
The Third Level Questions, Answers, PDF, and Long Questions

Question Answers

The Third Level Questions and Answers are very important if you want to do well on the English tests for class 12 given by CBSE and HBSE in Haryana. Students will get answers to all the questions from the previous board examinations of CBSE and HBSE Haryana. All questions, including long-answered questions and short questions from the textbook, are designed by an expert teacher with 25 years of experience as a lecturer in English. Students will get a free PDF of The Third Level.

The Third Level NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Vistas Chapter 1.

Q.1. What does the third level refer to?

Ans. Jack Finney is the author of The Third Level. The author addresses the human nature of running away from a problem and seeking solace in an imaginary world in The Third Level. The author or narrator of The Third Level creates a character named Charley who wishes to escape the problems in his life and travel to an imaginary world known as the third level. There are generally two levels: the ground level and the basement. The third level refers to a means of escape from the modern world’s problems. We call it escapism.

Q.2. Would Charley ever go to the ticket counter on the third level to buy tickets to Galesburg for himself and his wife?

Ans. The author, Jack Finney, uses the third level as a means of escapism. In reality, there is no third level where you can hide yourself to avoid problems. If Charley is serious about solving his problems with his fancy, Then, he won’t need to go to the third level; otherwise, he will continue to visit the third level alone. After solving the problems with Louisa, he won’t require any tickets for Galesburg.

Q.3. How does Charley reach the third level? (HBSE 2017 D)

One day, Charley left the office very late and decided to reach home by train as the bus took more time. He reached into the basement of the Central Station. The suburban trains leave from the second level. But in the meantime, he got lost in his imagination, lost the way, and reached the so-called third level. On the ‘Central has been an exit, a way of Maybe that’s how the tunnel I got into… ‘ On the third level, he found a different setup of the railway station.

Q.4. How can you say that Charley keeps losing his way? (HBSE 2017B)

Charley wanted to reach home, and he decided to reach home by suburban train. So, he went downstairs to the Grand Central Station. Suddenly, he lost himself in his dreams and lost the way, and reached the third level. He was upset that day and fought with his girlfriend, Louisa. This way, he lost track and reached the third level.

Q.5. Describe Charley’s experience at the third level. (HBSE 2020A)

In The Third Level, the author or narrator, Jack Finney, creates a character named Charley who wishes to escape the problems in his life and travel to an imaginary world known as the third level. “I saw the room was smaller, there were fewer ticket windows and train gates, and the information booth in the center was wood and old-looking.” And the man in the booth wore a green eyeshade and long black sleeves. 

Q.5. What did Charley’s friends say about him? What did his hobby of stamp-collecting point to?

Charley told his story of the third level to his friends and shared his experiences with the third level. His friends considered him an escapist. They told him that his hobby of stamp-collecting was also a temporary escape from the situation. They say that it was his way of escaping from the situation.

The Third Level Textual Questions and Answers

Reading with Insight
1. Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why?

The author or narrator of The Third Level creates a character named Charley who wishes to escape the problems in his life and travel to an imaginary world known as the third level. Charley fought with his girlfriend, Louisa. He was lost in his thoughts and wanted to reach home with this problem in his mind. He reached the third level of the Grand Central. It was a total escape from problems for Charley. On the ‘Central has been an exit, a way of maybe that’s how the tunnel I got into… ‘

2. What do you infer from Sam’s letter to Charley?

Sam’s letter to Charley again mentioned a way of escape from the reality of life. This letter is just an imaginary letter, and there was no character like Sam in the story. The author simply uses different characters to prove his point of escapism.

3. ‘The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and stress.’ What are the ways in which we attempt to overcome them?

The modern world is full of stress, tension, and anxiety. Sometimes, we lose control of the problem and adopt the theory of escapism, like Charley wanted to run away from the situation. We should never behave like this and must learn to tackle the situation. We must train our minds to tackle the hardships of life and always be ready to face the worst situation we will ever face.

4. Do you see an intersection of time and space in the story?

The story reveals an intersection of time and space in the story. The author tries to take us back with the help of his character, Charley. Charley reached the third level, where he was confronted with people of different eras. The ticket counter and currency were different. “I saw the room was smaller, there were fewer ticket windows and train gates, and the information booth in the center was wood and old-looking.” 

The Third Level Long Questions and Answers: Vistas Class 12 English

Q.1. Describe Charley’s experience at the third level. (HBSE 2012, 2013, 2020)


Is the ‘Third Level’ in the story a medium or a way of escaping from the unpleasant and insecure present?

The author addresses the human nature of running away from a problem and seeking solace in an imaginary world in The Third Level. In The Third Level, the author or narrator, Jack Finney, creates a character named Charley who wishes to escape the problems in his life and walk into an imaginary world known as the third level.

Charley wants to escape from reality. One day, he was coming home from his office. He decided to travel by train and reached the Grand Central Railway Station. In the meantime, he lost himself in his thoughts and reached the imagistic third level, where he felt happy to see a different world. It is human nature to run away from the present, and sometimes it feels like a temporary relief, but it is not the solution to the problem. Charley also did the same thing and lost himself in an imaginary world where he wouldn’t have any stress, anxiety, or fatigue from the modern world. Therefore, the author uses the medium of the third level to explain human apathy to have some consolation in the tense situation, like Charley’s way of escapism.

It would just mean running away, leaving, or ignoring a bad situation instead of dealing with it or being afraid of it.

Q.2. How did Charley reach the third level of Grand Central? What did he experience there? (HBSE 2010, 2014, 2017, 2018).

One day, Charley was late leaving his office and wanted to reach home early, so he decided to go by train, which is faster than a bus. He reached into the basement of the Central Station. The suburban trains leave from the second level. But in the meantime, he got lost in his imagination, lost the way, and reached the so-called third level.

On the ‘Central has been an exit, a way of Maybe that’s how the tunnel I got into… ‘ On the third level, he found a different setup of the railway station. “I saw the room was smaller, there were fewer ticket windows and train gates, and the information booth in the center was wood and old-looking.” And the man in the booth wore a green eyeshade and long black sleeves. On the third level, he exchanged his dollars for old currency and purchased the tickets. Suddenly, he came out of the third level and found him with his wife.

The Third Level Pdf: Vistas Class 12 English

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