous provisions sent by Mrs. Pumphrey, including fresh eggs, wine, and brandy. These luxuries enhance the quality of life for Mr. Herriot and his colleagues, making Tricki’s stay beneficial for them. This temptation underscores the ironic benefit derived from Mrs. Pumphrey’s excessive care and adds a humorous element to the story.
  4. Why does Mrs. Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery is “a triumph of surgery”?
    • Critical Explanation: Mrs. Pumphrey believes that Tricki’s recovery is “a triumph of surgery” because she misunderstands the nature of the treatment Mr. Herriot provided. She assumes that sophisticated medical intervention was responsible for Tricki’s improvement, whereas in reality, it was the simple measures of diet and exercise that cured him. Her misconception highlights her naivety and the absurdity of her previous pampering, while also emphasizing the effectiveness of Mr. Herriot’s practical approach to veterinary care.

Think About It

  1. What kind of a person do you think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon, is? Would you say he is tactful as well as full of common sense?
    • Critical Explanation: The narrator, Mr. Herriot, is depicted as a compassionate, sensible, and pragmatic veterinary surgeon. His decision to remove Tricki from an overindulgent environment and his methodical approach to the dog’s care demonstrate his common sense. Additionally, his tactfulness is evident in how he handles Mrs. Pumphrey’s anxieties and questions, reassuring her while effectively treating Tricki. This blend of empathy and practicality characterizes him as an adept and considerate professional.
  2. Do you think Tricki was happy to go home? What do you think will happen now?
    • Critical Explanation: Tricki’s joyful leap into Mrs. Pumphrey’s lap suggests he is happy to go home. However, the underlying issue of Mrs. Pumphrey’s excessive pampering raises concerns about Tricki’s future well-being. If she reverts to her previous indulgent behavior, Tricki might fall ill again. This situation underscores the need for Mrs. Pumphrey to adopt Mr. Herriot’s advice on moderation to maintain Tricki’s health.
  3. Do you think this is a real-life episode, or mere fiction? Or is it a mixture of both?
    • Critical Explanation: This story likely contains elements of both real-life experiences and fictional embellishments. James Herriot’s veterinary tales are known for blending factual accounts with humor and fictionalized details to create engaging narratives. The exaggerated depiction of Mrs. Pumphrey’s indulgence and the dramatic transformation of Tricki add a fictional, comedic touch, while the core issues of pet care and veterinary practice are grounded in reality.

Talk About It

  1. This episode describes the silly behavior of a rich woman who is foolishly indulgent, perhaps because she is lonely. Do you think such people are merely silly, or can their actions cause harm to others?
    • Critical Explanation: While Mrs. Pumphrey’s behavior may seem silly, it can have harmful consequences. Her excessive pampering of Tricki leads to the dog’s severe health issues, demonstrating how misguided indulgence can be detrimental. This behavior reflects a broader social commentary on how wealth and loneliness can lead to harmful overindulgence, not only affecting pets but potentially impacting relationships and personal well-being.
  2. Do you think there are also parents like Mrs. Pumphrey?
    • Critical Explanation: Yes, there are parents like Mrs. Pumphrey who overindulge their children, often out of love and a desire to compensate for their own feelings of loneliness or guilt. Such overindulgence can lead to spoiled, dependent, and unhealthy children, much like Tricki’s condition. This highlights the importance of balanced parenting, where love is tempered with discipline and a focus on long-term well-being.
  3. What would you have done if you were: (i) a member of the staff in Mrs. Pumphrey’s household, (ii) a neighbor? What would your life have been like, in general?
    • Critical Explanation:
      • (i) A member of the staff: If I were a staff member in Mrs. Pumphrey’s household, I might have felt a mix of concern and helplessness. Witnessing Tricki’s overindulgence and its effects, I might feel frustrated but also loyal to my employer, making it difficult to intervene. My life would likely involve catering to Mrs. Pumphrey’s whims, emphasizing the challenges of working in a household with such eccentricities.
      • (ii) A neighbor: As a neighbor, I might view Mrs. Pumphrey’s behavior with amusement or concern. Observing the effects of her indulgence on Tricki, I might feel compelled to offer advice or assistance, though respecting her autonomy would be important. My life would be relatively normal but occasionally punctuated by the peculiarities of living next to someone like Mrs. Pumphrey.
  4. What would you have done if you were in the narrator’s place?
    • Critical Explanation: If I were in the narrator’s place, I would likely follow a similar course of action. Prioritizing Tricki’s health, I would remove him from the overindulgent environment and implement a regimen of exercise and controlled diet. Additionally, I would strive to educate Mrs. Pumphrey on the importance of moderation in pet care, hoping to prevent future health issues for Tricki. My approach would be grounded in professional responsibility and empathy, ensuring the best outcome for the dog.

By analyzing these questions critically, we gain a deeper understanding of the characters, their motivations, and the broader themes of responsible pet care, the impacts of indulgence, and the social dynamics at play.

Think About It

  1. What kind of a person do you think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon, is? Would you say he is tactful as well as full of common sense?
    • Critical Explanation: The narrator, Mr. Herriot, is depicted as a compassionate, sensible, and pragmatic veterinary surgeon. His decision to remove Tricki from an overindulgent environment and his methodical approach to the dog’s care demonstrate his common sense. Additionally, his tactfulness is evident in how he handles Mrs. Pumphrey’s anxieties and questions, reassuring her while effectively treating Tricki. This blend of empathy and practicality characterizes him as an adept and considerate professional.
  2. Do you think Tricki was happy to go home? What do you think will happen now?
    • Critical Explanation: Tricki’s joyful leap into Mrs. Pumphrey’s lap suggests he is happy to go home. However, the underlying issue of Mrs. Pumphrey’s excessive pampering raises concerns about Tricki’s future well-being. If she reverts to her previous indulgent behavior, Tricki might fall ill again. This situation underscores the need for Mrs. Pumphrey to adopt Mr. Herriot’s advice on moderation to maintain Tricki’s health.
  3. Do you think this is a real-life episode, or mere fiction? Or is it a mixture of both?
    • Critical Explanation: This story likely contains elements of both real-life experiences and fictional embellishments. James Herriot’s veterinary tales are known for blending factual accounts with humor and fictionalized details to create engaging narratives. The exaggerated depiction of Mrs. Pumphrey’s indulgence and the dramatic transformation of Tricki add a fictional, comedic touch, while the core issues of pet care and veterinary practice are grounded in reality.

Talk About It

  1. This episode describes the silly behavior of a rich woman who is foolishly indulgent, perhaps because she is lonely. Do you think such people are merely silly, or can their actions cause harm to others?
    • Critical Explanation: While Mrs. Pumphrey’s behavior may seem silly, it can have harmful consequences. Her excessive pampering of Tricki leads to the dog’s severe health issues, demonstrating how misguided indulgence can be detrimental. This behavior reflects a broader social commentary on how wealth and loneliness can lead to harmful overindulgence, not only affecting pets but potentially impacting relationships and personal well-being.
  2. Do you think there are also parents like Mrs. Pumphrey?
    • Critical Explanation: Yes, there are parents like Mrs. Pumphrey who overindulge their children, often out of love and a desire to compensate for their own feelings of loneliness or guilt. Such overindulgence can lead to spoiled, dependent, and unhealthy children, much like Tricki’s condition. This highlights the importance of balanced parenting, where love is tempered with discipline and a focus on long-term well-being.
  3. What would you have done if you were: (i) a member of the staff in Mrs. Pumphrey’s household, (ii) a neighbor? What would your life have been like, in general?
    • Critical Explanation:
      • (i) A member of the staff: If I were a staff member in Mrs. Pumphrey’s household, I might have felt a mix of concern and helplessness. Witnessing Tricki’s overindulgence and its effects, I might feel frustrated but also loyal to my employer, making it difficult to intervene. My life would likely involve catering to Mrs. Pumphrey’s whims, emphasizing the challenges of working in a household with such eccentricities.
      • (ii) A neighbor: As a neighbor, I might view Mrs. Pumphrey’s behavior with amusement or concern. Observing the effects of her indulgence on Tricki, I might feel compelled to offer advice or assistance, though respecting her autonomy would be important. My life would be relatively normal but occasionally punctuated by the peculiarities of living next to someone like Mrs. Pumphrey.
  4. What would you have done if you were in the narrator’s place?
    • Critical Explanation: If I were in the narrator’s place, I would likely follow a similar course of action. Prioritizing Tricki’s health, I would remove him from the overindulgent environment and implement a regimen of exercise and controlled diet. Additionally, I would strive to educate Mrs. Pumphrey on the importance of moderation in pet care, hoping to prevent future health issues for Tricki. My approach would be grounded in professional responsibility and empathy, ensuring the best outcome for the dog.

By analyzing these questions critically, we gain a deeper understanding of the characters, their motivations, and the broader themes of responsible pet care, the impacts of indulgence, and the social dynamics at play.

30 multiple-choice questions (MCQs)

30 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) along with their answers based on the chapter “A Triumph of Surgery” by James Herriot:


  1. Why is Mrs. Pumphrey worried about Tricki?
    • A) Tricki is eating too much
    • B) Tricki refuses to eat
    • C) Tricki is gaining weight rapidly
    • D) Tricki is losing weight rapidly

    Answer: B) Tricki refuses to eat

  2. What does Mrs. Pumphrey do to help Tricki initially?
    • A) Puts him on a strict diet
    • B) Takes him for more walks
    • C) Consults Mr. Herriot
    • D) Gives him more food

    Answer: D) Gives him more food

  3. Who does ‘I’ refer to in this story?
    • A) Mrs. Pumphrey
    • B) Tricki
    • C) Mr. Herriot
    • D) The chauffeur

    Answer: C) Mr. Herriot

  4. Is the narrator as rich as Tricki’s mistress?
    • A) Yes
    • B) No
    • C) Richer
    • D) As rich as Tricki

    Answer: B) No

  5. How does Mr. Herriot treat the dog?
    • A) With medication
    • B) With a special diet
    • C) By letting him rest
    • D) By taking him to his clinic

    Answer: D) By taking him to his clinic

  6. Why is Mr. Herriot tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest?
    • A) He loves Tricki
    • B) He enjoys the gifts from Mrs. Pumphrey
    • C) Tricki gets along with his other dogs
    • D) Tricki needs more care

    Answer: B) He enjoys the gifts from Mrs. Pumphrey

  7. Why does Mrs. Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery is “a triumph of surgery”?
    • A) Tricki was operated on
    • B) Tricki was in a critical condition
    • C) Tricki recovered without surgery
    • D) Tricki’s health improved drastically

    Answer: D) Tricki’s health improved drastically

  8. What did Mrs. Pumphrey bring for Tricki during his stay with Mr. Herriot?
    • A) Food
    • B) Toys
    • C) Cushions and coats
    • D) All of the above

    Answer: D) All of the above

  9. How did Tricki behave at the surgery initially?
    • A) He was active and playful
    • B) He was listless and uninterested
    • C) He was aggressive
    • D) He ran around with the other dogs

    Answer: B) He was listless and uninterested

  10. What was the first step Mr. Herriot took to help Tricki?
    • A) Gave him medicine
    • B) Put him on a strict diet
    • C) Let him rest and gave him water
    • D) Took him for a walk

    Answer: C) Let him rest and gave him water

  11. How did Tricki respond to the other dogs at the surgery?
    • A) He ignored them
    • B) He was scared of them
    • C) He slowly started joining them
    • D) He fought with them

    Answer: C) He slowly started joining them

  12. What was Tricki’s condition after two days at the surgery?
    • A) He was worse
    • B) He showed some interest in his surroundings
    • C) He remained the same
    • D) He had recovered completely

    Answer: B) He showed some interest in his surroundings

  13. What did Mrs. Pumphrey send to build up Tricki’s strength?
    • A) Fresh eggs
    • B) Meat
    • C) Vegetables
    • D) Fish

    Answer: A) Fresh eggs

  14. What did the household at the surgery enjoy during Tricki’s stay?
    • A) Extra food
    • B) Wine and brandy
    • C) Toys and cushions
    • D) Medicines

    Answer: B) Wine and brandy

  15. What is the narrator’s profession?
    • A) Doctor
    • B) Teacher
    • C) Veterinary surgeon
    • D) Lawyer

    Answer: C) Veterinary surgeon

  16. What does the word ‘surgery’ in the title refer to?
    • A) A medical operation
    • B) The veterinary clinic
    • C) Tricki’s home
    • D) A hospital

    Answer: B) The veterinary clinic

  17. How long did Tricki stay at Mr. Herriot’s surgery?
    • A) One week
    • B) Two weeks
    • C) Three weeks
    • D) Four weeks

    Answer: B) Two weeks

  18. How did Tricki change during his stay at the surgery?
    • A) He became more ill
    • B) He lost weight and became fit
    • C) He gained more weight
    • D) He became aggressive

    Answer: B) He lost weight and became fit

  19. How did Tricki’s behavior change by the end of his stay?
    • A) He remained the same
    • B) He was lethargic
    • C) He became active and playful
    • D) He was more aggressive

    Answer: C) He became active and playful

  20. What did Mr. Herriot do when Tricki’s stay was over?
    • A) Called Mrs. Pumphrey to take him back
    • B) Kept Tricki at the surgery
    • C) Gave Tricki to another family
    • D) Released Tricki into the wild

    Answer: A) Called Mrs. Pumphrey to take him back

  21. How did Mrs. Pumphrey react when she saw Tricki after his recovery?
    • A) She was angry
    • B) She was indifferent
    • C) She was overjoyed and emotional
    • D) She was disappointed

    Answer: C) She was overjoyed and emotional

  22. What was the main reason for Tricki’s initial poor health?
    • A) Lack of exercise
    • B) Overeating and pampering
    • C) A severe illness
    • D) Neglect

    Answer: B) Overeating and pampering

  23. What did Mr. Herriot avoid answering when Mrs. Pumphrey called?
    • A) Tricki’s eating habits
    • B) Tricki’s behavior with other dogs
    • C) Whether Tricki’s cushions were being turned regularly
    • D) Tricki’s medical treatment

    Answer: C) Whether Tricki’s cushions were being turned regularly

  24. How did the other dogs at the surgery react to Tricki?
    • A) They attacked him
    • B) They ignored him initially
    • C) They immediately accepted him
    • D) They were scared of him

    Answer: B) They ignored him initially

  25. What is the theme of the story?
    • A) Importance of a balanced diet and exercise
    • B) Medical advancements
    • C) Friendship and loyalty
    • D) Wealth and its consequences

    Answer: A) Importance of a balanced diet and exercise

  26. What does the term ‘lithe’ refer to in the context of Tricki’s transformation?
    • A) Fat and sluggish
    • B) Thin and weak
    • C) Flexible and graceful
    • D) Angry and aggressive

    Answer: C) Flexible and graceful

  27. How did Mr. Herriot and his staff benefit from Tricki’s stay?
    • A) They learned new medical techniques
    • B) They enjoyed the luxury items sent by Mrs. Pumphrey
    • C) They received more clients
    • D) They gained fame

    Answer: B) They enjoyed the luxury items sent by Mrs. Pumphrey

  28. Why did Mr. Herriot decide to take Tricki to the surgery?
    • A) To operate on him
    • B) To give him special medicines
    • C) To keep him under observation and control his diet
    • D) To find a new owner for him

    Answer: C) To keep him under observation and control his diet

  29. What was Tricki’s favorite activity at the surgery?
    • A) Playing with toys
    • B) Sleeping on cushions
    • C) Running and playing with other dogs
    • D) Eating special food

    Answer: C) Running and playing with other dogs

  30. What lesson can be learned from the story?
    • A) Overindulgence can harm health
    • B) Dogs should not be kept as pets
    • C) Wealth can solve all problems
    • D) Medical intervention is always necessary

    Answer: A) Overindulgence can harm health

These questions and answers cover various aspects of the story, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the chapter “A Triumph of Surgery.”

The story “A Triumph of Surgery” by James Herriot imparts several valuable lessons:

Lessons Learned

  1. The Dangers of Overindulgence:
    • Mrs. Pumphrey’s excessive pampering and overfeeding of Tricki lead to his poor health. This highlights the negative consequences of overindulgence, whether in pets or in other aspects of life. Balance and moderation are key to maintaining good health and well-being.
  2. The Importance of a Balanced Diet and Exercise:
    • Tricki’s recovery is primarily due to a strict diet and regular exercise at Mr. Herriot’s clinic. This underscores the importance of proper nutrition and physical activity in maintaining health, not only for animals but also for humans.
  3. Common Sense and Practicality:
    • Mr. Herriot’s approach to Tricki’s treatment is grounded in common sense and practicality. Instead of resorting to complex medical treatments, he simply adjusts Tricki’s lifestyle to what is natural and healthy. This teaches the value of practical solutions over complicated ones.
  4. Responsibility of Pet Ownership:
    • Pet owners have a responsibility to care for their pets in a way that promotes their health and happiness. Mrs. Pumphrey’s well-meaning but misguided care of Tricki is a reminder that love and affection must be balanced with proper care and discipline.
  5. The Role of a Professional:
    • The story illustrates the importance of trusting professionals, such as veterinarians, who have the knowledge and experience to provide the best care. Mrs. Pumphrey’s trust in Mr. Herriot ultimately leads to Tricki’s recovery.
  6. Self-Discipline and Willpower:
    • Both Mrs. Pumphrey and Mr. Herriot show self-discipline and willpower. Mrs. Pumphrey, despite her initial reluctance, follows Mr. Herriot’s advice. Mr. Herriot himself resists the temptation to keep Tricki and the luxurious gifts, demonstrating integrity.
  7. Compassion and Empathy:
    • Mr. Herriot’s compassion for Tricki and empathy for Mrs. Pumphrey’s concerns highlight the importance of understanding and caring for others’ feelings, whether they are humans or animals.

In summary, “A Triumph of Surgery” teaches that overindulgence can be harmful, balanced lifestyle choices are essential for health, practical and common-sense solutions are often best, responsible pet ownership is crucial, and professional advice should be heeded. It also underscores the importance of self-discipline, compassion, and empathy in our interactions with others.

20 important points of the story “A Triumph of Surgery” : Exam Notes

  1. 🐕 Tricki is a pampered dog owned by Mrs. Pumphrey.
  2. 🏠 Mrs. Pumphrey treats Tricki like a child, spoiling him with food and comfort.
  3. 🍰 Tricki is overfed with rich food, making him overweight and unhealthy.
  4. 🤢 Tricki’s health deteriorates, showing symptoms of lethargy and vomiting.
  5. 😥 Mrs. Pumphrey becomes extremely worried about Tricki’s condition.
  6. 👩‍⚕️ Mr. Herriot, the veterinarian, is called to check on Tricki.
  7. 🚑 Mr. Herriot decides that Tricki needs to be hospitalized to recover.
  8. 😱 Mrs. Pumphrey is distressed but agrees to the plan.
  9. 🧳 Tricki is taken to the clinic with all his luxurious belongings.
  10. 🚗 Mr. Herriot drives Tricki to his clinic, leaving behind unnecessary items.
  11. 🐶 Tricki is introduced to the other dogs at the clinic.
  12. 💧 For two days, Tricki is given only water, no food.
  13. 🌱 Tricki starts showing interest in his surroundings after a few days.
  14. 🐕‍🦺 He begins to interact with the other dogs and gradually becomes more active.
  15. 🥣 Tricki eventually joins the other dogs during mealtime, fighting for his share.
  16. 🥚 Mrs. Pumphrey sends eggs and wine to help Tricki’s recovery.
  17. 🍷 The veterinary staff enjoys the treats sent for Tricki.
  18. 📞 Mr. Herriot informs Mrs. Pumphrey that Tricki has recovered.
  19. 🚙 Mrs. Pumphrey arrives in a luxurious car to pick up Tricki.
  20. 🐾 Tricki leaps into Mrs. Pumphrey’s arms, transformed into a healthy, energetic dog.

These points summarize the key events and lessons of the story, highlighting the journey of Tricki from an overindulged pet to a healthy, active dog.

The importance of pet animals in our households, Using the story of “A Triumph of Surgery,” what lessons can a pet lover learn to properly care for their animals, particularly dogs and cats? Most Imp. Question CBSE 2025

Importance of Pet Animals in Our Household

Pet animals play a crucial role in our households by providing companionship, emotional support, and even health benefits. They offer unconditional love, reduce stress, and encourage physical activity. However, owning a pet also comes with significant responsibilities, including ensuring their health, nutrition, and overall well-being.

Lessons from “A Triumph of Surgery”

The story “A Triumph of Surgery” by James Herriot offers valuable insights for pet lovers on how to take better care of their animals, particularly dogs and cats. The story revolves around Mrs. Pumphrey and her overindulgent care of her dog, Tricki, leading to the dog’s health issues. The veterinarian, Dr. Herriot, intervenes and helps Tricki recover by providing proper care and discipline.

Key Lessons for Pet Owners

  1. Balanced Diet and Nutrition:
    • In the story, Mrs. Pumphrey’s excessive pampering and feeding of rich food to Tricki caused the dog to become obese and unhealthy. Pet owners should learn to provide a balanced diet appropriate for their pet’s breed, age, and health needs. Overfeeding or giving unsuitable human food can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other health issues in pets.
  2. Regular Exercise:
    • Tricki’s sedentary lifestyle contributed to his poor health. Regular exercise is vital for maintaining a pet’s physical and mental health. Dogs, in particular, need daily walks and playtime to stay fit and happy. Cats also benefit from interactive toys and activities that stimulate their natural hunting instincts.
  3. Professional Veterinary Care:
    • Mrs. Pumphrey relied on Dr. Herriot’s expertise to restore Tricki’s health. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian are essential to monitor your pet’s health, prevent diseases, and receive timely vaccinations. Professional advice is crucial for addressing any health concerns and ensuring your pet’s long-term well-being.
  4. Avoid Overindulgence:
    • While it’s natural to want to spoil pets with treats and affection, overindulgence can harm their health. Pet owners should exercise moderation in giving treats and ensure that any indulgences do not compromise the pet’s overall health and dietary balance.
  5. Understanding Pet Needs:
    • Mrs. Pumphrey’s misunderstanding of Tricki’s needs led to his health crisis. It’s essential for pet owners to educate themselves about their specific pet’s requirements, including dietary needs, exercise, grooming, and socialization. Each pet is unique, and understanding their specific needs is key to providing optimal care.
  6. Mental Stimulation and Social Interaction:
    • Pets require mental stimulation and social interaction to thrive. Boredom and isolation can lead to behavioral problems in pets. Engaging pets in interactive games, training sessions, and socializing them with other animals and people can enhance their mental and emotional well-being.


The story “A Triumph of Surgery” serves as a cautionary tale for pet owners about the dangers of overindulgence and the importance of proper pet care. By ensuring a balanced diet, regular exercise, professional veterinary care, and understanding the specific needs of their pets, owners can ensure their pets lead healthy, happy lives. Responsible pet ownership involves a commitment to providing the best care and creating a loving, nurturing environment for pets to flourish.

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