CBSE Sure-Shot Questions On The Face of It Class 12 Eng. 2023 will deal with the most important short questions, long answer questions, and the important passage for reading comprehension, which is introduced in the CBSE Class 12 English question paper. The final examinations are expected to include CBSE Sure-Shot Questions On The Face of It Class 12 Eng. 2023. Furthermore, CBSE Sure-Shot Questions on the Face of It Class 12 Eng. 2023 will allow you to quickly and constructively revise the entire syllabus to achieve excellent results in the examinations.
CBSE Sure-Shot Questions “On the Face of It,” Class 12 Eng. 2023: Summary
Susan Hill’s “On the Face of It” is a short play of three acts and three characters. The story of On the Face of It is about a small boy, Derry, who has a burnt face. Mr. Lamb is an old man with an artificial leg made of tin, as is Derry’s mother. The author, Susan Hill, tells us about people’s attitudes toward excommunicated people when a small kid, who is very withdrawn and defiant, strikes up a friendship with the old man. Do you know what the common bond between them is that resulted in their friendship? The author forces us to consider issues in which people’s disabilities cause them to be isolated from society.
Derry unknowingly enters Lamb’s garden, and fortunately, he is welcomed by the owner of the garden, who helps him live a normal life, leaving behind his past. Derry was upset due to the scar on his face and was very upset as the people don’t want any association with him. Thus, they start sharing their problems and soon become friends. Derry asks Lamb, “How is he disliked by other children?” Children tease him due to his burned face. But Mr. Lamb was constantly reminding him to focus on the good. As their friendship develops, Mr. Lamb asks him to assist him in gathering his garden’s crab apples. Derry explains to him that he has traveled too far from home and has not told his mother about this. Mr. Lamb advises him to ask his mother for permission.
Therefore, Lamb convinces him to go home for his mother’s permission, but his mother doesn’t want him to go back to Lamb’s house. In the meantime, Mr. Lamb sends the ladder to pick the crab apples, and he dies after falling from the ladder. Then, Derry reached his garden and found Mr. Lamb dead, and he started sobbing.
Thus, the writer wants us not to feel shame over our appearance, and we should always treat such people without realizing their disability.
The short answer questions for Vistas will be worth 4 marks, and you will find these questions under Question No. VI: “Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40–50 words each.” 2*2=4″ in Section C of Literature. You have to attempt two questions from the three questions.
The long answer question of Vistas will be of 5 Marks and comes under the Section-C of Literature. “VIII. Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 120–150 words. 1*5=5 “
How to Score Maximum Marks in CBSE Class 12 English(Core)?
- Remember the name of the chapters of the Flamingo and Vistas and their writer’s name.
- Revise the summary of the chapters of the Flamingo and Vistas.
- Put more emphasis on the NCERT Class 12 English textual questions.
- Check the NCERT books “Think as You Read”, “Talking about the text”, and “Understanding the text” for short questions and answers.
- Check the exercises in NCERT Book, “Writing”.
- Prepare notes on the theme, main ideas, and long questions and answers.

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CBSE Sure-Shot Questions On The Face of It Class 12 Eng. 2023
Sure-Shot CBSE Questions On The Face Of It will have short as well as long questions as per the revised pattern of the examination.
CBSE Sure-Shot Short Questions On The Face of It Class 12 Eng. 2023
CBSE Sure-Shot Short Questions On The Face of It will have the most important questions of 40-50 words, carrying 2 marks each.
Q.1. Who is Mr. Lamb? How does Derry get into his garden? HBSE, 2011
Mr. Lamb is an old man who lives alone in a big house with a big garden. He’d lost one of his legs in a bomb explosion, and the broken one had been replaced with a tin one. Mr. Lamb is fond of people, but unfortunately, due to his disability, nobody came to him to talk. To welcome people, he never closed the main door of the house, expecting someone might come inside.
Derry’s one side of his face was burnt, and a small boy of 14 who entered Mr. Lamb’s garden thought it was empty. He came inside to hide from people.
Q.2. Do you think all this will change Derry’s attitude towards Mr. Lamb?
The story of On the Face of It is about a small boy, Derry, who has a burnt face. Mr. Lamb is an old man with an artificial leg made of tin, as is Derry’s mother. The author, Susan Hill, tells us about people’s attitudes toward excommunicated people when a small kid, who is very withdrawn and defiant, strikes up a friendship with the old man.
Q.3. What surprised Derry about Mr. Lamb? CBSE 2018
Mr. Lamb is an old man who lives alone in a big house with a big garden. He’d lost one of his legs in a bomb explosion, and the broken one had been replaced with a tin one. Mr. Lamb is fond of people, but unfortunately, due to his disability, nobody came to him to talk. To welcome people, he never closed the main door of the house, expecting someone might come inside.
Derry’s one side of his face was burnt, and a small boy of 14 who entered Mr. Lamb’s garden thought it was empty. He came inside to hide from people. Derry scaled the wall by leaping over it and entered Mr. Lamb’s garden covertly. He didn’t want to draw anyone’s attention. He wanted to escape society due to his burned and deformed visage. On the other hand, everyone made fun of Mr. Lamb because he had a tin leg. He was a non-entity to the people who came to enjoy the beauty of his garden while eating apples, pears, and toffees.
Q.4. How does Mr. Lamb try to overcome loneliness? CBSE 2019
Derry’s one side of his face was burnt, and a small boy of 14 who entered Mr. Lamb’s garden thought it was empty. He came inside to hide from people. Derry scaled the wall by leaping over it and entered Mr. Lamb’s garden covertly. He didn’t want to draw anyone’s attention. He wanted to escape society due to his burned and deformed visage. On the other hand, everyone made fun of Mr. Lamb because he had a tin leg. He was a non-entity to the people who came to enjoy the beauty of his garden while eating apples, pears, and toffees.
Q.5. Why had Derry come into the garden? HBSE 2017, 2020
Derry’s one side of his face was burnt, and a small boy of 14 who entered Mr. Lamb’s garden thought it was empty. He came inside to hide from people. Derry scaled the wall by leaping over it and entered Mr. Lamb’s garden covertly. He didn’t want to draw anyone’s attention. He wanted to escape society due to his burned and deformed visage.
Q.6. How was Derry’s face was burnt? HBSE 2014, SAT. NOV. 2019
Derry’s one side of his face was burnt due to acid a small boy of 14 who entered Mr. Lamb’s garden thought it was empty. He came inside to hide from people. Derry scaled the wall by leaping over it and entered Mr. Lamb’s garden covertly. He didn’t want to draw anyone’s attention. He wanted to escape society due to his burned and deformed visage.
Q.7. What did Derry’s mother think of Mr. Lamb? HBSE 2020
As their friendship develops, Mr. Lamb asks him to assist him in gathering his garden’s crab apples. Derry explains to him that he has travelled too far from home and has not told his mother about this. Mr. Lamb advises him to ask his mother for permission.
Therefore, Lamb convinces him to go home for his mother’s permission, but his mother doesn’t want him to go back to Lamb’s house. In the meantime, Mr. Lamb sends the ladder to pick the crab apples, and he dies after falling from the ladder. Then, Derry reached his garden and found Mr. Lamb dead, and he started sobbing.
Q.8. How does Derry enter Lamb’s garden? HBSE 2015,
Derry unknowingly enters Lamb’s garden, and fortunately, he is welcomed by the owner of the garden, who helps him live a normal life, leaving behind his past. Derry was upset due to the scar on his face and was very upset as the people don’t want any association with him. Thus, they start sharing their problems and soon become friends. Derry asks Lamb, “How is he disliked by other children?” Children tease him due to his burned face. But Mr. Lamb was constantly reminding him to focus on the good. As their friendship develops, Mr. Lamb asks him to assist him in gathering his garden’s crab apples.
Q.9. What qualities of Mr. lamb attracted Derry to him?
The story of On the Face of It is about a small boy, Derry, who has a burnt face. Mr. Lamb is an old man with an artificial leg made of tin, as is Derry’s mother. The author, Susan Hill, tells us about people’s attitudes toward excommunicated people when a small kid, who is very withdrawn and defiant, strikes up a friendship with the old man.
Reading with Insight
Q.1. What is it that draws Derry towards Mr. Lamb inspite of himself? HBSE. 2012, 2013
2. In which section of the play does Mr. Lamb display signs of loneliness and disappointment? What are the ways in which Mr. Lamb tries to overcome these feelings? HBSE 2012, 2019
3. The actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with disabilities. What is the kind of behavior that the person expects from others?
4. Will Derry get back to his old seclusion or will Mr. Lamb’s brief association effect a change in the kind of life he will lead in the future? How about… using your imagination to suggest another ending to the above story.
(b) How did Mr. Lamb change Derry’s life?
(e) Why does Derry’s mother not want him to go back to visit Mr. Lamb?
CBSE Sure-Shot Long Questions On The Face Of It Class 12
You will have the most frequently asked and answered questions from each chapter of Vistas from class 12 English (core) for the upcoming final examination of 2022–2023.
Template: Long Question and Answer On The Face Of It CBSE Class 12 English
Long Answer Word Limit: 125-150
Q. 1. The author, Susan Hill, tells us about people’s attitudes toward disabled people when a small kid, who is very withdrawn and defiant, strikes up a friendship with the old man. Do you know what the common bond between them is that resulted in their friendship? Give a speech on “People’s Attitudes Toward Disabled Persons”, giving reference to the story. You can start with, ” Dear friends, we have just finished the chapter, “On the Face of It”,
Introductory Paragraph of the Long Answer Question
Dear friends, We have just finished the chapter “On the Face of It,” in which we saw that two characters are discriminated against by society due to their disabilities. Susan Hill’s “On the Face of It” is a short play of three acts and three characters. The story of On the Face of It is about a small boy, Derry, who has a burnt face. Mr. Lamb is an old man with an artificial leg made of tin, as is Derry’s mother. The author, Susan Hill, tells us about people’s attitudes toward excommunicated people when a small kid, who is very withdrawn and defiant, strikes up a friendship with the old man.
Main Paragraph of the Long Answer Question
Mr. Lamb is an old man who lives alone in a big house with a big garden. He’d lost one of his legs in a bomb explosion, and the broken one had been replaced with a tin one. Mr. Lamb is fond of people, but unfortunately, due to his disability, nobody came to him to talk. To welcome people, he never closed the main door of the house, expecting someone might come inside.
Derry’s one side of his face was burnt, and a small boy of 14 who entered Mr. Lamb’s garden thought it was empty. He came inside to hide from people. Derry scaled the wall by leaping over it and entered Mr. Lamb’s garden covertly. He didn’t want to draw anyone’s attention. He wanted to escape society due to his burned and deformed visage. On the other hand, everyone made fun of Mr. Lamb because he had a tin leg. He was a non-entity to the people who came to enjoy the beauty of his garden while eating apples, pears, and toffees.
Conclusion Paragraph of the Long Answer Question
Thus, despite their differences, Derry and Mr. Lamb were both restrained by the same cord. The elderly man, who also lived alone in a large but empty house, could relate to the lonely boy’s feelings. He also had no trouble identifying the cause of their disfigured body part’s loneliness.
Q. 1. The author, Susan Hill, tells us about people’s attitudes toward disabled people when a small kid, who is very withdrawn and defiant, strikes up a friendship with the old man. Do you know what the common bond between them is that resulted in their friendship? Give a speech on “People’s Attitudes Toward Disabled Persons”, giving reference to the story.
Dear friends, We have just finished the chapter “On the Face of It,” in which we saw that two characters are discriminated against by society due to their disabilities. Susan Hill’s “On the Face of It” is a short play of three acts and three characters. The story of On the Face of It is about a small boy, Derry, who has a burnt face. Mr. Lamb is an old man with an artificial leg made of tin, as is Derry’s mother. The author, Susan Hill, tells us about people’s attitudes toward excommunicated people when a small kid, who is very withdrawn and defiant, strikes up a friendship with the old man.
Derry’s one side of his face was burnt, and a small boy of 14 who entered Mr. Lamb’s garden thought it was empty. He came inside to hide from people. Derry scaled the wall by leaping over it and entered Mr. Lamb’s garden covertly. He didn’t want to draw anyone’s attention. He wanted to escape society due to his burned and deformed visage. On the other hand, everyone made fun of Mr. Lamb because he had a tin leg. He was a non-entity to the people who came to enjoy the beauty of his garden while eating apples, pears, and toffees.
Thus, despite their differences, Derry and Mr. Lamb were both restrained by the same cord. The elderly man, who also lived alone in a large but empty house, could relate to the lonely boy’s feelings. He also had no trouble identifying the cause of their disfigured body part’s loneliness.
Q.2. A young boy and an old man meet in the former’s garden in this drama. The introverted and obstinate child makes friends with the elderly man. What link binds the two together?
“On the Face of It” shows that two characters are discriminated against by society due to their disabilities. Susan Hill’s “On the Face of It” is a short play of three acts and three characters. The story of On the Face of It is about a small boy, Derry, who has a burnt face. Mr. Lamb is an old man with an artificial leg made of tin, as is Derry’s mother. The author, Susan Hill, tells us about people’s attitudes toward excommunicated people when a small kid, who is very withdrawn and defiant, strikes up a friendship with the old man.
Derry’s one side of his face was burnt, and a small boy of 14 who entered Mr. Lamb’s garden thought it was empty. He came inside to hide from people. Derry scaled the wall by leaping over it and entered Mr. Lamb’s garden covertly. He didn’t want to draw anyone’s attention. He wanted to escape society due to his burned and deformed visage. On the other hand, everyone made fun of Mr. Lamb because he had a tin leg. He was a non-entity to the people who came to enjoy the beauty of his garden while eating apples, pears, and toffees.
Thus, despite their differences, Derry and Mr. Lamb were both restrained by the same cord. The elderly man, who also lived alone in a large but empty house, could relate to the lonely boy’s feelings. He also had no trouble identifying the cause of their disfigured body part’s loneliness. But when Mr. Lamb said the same thing, Derry picked up on the alternative viewpoint and underlying empathy, which drew him closer to Lamey-Lamb.
Q. 3. Will Derry get back to his old seclusion or will Mr. Lamb’s brief association effect a change in the kind of life he will lead in the future? How about… using your imagination to suggest another ending to the above story.
Derry won’t return to his isolation, that’s for sure. Derry’s brief friendship with Mr. Lamb enhanced his self-esteem and taught him to value himself. Derry underwent a tremendous metamorphosis as a result of the old man’s ability to assist him to understand the value of being independent, respecting oneself, and holding onto hope. He tells his mother that his appearance is unimportant because of his newly discovered self-worth. He begins to place more value on his abilities than on his appearance.
It is unlikely that Mr. Lamb’s passing would cause him to resume his solitary existence. He has undergone a significant change, and it will not be undone by setbacks.
Thus, despite their differences, Derry and Mr. Lamb were both restrained by the same cord. The elderly man, who also lived alone in a large but empty house, could relate to the lonely boy’s feelings. He also had no trouble identifying the cause of their disfigured body part’s loneliness. But when Mr. Lamb said the same thing, Derry picked up on the alternative viewpoint and underlying empathy, which drew him closer to Lamey-Lamb.
Q. 4. The actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with disabilities. What is the kind of behavior that the person expects from others? Explain the main theme of the chapter.
Susan Hill’s “On the Face of It” is a short play of three acts and three characters. The story of On the Face of It is about a small boy, Derry, who has a burnt face. Mr. Lamb is an old man with an artificial leg made of tin, as is Derry’s mother. The author, Susan Hill, tells us about people’s attitudes toward excommunicated people when a small kid, who is very withdrawn and defiant, strikes up a friendship with the old man. Do you know what the common bond between them is that resulted in their friendship? The author forces us to consider issues in which people’s disabilities cause them to be isolated from society.
Derry unknowingly enters Lamb’s garden, and fortunately, he is welcomed by the owner of the garden, who helps him live a normal life, leaving behind his past. Derry was upset due to the scar on his face and was very upset as the people don’t want any association with him. Thus, they start sharing their problems and soon become friends. Derry asks Lamb, “How is he disliked by other children?” Children tease him due to his burned face. But Mr. Lamb was constantly reminding him to focus on the good. As their friendship develops, Mr. Lamb asks him to assist him in gathering his garden’s crab apples. Derry explains to him that he has travelled too far from home and has not told his mother about this. Mr. Lamb advises him to ask his mother for permission.
Therefore, Lamb convinces him to go home for his mother’s permission, but his mother doesn’t want him to go back to Lamb’s house. In the meantime, Mr. Lamb sends the ladder to pick the crab apples, and he dies after falling from the ladder. Then, Derry reached his garden and found Mr. Lamb dead, and he started sobbing.
Thus, the writer wants us not to feel shame over our appearance, and we should always treat such people without realizing their disability.
CBSE Most Important Extracts On The Face of It Class 12 Eng. 2023
2 Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given. 1*4=4
DERRY: You’re… peculiar. You say peculiar things. You ask questions I don’t
MR LAMB: I like to talk. Have company. You don’t have to answer questions. You don’t
have to stop here at all. The gate’s open.
DERRY: Yes, but…
MR LAMB: I have a hive of bees behind those trees over there. Some hear bees and they
say bees buzz. But when you listen to bees for a long while, they humm….and hum
means ‘sing’. I hear them singing, my bees.
DERRY: But….I like it here. I came in because I liked it …..when I looked over the wall.
MR LAMB: If you’d seen me, you’d not have come in.
(On the Face of It)
Q. i. List the playwright’s purpose for using ellipses (…) in this extract.
Ans. The character is paused for thought.
ii. Select the option that best describes Derry and Mr. Lamb in the extract.
A. Derry: introvert; Mr. Lamb: friendly
B. Derry: fearful; Mr. Lamb: domineering
C. Derry: friendly; Mr. Lamb: Weird
D. Derry: open-minded; Mr. Lamb: charming
Ans. A. Derry: introvert; Mr. Lamb: friendly
iii. Which of the following best summarises Mr. Lamb’s attitude towards the bees?
A. Beauty is being true to yourself.
B. There is a kind of beauty in imperfection.
C. Beauty is the promise of happiness.
D. The beauty of the world lies in the details.
Ans. D. The beauty of the world lies in the details.
iv. Derry says, “I came in here because I liked it ….” What was the one significant thing
Derry might have liked the place, as per the extract.
Ans. Derry was away from the eyes of the people.
2 Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given. 1*4=4
MR LAMB: That’s all right. I’m here. What are you afraid of,
boy? That’s all right.
DERRY: I thought it was empty….an empty house.
MR LAMB: So it is. Since I’m out here in the garden. It is
empty. Until I go back inside. In the meantime,
I’m out here and likely to stop. A day like this.
Beautiful day. Not a day to be indoors.
DERRY: [Panic] I’ve got to go.
MR LAMB: Not on my account. I don’t mind who comes into
the garden. The gate’s always open. Only you
climbed the garden wall.
DERRY: [Angry] You were watching me.
MR LAMB: I saw you. But the gate’s open. All welcome. You’re
welcome. I sit here. I like sitting.
DERRY: I’d not come to steal anything.
Q.1: Why did Derry enter the garden?
Ans. He wanted to hide.
Q.2. What did Lamb say to Derry on entering his garden?
Ans. He told Derry that his cottage was always open.
Q.3: What was Derry’s reaction to seeing Mr. Lamb?
Ans. He. He panicked, as he had considered the cottage empty.
Q.4: After reading the passage, what do you think about Mr. Lamb?
Ans. Mr. Lamb was a nice man who welcomed an unknown person into his garden.