SAT is a test that HBSE gives to students in different classes to see how well they understand the monthly curriculum. Student Assessment SAT-2 Class 11 English (Core) November 2022 solution will assess your preparation for the final examination of class 11 of BSEH. If you have made any mistake in Student Assessment, Class 11 English (Core), November 2022, correct your mistake. Review the syllabus for the SAT-2 Class 11 English (Core) November 2022 once again, and then solve the paper. ReadlearnExcel hopes that the solution to the Student Assessment SAT-2 Class 11 English (Core) November 2022 will help you understand the English syllabus OF CLASS 11 OF BSEH.

Student Assessment SAT-2 Class 11 English(Core) : Solution Q. 1-5
Question No. 1-5: 1×5=5 Marks
Answer 1. (c) Science
Answer 2. (a) Jayant Narlikar
Answer 3. (b) Love
Answer 4. (c) father and Son
Answer 5. (d) Brain Cancer
Student Assessment SAT-2 Class 11 English(Core) : Solution Q. 6-10
Answer 6. Change the voice
This work must be finished by you.
Answer 7. Change the voice
By whom was King Lear written?
Answer 8. After the Marathas won the Battle of Panipat, history changed in that world. Rajendra explained this by employing the catastrophic theory, which holds that reality is riddled with misreadings.
Answer 9. False
Answer 10. True
Student Assessment SAT-2 Class 11 English November 2022: Solution Q. 11-12(20 to 30 words)
Answer 11. The father feels isolated because his son doesn’t understand him, although they have lived in the same house. They speak and behave like strangers. The father has helped his son grow, but unfortunately, he can’t share things with his son.
Answer 12. In the poem “Childhood,” the poet tells us about when we lost our childhood. Was it at eleven, or when we began to understand the difference between good and bad things? The state of childhood is different for different people, and there is no rule for deciding our childhood.
Student Assessment SAT-2 Class 11 English(Core) November 2022: Solution Q. 13-14(30 to 40 words)
Answer 13. Cocker-Harris is not visible in the play until the end. We learn about Cocker-Harris from the comments made by his student, Taplow. He is a strict teacher and never declares the results before the end of the last term. Taplow missed school due to his illness, and he was punished by doing extra work. His voice was scary, and his students were scared of him. As a result, he was a strange man.
Answer 14. The narrator was drawn to Shahid by his love of poetry and literature. The narrator was deeply moved by his work, “The Country Without a Post Office.” They had mutual friends in both Delhi and America. Their mutual admiration for Rogan Josh, Roshanara Begam, and Kishore Kumar solidified their friendship. They were both fans of Bombay films and shared a dislike for cricket.
Thus, the solution to Student Assessment SAT-2 Class 11 English (Core) November 2022 might have helped you find out the error you made in answering the question of SAT-2 Class 11 English.