
Steps to Assess Comprehension, Interpretation,Analysis, Evaluation and Appreciation Vistas Q.8. CBSE Class 12 English

Steps to Assess Comprehension, Interpretation,Analysis, Evaluation and Appreciation Vistas Q.8. CBSE Class 12 English

For Class 12 English students, the task at hand involves delving into the intricacies of Vistas Q.8, where a comprehensive understanding is just the starting point. The analytical journey encompasses interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and appreciation. To navigate through these layers effectively, a structured approach is crucial. In this endeavor, we will outline the steps to undertake each facet, ensuring a holistic exploration of the text. By dissecting the nuances of Vistas Q.8, students can not only comprehend the content but also cultivate a profound appreciation for the author’s craft and intentions. Let us embark on this literary voyage with a methodical approach, enriching our engagement with the text at every level.

Steps to Assess Comprehension  Interpretation Analysis VistasThe Third Level, Steps to Assess Comprehension  Interpretation Analysis Vistas

8. One Prose extract out of two, from the book Vistas, to assess comprehension,
interpretation,analysis, evaluation and appreciation. (4×1=4 Marks)

To analyze prose extracts from chapters 1 to 8 of the book “Vistas” for comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and appreciation, you can follow these steps:

  1. Read the prose extract:
    • Begin by reading the prose extract carefully. Pay attention to details, language use, and the overall context.
  2. Comprehension:
    • Summarize the main ideas of the prose extract. Ensure you understand the plot, characters, and any significant events or themes.
  3. Interpretation:
    • Dive deeper into the extract’s meaning. Identify symbols, metaphors, or any literary devices used by the author. Consider the author’s purpose and the message being conveyed.
  4. Analysis:
    • Analyze the writing style, tone, and mood of the prose. Look for the author’s choice of words and how they contribute to the overall atmosphere. Consider the structure of the prose and how it enhances the narrative.
  5. Evaluation:
    • Assess the effectiveness of the prose extract. Evaluate how well the author communicates ideas, develops characters, and engages the reader. Consider the impact of the prose on the overall story or message.
  6. Appreciation:
    • Reflect on your personal response to the prose. Discuss what aspects of the extract you found compelling, thought-provoking, or memorable. Consider the emotional and intellectual impact on the reader.
  7. Provide Evidence:
    • Support your analysis, evaluation, and appreciation with specific examples or quotes from the prose extract. This helps demonstrate a thorough understanding of the material.
  8. Write a coherent response:
    • Organize your thoughts logically in a coherent essay or response. Start with an introduction that provides context, then move on to body paragraphs that address each aspect (comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and appreciation), and finish with a summary or final thoughts.

Let’s go through the steps to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and appreciation of the prose extract from “The Third Level” by Jack Finney:


The prose extract introduces a character named Charley, who claims to have discovered a third level at Grand Central Station. Charley’s experience takes him back in time to the year 1894. He describes the sights, sounds, and people of that era and even tries to purchase tickets to Galesburg, Illinois, in 1894. The narrative suggests that Charley has proof of his time-traveling experience through an unexpected first-day cover in his stamp collection.


Charley’s experience raises questions about the nature of reality and time. The psychiatrist suggests that it might be a waking-dream wish fulfillment due to Charley’s desire to escape the challenges of the modern world. However, Charley’s discovery of the first-day cover adds a mysterious element, hinting at a potential reality to his time-travel claims.


The writing style is engaging, blending a sense of mystery with Charley’s straightforward narration. The author uses vivid descriptions to transport readers to both modern and historical settings. The use of details like clothing, currency, and technology helps create a clear contrast between the two time periods. The mention of the first-day cover adds an intriguing layer to the narrative.


The prose effectively captures the reader’s interest by presenting an unusual and fantastical premise. The narrative skillfully combines elements of mystery, time travel, and historical fiction. Charley’s detailed observations contribute to the immersive experience, making the story compelling. The evaluation also involves considering how well the prose engages with themes such as the desire to escape and the allure of a simpler past.


The story’s appreciation lies in its ability to blend genres seamlessly. It provides readers with a sense of escapism while encouraging them to reflect on the timeless human desire for a simpler life. The vivid descriptions of the historical setting contribute to the charm of the narrative. The unexpected twist with the first-day cover adds an element of suspense and encourages readers to ponder the reality of Charley’s experience.

Provide Evidence:

To support the analysis and evaluation, specific evidence from the text can be used, such as Charley’s detailed descriptions of the third level, the old-style bills, and the first-day cover that serves as proof of his time-traveling experience.

Write a coherent response:

Organize the information into a well-structured essay, covering each aspect of comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and appreciation. Start with an introduction, followed by body paragraphs for each aspect, and conclude with a summary of the key points and the overall impact of the prose extract.

By following these steps, you can provide a comprehensive analysis of the prose extract from “The Third Level.”

The Tiger King Steps to Assess Comprehension, Interpretation,Analysis, Evaluation and Appreciation


  1. The Tiger King’s Identity:
    • The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram, known as the Tiger King, is the central character.
    • He is identified by various titles, reflecting his military and royal status.
  2. Astrological Prediction:
    • The Tiger King was predicted to die, according to astrologers, when he was born.
    • The prediction was known only to the astrologers, and it was a secret they were reluctant to reveal.
  3. Miraculous Utterance:
    • The infant Tiger King spoke, acknowledging the astrologers’ predictions about his eventual death.
    • This event surprised everyone.


  1. Irony and Satire:
    • The story employs dramatic irony to highlight the Tiger King’s pursuit of hunting tigers, which eventually leads to his demise.
    • It satirizes the arrogance and self-importance of those in power.
  2. Callousness towards wildlife:
    • The story indirectly comments on subjecting innocent animals to human willfulness, portraying the Maharaja’s relentless tiger hunting.
  3. Minions’ Behavior:
    • The minions’ behavior towards the Maharaja reflects a mix of insincerity and fear.
    • They seem to obey out of fear of repercussions rather than genuine loyalty.
    • A parallel is drawn to today’s political order, suggesting a common theme of fear-based obedience.


  1. Political Allegory:
    • The story can be seen as a political allegory, criticizing the rulers’ obsession with power and their disregard for the consequences of their actions.
  2. Symbolism of Tigers:
    • Tigers symbolize the challenges and dangers that the Tiger King faces in his pursuit of power.
    • The astrological prophecy adds a layer of mystery and fatalism.


  1. Effective Use of Satire:
    • The story effectively uses satire to critique the arrogance of rulers.
    • The irony in the Tiger King’s fate serves as a powerful commentary on the consequences of unchecked power.
  2. Relevance to Modern Issues:
    • The story prompts readers to reflect on contemporary issues, such as wildlife conservation and the consequences of authoritarian rule.


  1. Clever Narrative Structure:
    • The narrative unfolds with clever twists, blending humor and tragedy.
    • The use of the wooden tiger as a gift and its unintended consequences add depth to the storytelling.
  2. Universal Theme:
    • The story’s exploration of power, consequences, and irony makes it relevant across various contexts and times.
    • It invites readers to question the price of unchecked authority.

Evidence from the text:

  • Evidence includes the Maharaja’s titles, the astrological prediction, the minions’ behavior, and the Tiger King’s relentless pursuit of tiger hunting.

Coherent Response:

  • The story cleverly combines humor, irony, and tragedy to deliver a satirical commentary on the consequences of unchecked power. From the Tiger King’s titles to the astrological prophecy and the minions’ obedience, every element contributes to a narrative rich in symbolism and meaning. The story invites readers to reflect on timeless themes of power, consequences, and the environment.

Journey to the end of the Earth:  Steps to Assess Comprehension, Interpretation,Analysis, Evaluation and Appreciation


  1. Geological Significance:
    • Antarctica holds the world’s geological history in its ice cores, providing insights into the Earth’s past, present, and future.
  2. Inclusion of High School Students:
    • Geoff Green includes high school students in the Students on Ice expedition to offer them a life-changing experience, fostering a new understanding and respect for the planet.
  3. Relevance of Small Things:
    • The statement “Take care of the small things, and the big things will take care of themselves” is relevant in the Antarctic environment, emphasizing the interconnectedness of small organisms like phytoplankton and the larger ecosystem.
  4. Antarctica’s Importance:
    • Antarctica is crucial for studying environmental changes due to its simple ecosystem.
    • It serves as a pristine location with ice cores holding half-million-year-old carbon records, aiding in the study of Earth’s past, present, and future.


  1. Impact of Human Civilization:
    • Human civilizations, existing for a mere 12,000 years, have significantly impacted the Earth’s environment, creating challenges such as resource competition and climate change.
  2. Environmental Threats:
    • Visible signs of environmental threats, like glaciers retreating and ice shelves collapsing, become apparent in Antarctica, emphasizing the real threat of global warming.


  1. Students on the Ice Program:
    • The Students on Ice program aims to inspire and educate the future generation of policymakers by exposing them to the environmental challenges and beauty of Antarctica.
  2. Importance of the Antarctic Ecosystem:
    • The Antarctic ecosystem, with its phytoplankton and simple biodiversity, serves as a valuable indicator for understanding the impact of environmental changes.


  1. Success of Students on the Ice Program:
    • The success of the Students on Ice program is attributed to the transformative impact it has on students, providing them with experiences that prompt awareness and action.


  1. Epiphanies in Antarctica:
    • The narrative highlights personal epiphanies experienced in Antarctica, such as walking on the ocean and realizing the interconnectedness of all things on Earth.

Evidence from the text:

  • Evidence includes the geological significance of Antarctica, the inclusion of high school students in the expedition, the relevance of the “small things” statement, and Antarctica’s importance for studying Earth’s history.

Coherent Response:

  • The text emphasizes Antarctica’s unique role as a repository of geological history, providing crucial insights into the Earth’s past and future. Geoff Green’s Students on Ice program is lauded for its success in shaping the perspectives of future leaders. The interconnectedness of small organisms and the broader ecosystem in Antarctica underscores the delicate balance of the planet. The narrative, filled with personal reflections and epiphanies, captures the profound impact of experiencing the Antarctic environment.

8. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. 4

A. Climate change is one of the most hotly contested environmental debates of our time. Will the West
Antarctic ice sheet melt entirely? Will the Gulf Stream ocean current be disrupted? Will it be the end
of the world as we know it? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, Antarctica is a crucial element in this
debate — not just because it’s the only place in the world, which has never sustained a human
population and therefore remains relatively ‘pristine’ in this respect; but more importantly, because
it holds in its ice-cores half-million-year-old carbon records trapped in its layers of ice.
(Journey to the End of the Earth)
i How does the absence of a human population in Antarctica make it significant in the climate
change debate?1

Antarctica’s absence of a human population is significant in the climate change debate because it has remained relatively “pristine” without human intervention. This absence makes Antarctica a unique and uncontaminated environment, allowing scientists to study its untouched natural state and gather crucial data on climate change without the influence of human activities.
ii Why is “climate change” described as a “hotly contested” issue in the extract provided?
This is so, because there _____.1

A. is universal agreement on the causes and implications of climate change
B. is a planned path ahead about how to address climate change
C. are differing views on the causes and implications of climate change
D. are minimal reports of fresh threats to climate change

C. are differing views on the causes and implications of climate change
iii The analogy of a time machine is an appropriate analogy for the role of carbon records in
the study of climate change because ________________________.1

Carbon records trapped in Antarctica’s ice layers serve as a time machine, allowing scientists to access historical information dating back half a million years. This analogy is fitting because, like a time machine, these records enable researchers to journey into the past and understand the Earth’s climate changes over an extensive period.
iv Give one reason why the writing style of the extract can be called factual and informative. 1

The writing style of the extract can be called factual and informative because it presents objective information about Antarctica’s significance in the climate change debate. It provides details about the absence of a human population, emphasizes the pristine nature of Antarctica, and highlights the crucial carbon records stored in its ice cores, presenting these aspects in a straightforward and informative manner.

B. In other words, the Tiger King is dead.
The manner of his death is a matter of extraordinary interest. It can be revealed only at the end of
the tale. The most fantastic aspect of his demise was that as soon as he was born, astrologers had
foretold that one day the Tiger King would actually have to die.
“The child will grow up to become the warrior of warriors, hero of heroes, champion of champions.
But…” they bit their lips and swallowed hard. When compelled to continue, the astrologers came out
with it. “This is a secret which should not be revealed at all. And yet we are forced to speak out. The
child born under this star will one day have to meet its death.”
(The Tiger King)
i Complete the sentence appropriately.
The author’s purpose in using foreshadowing, is to _______________.1

The author’s purpose in using foreshadowing is to create anticipation and build suspense, engaging the reader’s interest in the unfolding events.
ii In the given extract, what emotion were the astrologers feeling when they “bit their lips
and swallowed hard”?
A. Humiliation
B. Disbelief
C. Grief
D. Unease1

D. Unease
iii Which trait are the astrologers lauding when they say “warrior of warriors, hero of heroes,
champion of champions”?1

The astrologers are lauding the trait of exceptional prowess and greatness.
iv How is the line, “the most fantastic aspect of his demise”, an example of contrast? 1

The line is an example of contrast as it introduces a paradox by describing the death of the Tiger King, something usually perceived as tragic, as “fantastic.” This contrast creates intrigue and captures the reader’s attention by presenting an unexpected perspective on the character’s demise.

Q. 8 Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 1*4=4

 Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

“No, I will not submit! I will struggle first!” I answered. I watched my chance, and when no one noticed, I disappeared. I crept up the stairs as quietly as I could in my squeaking shoes, — my moccasins had been exchanged for shoes. Along the hall I passed, without knowing whither I was going. Turning aside to an open door, I found a large room with three white beds in it. The
windows were covered with dark green curtains, which made the room very dim. Thankful that no one was there, I directed my steps toward the corner farthest from the door. On my hands and knees I crawled under the bed, and huddled myself in the dark corner. [Memories of Childhood]

Q. 1. Who is “I” here in the above passage?

Ans. Zitkala-Sa

Q.2: Why was Zitkala-Sa struggling?

Ans. Zitkala-Sa was struggling to save her hair.

Q.3. What did Zitkala-Sa do when no one noticed?

Ans. Zitkala-Sa disappeared when no one noticed her.

Q.4: Where did she hide herself?

Ans. Zitkala-Sa hid herself in a large room with windows covered with dark green curtains.

Q.5. How were windows covered in the room where Zitkala-Sa hid herself?

Ans. Windows were covered with dark green curtains.

Q.6. Who was present in the room?

Ans. There was no one in the room.

Q.7. Why did Zitkala-Sa crawl to hide?

Ans. Zitkala-Sa crawled to hide as the bed height was very low.

Q.8. Write the passage word that is the same as “hide.”

Ans. Huddled

2.A: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: Check Your Reading Comprehension Skills [On the Face of It]

If you find any difficulty in answering the questions, Check the answer by clicking this link. 

DERRY: You’re… peculiar. You say peculiar things. You ask questions I don’t
MR LAMB: I like to talk. Have company. You don’t have to answer questions. You don’t
have to stop here at all. The gate’s open.
DERRY: Yes, but…
MR LAMB: I’ve a hive of bees behind those trees over there. Some hear bees and they
say, bees buzz. But when you listen to bees for a long while, they humm….and hum
means ‘sing’. I hear them singing, my bees.
DERRY: But….I like it here. I came in because I liked it …..when I looked over the wall.
MR LAMB: If you’d seen me, you’d not have come in.
(On the Face of It)
Q. i. List the playwright’s purpose of using ellipses (…) in this extract.

ii. Select the option that best describes Derry and Mr. Lamb in the extract.
A. Derry: introvert; Mr. Lamb: friendly
B. Derry: fearful; Mr. Lamb: domineering
C. Derry: friendly; Mr. Lamb: weird
D. Derry: open minded; Mr. Lamb: charming
iii. Which of the following best summarises Mr. Lamb’s attitude towards the bees?
A. Beauty is being true to yourself.
B. There is a kind of beauty in imperfection.
C. Beauty is the promise of happiness.
D. The beauty of the world lies in the details.
iv. Derry says, “I came in here because I liked it ….” What was the one significant thing
Derry might have liked about the place, as per the extract?
Q. 2.B

Students on Ice, the programme I was working with on the Shokalskiy, aims to do exactly this by taking high school students to the ends of the world and providing them with inspiring educational opportunities which will help them foster a new understanding and respect for our planet. It’s been in operation for six years now, headed by Canadian Geoff Green, who got tired of carting celebrities and retired, rich, curiosity-seekers who could only ‘give’ back in a limited way. With Students on Ice, he offers the future generation of policy-makers a life-changing experience at an age when they’re ready to absorb, learn, and most importantly, act. (Journey to the End of the Earth) i. Complete the sentence appropriately, with reference to the extract.
i The writer refers to the educational opportunities as ‘inspiring’ because .
Ans. Educational opportunities as inspiring because they motivate the team to work for the benefit of the planet.
ii. Which of the following would NOT be ‘a life changing experience’?
A. Being given the lead role in a play.
B. Going on an adventure trip.
C. Playing a video game.
D. Meeting a great leader, you admire.
Ans. C. Playing a video game.
iii. Select the most suitable title for the given extract.
A. Adventure with a Mission
B. Adventure – The Spice of Life
C. The Wanderlust
D. Students of the Future
Ans. A. Adventure with a Mission
iv. Why does the writer refer to ‘act’ as more important than ‘absorb’ or ‘learn’?

Ans. Right practical knowledge is always better and task can be done easily.

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