
NCERT Solution of Bholi Class 10 English

NCERT Solution of Bholi Class 10 English of the book “Footprints
Without Feet” will explain Bholi’s summary, critical analysis, difficult word meaning, and most important questions.

NCERT Solution of Bholi Class 10 English

Detailed Explanation:

The chapter “Bholi” narrates the story of a young girl named Bholi who faces neglect and discrimination at home due to her physical appearance and speech impediment. The story highlights the societal biases against girls, especially those who do not conform to conventional standards of beauty and intelligence.

Bholi’s family, particularly her mother, believes that she is unlikely to find a suitable marriage partner because of her perceived shortcomings. However, when a school for girls is opened in their village, Bholi’s father decides to send her to school, despite his wife’s objections. This decision marks a turning point in Bholi’s life as she begins her journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.

At school, Bholi initially struggles with feelings of fear and inadequacy. However, her teacher recognizes her potential and offers her encouragement and support. Through the teacher’s guidance, Bholi gains confidence and learns to overcome her stammer, eventually finding her voice.

The story takes a dramatic turn when Bholi’s family agrees to her marriage proposal from a well-to-do groom named Bishamber Nath. However, during the wedding ceremony, Bholi refuses to marry him, citing his greed and lack of compassion as reasons. This act of defiance showcases Bholi’s newfound strength and courage, challenging societal norms and expectations.

In the end, Bholi asserts her independence and decides to pursue her own path, vowing to serve her family and community while continuing her education.

Detailed Summary:

Bholi, a young girl, grows up neglected and ridiculed by her family due to her physical appearance and speech impediment. However, when a school for girls opens in their village, Bholi’s father decides to send her to school despite his wife’s objections. On her first day of school, Bholi is frightened and unsure but is comforted by her teacher’s kindness and encouragement.

As Bholi attends school, she gradually gains confidence and learns to overcome her stammer with the help of her supportive teacher. However, her family’s hopes for her marriage are dashed when Bholi refuses to marry a wealthy groom, Bishamber Nath, citing his greed and lack of compassion.

Bholi’s act of defiance marks a turning point in her life as she asserts her independence and decides to pursue her education and serve her family and community. Through her courage and determination, Bholi challenges societal norms and expectations, ultimately finding empowerment and fulfillment in her own path.

Difficult Words:

  1. Neglected – उपेक्षित (Synonyms: ignored, disregarded; Antonyms: cared for, attended to)
  2. Ceremony – समारोह (Synonyms: ritual, function; Antonyms: informal gathering, casual event)
  3. Apprehensions – चिंताएँ (Synonyms: anxieties, worries; Antonyms: assurances, confidence)
  4. Decent – शिष्ट (Synonyms: respectable, proper; Antonyms: indecent, improper)
  5. Matron – महिला अध्यापिका (Synonyms: female teacher, mistress; Antonyms: male teacher, master)
  6. Appalled – भयानक (Synonyms: horrified, shocked; Antonyms: pleased, delighted)
  7. Hesitant – दुविधायुक्त (Synonyms: uncertain, indecisive; Antonyms: confident, decisive)
  8. Desperate – बेकार (Synonyms: hopeless, despairing; Antonyms: hopeful, optimistic)
  9. Triumphant – विजयी (Synonyms: victorious, successful; Antonyms: defeated, unsuccessful)
  10. Disgrace – कलंक (Synonyms: shame, dishonor; Antonyms: honor, pride)
  11. Contempt – अवमान (Synonyms: scorn, disdain; Antonyms: admiration, respect)
  12. Envious – ईर्ष्या (Synonyms: jealous, covetous; Antonyms: content, satisfied)
  13. Auspicious – शुभ (Synonyms: favorable, propitious; Antonyms: inauspicious, unlucky)
  14. Gambled – जुआ (Synonyms: wagered, risked; Antonyms: saved, invested)
  15. Defiance – अनादर (Synonyms: rebellion, resistance; Antonyms: compliance, submission)
  16. Empowerment – सशक्तिकरण (Synonyms: authority, autonomy; Antonyms: disempowerment, subjugation)
  17. Fulfillment – पूर्ति (Synonyms: achievement, realization; Antonyms: disappointment, dissatisfaction)
  18. Conform – अनुरूप (Synonyms: comply, adhere; Antonyms: defy, dissent)
  19. Expectations – आशाएँ (Synonyms: anticipations, hopes; Antonyms: disappointments, frustrations)
  20. Courage – साहस (Synonyms: bravery, valor; Antonyms: cowardice, fear)

Difficult Words:

  1. Neglected – ignored; dismissed Synonyms: disregarded, overlooked Antonyms: cared for, attended to Hindi: उपेक्षित (upekshit)
  2. Consulted – sought advice or information from someone Synonyms: discussed, conferred Antonyms: ignored, disregarded Hindi: परामर्श (paramarsh)
  3. Courage – bravery; the ability to do something difficult even when afraid Synonyms: bravery, valor Antonyms: cowardice, fearfulness Hindi: साहस (sahas)
  4. Envious – feeling discontent or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck Synonyms: jealous, covetous Antonyms: content, satisfied Hindi: ईर्ष्यापूर्ण (irshyapurna)
  5. Auspicious – conducive to success; favorable Synonyms: favorable, fortunate Antonyms: inauspicious, unfavorable Hindi: शुभ (shubh)
  6. Triumphant – having achieved victory or success Synonyms: victorious, successful Antonyms: defeated, unsuccessful Hindi: विजयी (vijayi)
  7. Contempt – the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn Synonyms: disdain, scorn Antonyms: respect, admiration Hindi: तिरस्कार (tiraskar)
  8. Disgrace – loss of reputation or respect, especially as the result of a dishonorable action Synonyms: shame, humiliation Antonyms: honor, dignity Hindi: कलंक (kalank)
  9. Gambled – took risky action in the hope of a desired result Synonyms: wagered, bet Antonyms: abstained, avoided risk Hindi: जुआ (jua)
  10. Startled – surprised, alarmed, or shocked Synonyms: surprised, astonished Antonyms: calm, composed Hindi: चौंकाना (chaunkana)
  11. Witless – lacking intelligence or understanding Synonyms: foolish, stupid Antonyms: intelligent, clever Hindi: मूर्ख (moorkh)
  12. Izzat – honor; respect Synonyms: dignity, prestige Antonyms: disgrace, dishonor Hindi: इज्जत (izzat)
  13. Considerate – showing kindness or thoughtfulness Synonyms: thoughtful, mindful Antonyms: inconsiderate, thoughtless Hindi: विचारशील (vicharshil)
  14. Shamless – feeling no shame; bold or impudent Synonyms: brazen, audacious Antonyms: ashamed, modest Hindi: बेशर्म (besharm)
  15. Contemptible – deserving contempt; despicable Synonyms: detestable, despicable Antonyms: admirable, honorable Hindi: घिनौना (ghinona)
  16. Ugly – unpleasant or repulsive in appearance Synonyms: unattractive, hideous Antonyms: beautiful, attractive Hindi: बदसूरत (badsurat)
  17. Dumb – unable to speak Synonyms: mute, silent Antonyms: vocal, articulate Hindi: गूंगा (goonga)
  18. Discourage – cause (someone) to lose confidence or enthusiasm Synonyms: demoralize, dishearten Antonyms: encourage, motivate Hindi: हतोत्साहित करना (hatotsahit karna)
  19. Wrath – extreme anger Synonyms: rage, fury Antonyms: calmness, serenity Hindi: क्रोध (krodh)
  20. Pock-marks – scars or pits left by a pustule in smallpox or acne Synonyms: scars, blemishes Antonyms: smoothness, clear skin Hindi: दाग (daag)

Central Idea: The central idea of the chapter revolves around the transformation of a neglected and underestimated girl named Bholi. Despite facing neglect and ridicule due to her appearance and speech impediment, Bholi finds solace and encouragement in education. Through the support of her teacher and her own courage, she defies societal expectations and stands up for herself, ultimately rejecting a marriage proposal that lacks respect and dignity.

Theme: The theme of the chapter explores societal norms, the power of education, and the importance of self-worth and dignity. It highlights how individuals, especially women, can overcome adversity and discrimination through education and self-empowerment.

Reading Comprehension:

  1. Why was Bholi neglected at home, and what role did her teacher play in her life?
  2. Describe Bholi’s experience on her first day of school. How did it differ from her expectations?
  3. What motivated Bholi to reject Bishamber’s marriage proposal, and what does her decision reveal about her character?
  4. How does the chapter portray the importance of education in challenging societal norms and empowering individuals?
  5. What message does the chapter convey about self-worth, dignity, and standing up against injustice?

Central Idea: The central idea of the chapter “Bholi” revolves around the journey of a young girl from neglect and ridicule to self-discovery and empowerment. Through Bholi’s story, the author highlights the societal biases and challenges faced by girls, especially those who do not conform to conventional standards of beauty and intelligence. The chapter also emphasizes the importance of education, courage, and self-confidence in overcoming obstacles and asserting one’s independence.

Theme: The theme of “Bholi” centers on societal expectations, gender discrimination, empowerment, and self-determination. The chapter explores how societal norms and prejudices impact individuals, particularly girls, and their ability to fulfill their potential.

10 questions along with their answers based on the chapter “Bholi”:

  1. What is the central conflict faced by Bholi in the story?
    • Answer: Bholi faces the conflict of societal expectations regarding her appearance and her journey towards self-acceptance and empowerment.
  2. How does Bholi’s family initially perceive her prospects for marriage?
    • Answer: Bholi’s family initially perceives her prospects for marriage as bleak due to her perceived lack of physical attractiveness and speech impediment.
  3. What motivates Ramlal, Bholi’s father, to send her to school?
    • Answer: Ramlal is motivated to send Bholi to school by the directive of the Tehsildar sahib, who emphasizes the importance of educating girls and setting an example for the village.
  4. Describe Bholi’s first day at school. How does she feel?
    • Answer: Bholi’s first day at school is marked by fear and uncertainty. She feels frightened and out of place, especially when confronted with the unfamiliar environment and the expectations of her teacher.
  5. Who shows kindness and encouragement towards Bholi at school?
    • Answer: Bholi’s teacher shows kindness and encouragement towards her at school, helping her overcome her fears and stammering.
  6. What significant realization does Bholi have during her time at school?
    • Answer: Bholi realizes that education offers her a path to self-improvement and empowerment, giving her hope for a better future despite her initial challenges.
  7. Why does Bholi refuse to marry Bishamber Nath during the wedding ceremony?
    • Answer: Bholi refuses to marry Bishamber Nath during the wedding ceremony because she recognizes his greed and lack of compassion, refusing to be treated as a commodity to be bought and sold.
  8. How do the guests at the wedding react to Bholi’s refusal?
    • Answer: The guests at the wedding react with shock and criticism towards Bholi’s refusal, viewing her actions as disrespectful and shameful.
  9. What does Bholi vow to do after refusing the marriage proposal?
    • Answer: After refusing the marriage proposal, Bholi vows to serve her family and community, expressing her determination to lead a meaningful and independent life.
  10. What message or theme does the story “Bholi” convey to the readers?
    • Answer: The story “Bholi” conveys themes of empowerment, self-acceptance, and the importance of education in challenging societal norms and expectations. It emphasizes the significance of inner strength and resilience in overcoming adversity.

20 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) along with their answers based on the chapter “Bholi”:

What is the name of the protagonist in the chapter “Bholi”?

  1. A) Sulekha
  2. B) Champa
  3. C) Bholi
  4. D) Lakshmi
  1. Answer: C) Bholi

How old was Bholi when a primary school for girls was opened in their village?

  1. A) Five years old
  2. B) Six years old
  3. C) Seven years old
  4. D) Eight years old
  1. Answer: C) Seven years old

Who performs the opening ceremony of the primary school for girls?

  1. A) The headmistress
  2. B) Ramlal
  3. C) The Tehsildar sahib
  4. D) Bishamber Nath
  1. Answer: C) The Tehsildar sahib

Why does Bholi’s mother oppose the idea of sending her to school?

  1. A) She believes girls should not be educated.
  2. B) She fears Bholi will not find a husband if she goes to school.
  3. C) She thinks Bholi is too young to attend school.
  4. D) She wants Bholi to help with household chores.
  1. Answer: B) She fears Bholi will not find a husband if she goes to school.

How does Bholi react when her father tries to take her to school for the first time?

  1. A) She happily agrees to go.
  2. B) She runs away from home.
  3. C) She screams in terror and pulls her hand away.
  4. D) She convinces her father to let her stay home.
  1. Answer: C) She screams in terror and pulls her hand away.

What is Bholi’s initial reaction when she enters the classroom on her first day of school?

  1. A) She feels excited and curious.
  2. B) She feels frightened and unsure.
  3. C) She feels bored and uninterested.
  4. D) She feels happy and relieved.
  1. Answer: B) She feels frightened and unsure.

Who shows kindness and encouragement towards Bholi at school?

  1. A) Her classmates
  2. B) The headmistress
  3. C) Her father
  4. D) Her teacher
  1. Answer: D) Her teacher

What does Bholi notice about the pictures on the wall of her classroom?

  1. A) They are blurry and unclear.
  2. B) They are colorful and fascinating.
  3. C) They are old and torn.
  4. D) They are boring and dull.
  1. Answer: B) They are colorful and fascinating.

What does Bholi’s teacher encourage her to do to overcome her stammer?

  1. A) Practice speaking louder
  2. B) Memorize more words
  3. C) Put fear out of her heart
  4. D) Attend speech therapy sessions
  1. Answer: C) Put fear out of her heart

What does Bholi vow to do after her teacher encourages her?

  1. A) To run away from home
  2. B) To never return to school
  3. C) To study hard and succeed
  4. D) To become a doctor
  1. Answer: C) To study hard and succeed

Who is Bishamber Nath in the story?

  1. A) Bholi’s teacher
  2. B) Bholi’s father
  3. C) Bholi’s groom
  4. D) Bholi’s friend
  1. Answer: C) Bholi’s groom

Why does Bholi refuse to marry Bishamber Nath during the wedding ceremony?

  1. A) Because he is too old
  2. B) Because he is too poor
  3. C) Because he is too greedy and heartless
  4. D) Because he is too handsome
  1. Answer: C) Because he is too greedy and heartless

What action does Bholi take during the wedding ceremony to express her refusal?

  1. A) She runs away from home
  2. B) She throws her veil into the fire
  3. C) She apologizes to her parents
  4. D) She accepts Bishamber Nath’s proposal
  1. Answer: B) She throws her veil into the fire

How do the guests at the wedding react to Bholi’s refusal?

  1. A) They praise her courage and independence
  2. B) They criticize her for disrespecting her family
  3. C) They support her decision and leave quietly
  4. D) They ignore her and continue with the ceremony
  1. Answer: B) They criticize her for disrespecting her family

What does Bholi vow to do after refusing to marry Bishamber Nath?

  1. A) To never speak again
  2. B) To run away from home
  3. C) To serve her family and community
  4. D) To become a teacher
  1. Answer: C) To serve her family and community

Who supports Bholi’s decision to refuse the marriage proposal?

  1. A) Her mother
  2. B) Her father
  3. C) Her teacher
  4. D) Her groom
  1. Answer: C) Her teacher

What emotion does Ramlal, Bholi’s father, experience after the wedding ceremony?

  1. A) Happiness
  2. B) Confusion
  3. C) Pride
  4. D) Shame
  1. Answer: D) Shame

How does Bholi’s teacher react to her decision to refuse the marriage proposal?

  1. A) She criticizes her for disobeying her parents
  2. B) She praises her for her courage and strength
  3. C) She ignores her and continues teaching
  4. D) She scolds her for causing embarrassment
  1. Answer: B) She praises her for her courage and strength

What does Bholi plan to do in her future?

  1. A) To become a doctor
  2. B) To get married to someone else
  3. C) To serve her family and become a teacher
  4. D) To travel the world
  1. Answer: C) To serve her family and become a teacher

What does the chapter “Bholi” primarily highlight?

  1. A) The importance of marriage for women
  2. B) The challenges faced by girls in society
  3. C) The joys of childhood
  4. D) The power of wealth and status
  1. Answer: B) The challenges faced by girls in society

he chapter “Bholi” by K.A. Abbas in the Class 10 curriculum imparts several important lessons to students. Here are the key lessons:

Key Lessons from “Bholi”

  1. Self-Respect and Dignity:
    • Bholi learns to stand up for her self-respect and dignity by refusing to marry a man who tries to exploit her perceived vulnerability. This teaches students the importance of maintaining their self-respect and not allowing others to take advantage of them.
  2. Value of Education:
    • Education transforms Bholi from a timid and insecure girl into a confident and articulate young woman. The story underscores the transformative power of education and encourages students to value and pursue their education.
  3. Breaking Stereotypes:
    • Bholi challenges societal stereotypes about women, particularly those who are perceived as less attractive or intelligent. Her story teaches students to look beyond superficial attributes and recognize the inherent worth and potential in everyone.
  4. Empowerment:
    • Bholi’s journey from being called a “simpleton” to becoming an empowered individual is a testament to personal growth and empowerment. Students learn that with determination and support, anyone can overcome their limitations and societal prejudices.
  5. Compassion and Empathy:
    • The story also highlights the importance of compassion and empathy. Bholi’s teacher, who treats her with kindness and patience, plays a crucial role in her transformation. This teaches students the impact of empathy and support in helping others succeed.
  6. Courage to Stand Up Against Injustice:
    • Bholi’s decision to reject her groom because of his greed and mistreatment of her father demonstrates her courage to stand up against injustice. Students learn the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of societal pressures.
  7. Family Support and Encouragement:
    • The story shows that family support and encouragement are vital for personal growth. Despite her initial challenges, Bholi’s parents’ eventual support plays a role in her education and empowerment.
  8. Overcoming Adversity:
    • Bholi’s life is filled with challenges, from her physical appearance to her speech impediment and societal discrimination. Her story teaches students about resilience and the importance of overcoming adversity with courage and determination.


“Bholi” is a powerful story that teaches students valuable life lessons about self-respect, the importance of education, breaking societal stereotypes, empowerment, empathy, standing up against injustice, family support, and overcoming adversity. These lessons are crucial for the holistic development of students and for shaping their perspectives towards life and society.

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