
20 Most Important Long Answer Class 12 English Famingo CBSE | Q12 Answer in 120 – 150 words 2024

20 Most Important Long Answer Class 12 English Famingo CBSE

The Flamingo textbook is a crucial component of the Class 12 CBSE curriculum, acting as a thorough introduction to English language and literature. The selected books explore issues that are pertinent to modern culture, provoking conversations on identity, morality, and cultural quirks. Through this collection, students connect with the nuances of human existence while simultaneously honing their verbal skills.

12. One Long answer type question, from Prose/Poetry (Flamingo), to be answered in
120-150 words. Questions can be based on incident / theme / passage / extract / event
as reference points to assess extrapolation beyond and across the text. The question
will elicit analytical and evaluative response from the student. Any one out of two
questions to be done. (1×5=5 Marks)

In light of this, let’s examine the ten most crucial long answer questions from the English Flamingo class of 12 in detail in order to reveal the literary significance and depth of each text.

20 Most Important Short Answer Questions Flamingo CBSE 2024

Q12 Answer in 120 – 150 words. Long Answer Class 12 English Famingo CBSE

Q.1 Imagine that the bully who threw Douglas into the pool, reads this chapter
and realizes his mistake.
As the bully, write a dairy entry penning down your response to Douglas’
perseverance and your own feelings of guilt and regret.

i) Bully’s Diary Entry:

Dear Diary,

Today, I stumbled upon the chapter about Douglas’s perseverance. As I read, a wave of guilt washed over me. The memory of throwing Douglas into the pool, once a source of amusement, now haunts me. Witnessing his resilience and determination to overcome the ordeal makes me realize the gravity of my mistake. Regret weighs heavily on my conscience. I wish I could turn back time and undo the harm I caused. Douglas’s strength exposes my weakness, forcing me to confront the consequences of my actions. I must find a way to make amends and learn from this, transforming myself into someone who supports, not harms.

Sincerely, The Bully

2. Douglas’ mother writes to the YMCA authorities holding them accountable for
the mishap as well as demanding that the authorities employ a team of
guards near the pool for supervision of the children.
As the mother, write a letter to the authorities with reference to the case of
your son.
You may begin like this:
Subject: Negligence on Premises
This is with reference to the incident of near fatal drowning of my son, William on your
premises. We were…

ii) Mother’s Letter to YMCA Authorities:

Subject: Negligence on Premises

Dear Sir,

This is with reference to the incident of the near-fatal drowning of my son, William, on your premises. We were deeply distressed to learn about the lack of supervision that led to this unfortunate event. As parents, our primary concern is the safety of our children while they participate in activities at the YMCA.

We implore you to take immediate action by employing a dedicated team of guards near the pool to ensure constant supervision of the children. This incident has shaken our trust in the YMCA’s commitment to safety. We trust that you will address this matter urgently and implement stringent measures to prevent such incidents in the future.

Sincerely, [Name] [Contact Information]

Q.3. Imagine Gandhi were to deliver a speech to students in present day India
showing them the path to becoming responsible world leaders. Based on
your understanding of Gandhi’s own leadership skills, write a speech, as
Gandhi, addressing the students about the qualities that every leader and
politician should nurture.
Dear students, you are all leaders of social change. I see many bright and enthusiastic faces
that assure me that our future is in good hands. I have learnt from my own

Dear students,

Namaste. It warms my heart to stand before such bright and enthusiastic faces, for you are the leaders of tomorrow, the architects of change. I draw inspiration from my own journey, where simple principles guided me in becoming a leader for the people. I encourage you to nurture qualities that transcend time, essential for responsible leadership.

Firstly, embrace ahimsa, non-violence, as the cornerstone of your actions. True strength lies not in physical might, but in the courage to resist injustice without resorting to violence. Remember, you can win over hearts through love and compassion.

Secondly, be the change you wish to see. Transform yourself before aspiring to transform the world. Cultivate honesty, integrity, and humility. A leader’s character is the bedrock upon which nations are built.

Thirdly, understand the power of satyagraha – the force of truth. Stand resolute in your commitment to truth and justice, even in the face of adversity. Your unwavering dedication will inspire others to follow suit.

Lastly, lead with a servant’s heart. A true leader is a servant of the people, working selflessly for the welfare of all. Connect with the masses, understand their struggles, and strive to alleviate their suffering.

Dear students, the path to becoming responsible world leaders is paved with these principles. Embrace them, live them, and watch as you transform not only yourself but also the world around you. The future is in your hands, and I have faith that you will lead with compassion, integrity, and a commitment to justice.

Jai Hind.

4 Let us assume it was Rajendra Prasad who informed Charles Freer Andrews
of Gandhi’s decision and the reasons for other leaders’ support of him.
Thinking creatively of how Andrews would have responded and pen down the
discussion you think would have taken place between Rajendra Prasad and

(ii) Imagined Discussion between Rajendra Prasad and Charles Freer Andrews:

Rajendra Prasad: Charles, I must inform you that Gandhi has decided to lead our people in the pursuit of independence. His decision is based on the principles of non-violence and civil disobedience.

Charles Freer Andrews: Rajendra, this is a bold move. What led him to take such a decision?

Rajendra Prasad: His unwavering commitment to truth and justice. Gandhi believes that non-violent resistance is the path to liberate our nation from colonial rule.

Charles Freer Andrews: Admirable, but won’t this approach face opposition from other leaders?

Rajendra Prasad: Some are skeptical, but many see the wisdom in his philosophy. We believe that through non-violent means, we can win the moral high ground and garner international support.

Charles Freer Andrews: I see the potential impact. It aligns with Gandhi’s deep convictions. How can I support this movement?

Rajendra Prasad: Your influence is invaluable. Speak to the international community, share Gandhi’s philosophy, and advocate for our cause. We need global understanding and support.

Charles Freer Andrews: I shall do my best, Rajendra. Gandhi’s vision may just be the beacon of hope our nation needs.

This imagined conversation reflects the support and collaboration between Indian leaders and influential figures like Charles Freer Andrews during the struggle for independence.

Q5 Answer in 120-150 words
i Imagine Asokamitran witnesses a film shooting and visits a film set of presentday Bollywood.
As Asokamitran write a diary entry penning down the transformation you notice
between film making of yesteryears and today.

i) Asokamitran’s Diary Entry:

Dear Diary,

Today, I found myself amidst the vibrant chaos of a present-day Bollywood film set. The transformation from the film-making of yesteryears is staggering. Gone are the days of practical effects and meticulous scripting; today’s filmmaking is a symphony of technology and creativity. The elaborate sets, advanced equipment, and digital marvels have replaced the simplicity of the past. While the essence of storytelling remains, the pace and scale have metamorphosed. The camaraderie and personal touch of the old film industry seem overshadowed by the sheer grandeur and efficiency of the modern set. Nostalgia whispers in the corners, but the industry’s evolution is undeniable, a reflection of our changing times.

Sincerely, Asokamitran

6 After reading this story, you are impressed by the author’s use of gentle
humour to point out human foibles. Evaluate whether using such humour
contributes towards bringing about change in people’s attitude and accepting
their foibles.

ii) Evaluation of Gentle Humor in Pointing Out Human Foibles:

The author’s use of gentle humor in highlighting human foibles is a masterstroke. Humor, when wielded with finesse, becomes a mirror that reflects our flaws without harshness. By invoking laughter, the author subtly encourages introspection and self-awareness. Gentle humor creates a non-confrontational atmosphere, making it easier for individuals to acknowledge their shortcomings. It acts as a catalyst for change by fostering a positive and receptive mindset. When people can laugh at themselves, they are more likely to accept their foibles, leading to a gradual transformation in attitudes. In this way, the author’s skillful use of humor contributes significantly to the prospect of positive change in individuals’ perceptions and acceptance of their own human frailties.

7 Answer in 120-150 words
i Imagine that you are Christopher Silvester. You have been invited to a
seminar series titled – ‘Ethics and Techniques of Interviewing’.
The organisers would like you to speak about the challenges of conducting
interviews, and skills interviewers must have in order to conduct good and
ethical interviews.
Based on your reading of The Interview, Part I and II, draft your speech.
Include relevant details from the text in support of your answer.

i) Christopher Silvester’s Speech on Interviewing Ethics and Techniques:

Ladies and gentlemen,

It’s an honor to address you on the “Ethics and Techniques of Interviewing.” Drawing from my work, particularly “The Interview, Part I and II,” I want to emphasize the challenges interviewers face and the essential skills for conducting ethical interviews. The interview process demands a delicate balance between probing for information and respecting the interviewee’s boundaries. Understanding the power dynamics is crucial, ensuring a fair exchange.

In my writings, I explore the art of building rapport, active listening, and asking thoughtful questions. Respect for privacy and ethical considerations should guide every step. The responsibility lies with us to uphold journalistic integrity and ensure that our interviews contribute positively to the public discourse. Let us remember that behind every answer lies a human story, deserving of our empathy and respect.

8 Mukund Padmanabhan was gifted the ‘Penguin Book of Interviews – An
Anthology from 1859 to the Present Day’ edited by Christopher Silvester,
after interviewing Eco.
He shared his thoughts on his personal blog exploring his own concerns
about interviewing a distinguished writer like Eco, followed by an evaluation
of the interview in light of his reading.
As Mukund Padmanabhan, write the blog post.

ii) Mukund Padmanabhan’s Blog Post:

Title: Navigating the Labyrinth: Interviewing Eco

On receiving the ‘Penguin Book of Interviews’ from Christopher Silvester post my interview with Eco, I delved into my own concerns about interviewing a luminary. The anthology provided insights into the historical evolution of interviews, shedding light on the challenges predecessors faced.

In my blog post, I reflect on the intricate dance of questioning Eco, a distinguished writer. The initial apprehensions transformed into a fascinating exploration of his thoughts. I evaluate the interview, critically assessing my approach in light of Silvester’s anthology. The experience, juxtaposed with the rich history of interviews, underscores the timeless essence of this journalistic endeavor.

9 Part I of ‘The Interview’ is an excerpt from the Penguin Book of Interviews.
Do you think that the extract fails to present a balanced perspective about
Substantiate your answer with relevant textual details.
If this were the entire introduction, what would your expectation from the
book be?

iii) Evaluation of ‘The Interview’ Part I:

Part I of ‘The Interview’ presents a captivating excerpt from the Penguin Book of Interviews. However, it doesn’t provide a balanced perspective as it primarily highlights the interviewer’s perspective. The focus is on the craft of questioning and the dynamics of the interview, neglecting the interviewee’s experience and viewpoint. A more comprehensive portrayal would involve exploring both sides, acknowledging the collaborative nature of an interview. If this were the entire introduction, my expectation from the book would be a more inclusive and nuanced examination of interviews, encompassing the perspectives of both interviewers and interviewees.

Q10 Answer in 120-150 words
i Imagine Sophie’s father finds out about Sophie’s going to the canal to meet
Danny Casey which leads him to think that she has lied to everyone about
the whole affair. He is infuriated and prohibits Sophie from going anywhere
except to school.
As Geoff, write a diary entry disapproving of your father’s punishment by
citing your reasons for being sympathetic to Sophie.
You may begin this way:
Monday, 2 September 1940 9 PM
I cannot get myself to stand with father in his tirade against Sophie. Sure, she is not the

i) Geoff’s Diary Entry Disapproving Father’s Punishment:

Monday, 2 September 1940, 9 PM

I cannot get myself to stand with father in his tirade against Sophie. Sure, she is not the most obedient daughter at times, and her clandestine meetings with Danny Casey have fueled his anger. Yet, deep down, I sense there’s more to her actions. Sophie’s spirit is not easily quenched, and her connection with Danny is more than defiance—it’s a glimpse of a world beyond our war-torn existence. Father’s prohibition, confining her to school and home, seems too harsh. In these trying times, Sophie’s resilience and dreams offer a glimmer of hope. I wish father could see beyond the surface, understand the complexities of Sophie’s heart, and be more compassionate in his judgment.

11. Imagine Sophie meets Danny Casey after several years.
Write a dialogue exchange between them where Sophie explains what that
meeting means to her.

ii) Sophie Meets Danny Casey After Several Years:

Sophie: Danny?

Danny: Sophie? Is it really you?

Sophie: Yes, after all these years. I never thought I’d see you again.

Danny: Life took us on different paths, but here we are. How have you been?

Sophie: It’s been a journey, Danny. Life kept throwing challenges, but meeting you back then was like a spark in the darkness. I’ve carried that spark with me through the years.

Danny: I never forgot you, Sophie. That meeting meant a lot to me too.

Sophie: It changed me, Danny. It gave me strength during tough times. It made me believe in something beyond the hardships.

Danny: I’m glad to hear that, Sophie. Sometimes, unexpected encounters shape our lives more than we realize.

Sophie: Absolutely, Danny. Life has a way of weaving connections, even if they seem transient at first.

Q12 Answer in 120-150 words
i Imagine the mother gets to know of the poet persona’s fears. Write a letter,
as the mother, telling the daughter why she must not dwell on these fears.
You may begin this way:
Cochin, Kerala
22 August ‘60
My dear Kamala
I am writing to you because when you left me at the airport, I felt something wasn’t right.
Judging by how little you spoke that day ……………………….
With love

i) Mother’s Letter to Kamala:

Pallipuram Cochin, Kerala 22 August ’60

My dear Kamala,

I am writing to you because when you left me at the airport, I felt something wasn’t right. Judging by how little you spoke that day, I sensed a burden weighing on your heart. My intuition tells me that it’s something significant, and as your mother, I want to be there for you.

Remember, my dearest, fears are like passing clouds; they may cast shadows, but they eventually dissipate. I understand you have concerns, but dwelling on fears will only hinder your spirit. Life is an unpredictable journey, and facing fears is an integral part of it. Embrace challenges with the resilience that I know resides within you. You have the strength to navigate through uncertainties. Share your fears with me, let us face them together, and remember that your home in Pallipuram is a sanctuary of love and support.

With love, Amma

13. Imagine you are the poet’s friend.
Write a dialogue exchange between yourself and the poet where the latter
confides in you about her fears and asks for your advice.
What would your advice be –to face her fears, to ignore them or something

ii) Dialogue Exchange between the Poet’s Friend and Kamala:

Friend: Kamala, you seem troubled. What’s been bothering you lately?

Kamala: I’ve been haunted by fears, uncertainties about the future, and the unknown.

Friend: It’s okay to feel that way, Kamala. We all do at times. But facing your fears is crucial. What specifically worries you?

Kamala: The fear of not fulfilling expectations, of failing, of losing those I care about.

Friend: Kamala, fear is a powerful adversary, but avoidance won’t make it disappear. Face your fears with courage. Break them down into smaller challenges, and tackle them one by one. You have the strength within you to overcome these fears. Ignoring them won’t lead to growth. Embrace your fears, learn from them, and let them shape you into a stronger person. I believe in your resilience, Kamala.

Q14 Answer in 120-150 words
i You have been asked to deliver a speech in the assembly on the role of the
youth in bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. Write the speech
You may begin like this:
Dear friends
I stand before you today, to voice my thoughts on…

i) Speech on the Role of Youth in Bridging the Gap:

Dear friends,

I stand before you today to voice my thoughts on the crucial role of the youth in bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. In a world where disparities persist, the energy, enthusiasm, and innovative spirit of the youth can be the catalyst for change. It is our responsibility to extend a helping hand to those less privileged, to be the architects of a more equitable society. Through education, advocacy, and community engagement, we can break down barriers and foster understanding. Let us embrace empathy, and let our actions speak louder than words. Together, as the youth, we have the power to build bridges and create a world where opportunities are not dictated by economic status.

15. You are a member of the ‘Interact Club’ of your school that conducts ‘Teach
the Young’ programme in the slums in the neighbourhood. It is a programme to
teach young children living in the slums.
Write a diary entry to share your experience of teaching these children and
your interactions with them. Combine your ideas with those revealed in the

ii) Diary Entry about ‘Teach the Young’ Programme:

Dear Diary,

Today was another impactful day at the ‘Teach the Young’ program in the slums. As a member of the Interact Club, interacting with these resilient children has been an eye-opening experience. Their enthusiasm to learn, despite the challenges they face, resonates with the themes of the poem we discussed in class. Teaching them, I witnessed the transformative power of education, the key to breaking the cycle of poverty.

In the narrow lanes of the slums, we became not just teachers but companions in their journey of discovery. The lines from the poem echoed in my mind as I saw the hunger for knowledge in their eyes. Each interaction reinforced the idea that education is a powerful equalizer. We, as youth, hold the potential to empower these young minds, bridging the gap between privilege and deprivation. It’s not just about teaching; it’s about building bridges of understanding and fostering a sense of hope in these young hearts.

Gratefully, [Your Name]

Q16. Answer in 120-150 words
i It could be said that the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ presents the poet’s
philosophy for a different kind of world.
If you were asked to highlight elements of Neruda’s vision that resonate in
your specific social, political and cultural context, which three main ideas
would you engage with?
Use relevant textual details to support your analysis.

i) Elements of Neruda’s Vision Resonating in My Context:

In my specific social, political, and cultural context, Neruda’s ‘Keeping Quiet’ resonates profoundly. Firstly, his emphasis on silence as a means of reflection and communal understanding speaks to the need for contemplation in our fast-paced society. In a world inundated with noise, the call to pause and reflect aligns with our constant quest for balance and mental well-being.

Secondly, Neruda’s vision of a world where borders are erased finds relevance in our interconnected global society. In an era marked by heightened awareness of diversity and unity, breaking down metaphorical walls is crucial for fostering understanding and harmony.

Thirdly, Neruda’s plea for collective action against injustice echoes in our socio-political climate. In the face of social inequalities and political discord, his call for unity and activism serves as a beacon for positive change. The poem inspires us to engage in meaningful dialogue and work collectively towards a more just and compassionate world.

17. The last two years of school tend to be about planning for life after school.
This can be motivating, overwhelming or encouraging for some, and
stressful for others.
Write a diary entry recording your thoughts on the following:
• Neruda’s ideas in ‘Keeping Quiet’ as a guide in this situation.
• Thinking differently about your decisions with reference to Neruda’s
‘Keeping Quiet’.

ii) Diary Entry on ‘Keeping Quiet’ in the Context of Planning for Life After School:

Dear Diary,

As I navigate the complexities of planning for life after school, Neruda’s ‘Keeping Quiet’ offers a guiding light. In this pivotal phase, the idea of silence as a source of introspection becomes invaluable. Amidst the cacophony of decisions and expectations, the call to pause, reflect, and consider the consequences of our choices resonates deeply.

Neruda’s plea for thinking differently aligns with the need to break free from conventional paths. It encourages me to question societal norms and pursue a path that aligns with my authentic self. In a world fixated on predefined trajectories, ‘Keeping Quiet’ empowers me to choose differently, to carve out a unique journey guided by passion and purpose.

In the silence of contemplation, I find the strength to approach this phase with a fresh perspective, embracing the potential for change and growth.

Reflectively, [Your Name]

Q18. Answer in 120-150 words
i Imagine a car stops and actually buys from the roadside stand.
Keeping in mind the reaction you think the peasants would have, write a
diary entry as the farmer describing not only your immediate experience but
also your after-thoughts on being able to earn “city-money”.
You may begin this way:
Wednesday, 2nd March XX 9 PM
We had an unexpectedly good day today!…

i) Farmer’s Diary Entry:

Wednesday, 2nd March XX, 9 PM

We had an unexpectedly good day today! The car actually stopped at our roadside stand, and the occupants bought our produce. I couldn’t believe it at first. The city folks, in their sleek car, appreciating the simplicity of our offerings – it felt surreal. The joy on the faces of my fellow farmers mirrored my own. We earned “city-money,” as they call it. The immediate experience was one of elation and disbelief. We, who till the soil, contributing to the sustenance of all, were recognized and valued.

After the initial excitement settled, a profound sense of pride and contentment lingered. The realization that our humble produce had found appreciation beyond our village filled my heart with gratitude. In the simplicity of a roadside stand, we had bridged the gap between rural and urban, earning not just money but respect for our toil.

Imagine a child from the farmer’s family migrates to the city for their
education. As the child, write back to your family telling them whether you
would or would not want to turn into a city-person.
Use the context of the poem “A Roadside Stand” in mind to pen down this
You may begin this way:
12, Davidson County
23 January ‘XX
Dear mom
I have been thinking about the roadside stall lately. Now that I find myself surrounded by
city-people all the time, I think……………………………………..
With love

ii) Jennifer’s Letter to Family:

12, Davidson County 23 January ‘XX

Dear Mom,

I have been thinking about the roadside stall lately. Now that I find myself surrounded by city-people all the time, I think about the simplicity and authenticity of our life back home. In the city, everyone is in a rush, always chasing something. There’s a charm in the unhurried pace of life at the farm. The city offers opportunities, but it also demands sacrifices – a connection to nature, to family, to the essence of life.

I have come to appreciate the values instilled in me at our roadside stand. While the city provides education and opportunities, I am inclined to hold on to the roots that shaped me. I don’t want to become solely a city-person; rather, I wish to carry the essence of our roadside stand into the bustling city life.

With love, Jennifer

Q20.  Answer in 120-150 words
i Read the given extract from an article published in The Independent:
“Turn your pain into art”: it’s a phrase most of us have heard before…
The theory that achieving something great requires suffering dates back to
ancient times… Pain, however, is less an artistic necessity and more a
result of “contagion” – a term used for the spreading of a harmful idea or
practice…In the context of the struggling artist, it allows mental illness to
fester; to be glamourised and admired; even encouraged in the name of art.
– Do you think Aunt Jennifer “turned her pain into art”? What kind of
“contagion” might her pain be a result of?
– Evaluate Aunt Jennifer and her artistry in light of the above extract.

i) Evaluation of Aunt Jennifer’s Artistry in Light of the Extract:

Aunt Jennifer, though not explicitly stated in the poem, appears to have channeled her pain into her art, particularly through her intricate needlework. The tigers she creates on the screen mirror her silent rebellion against the oppressive marriage. The “contagion” of pain, as mentioned in the article, could be a result of societal expectations and the stifling norms that Aunt Jennifer, like many women of her time, was subjected to. The pressure to conform, the suppression of individuality, and the weight of unfulfilled desires may have contributed to her silent suffering.

In evaluating Aunt Jennifer’s artistry, one can see her attempt to break the silence imposed by societal norms. The tigers, though subdued in their life, exude a sense of strength and defiance. Through her art, Aunt Jennifer navigates the contours of her pain, offering a glimpse into her inner world and the struggles she faces.

Bonus Questions from Previous Years’ Class 12 CBSE Exams

21. Imagine that Aunt Jennifer read the poem that Adrienne Rich wrote about
Every poem breaks a silence
that had to be overcome.
– Adrienne Rich
her. After much contemplation, she decided to write a letter to her husband
expressing her feelings and thoughts. Write the letter as Aunt Jennifer.

ii) Aunt Jennifer’s Letter to Her Husband:

My Dearest,

I hope this letter finds you well. Today, I chanced upon a poem by Adrienne Rich that spoke to my soul – “Every poem breaks a silence that had to be overcome.” It made me ponder the silence that has engulfed my life, the silent tapestry of pain and unspoken desires.

In the delicate stitches of my needlework, I have woven a world of tigers – symbols of strength and freedom. Each thread carries the weight of my unvoiced struggles, a silent rebellion against the constraints of our marriage. The tigers roar in the silence, a testament to the resilience that resides within me.

I share this not to reproach or accuse but to express the unsung melodies within my heart. The art, my dear, is my voice, my rebellion, and my sanctuary. I yearn for understanding, for a connection beyond the tangible. Let these words not widen the distance between us but serve as a bridge to the untold facets of our shared existence.

With a heavy but hopeful heart, Aunt Jennifer

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