
HBSE Class 10 English Practice Question Paper 2024

HBSE Class 10 English Practice Question Paper 2024

HBSE Class 10 English Practice Question Paper 2024 will help the students of Class 10 English to prepare for their final examination in 2024. Class 10 students will get questions in their final examination from this Practice Paper 2023-24. So, let us prepare it get more than 95% marks in Class 10.

HBSE Class 10 English Practice Question Paper 2024

HBSE Class 10 English Practice Question Paper 2024


Time: 3 Hours M.M. : 80
General Instructions:-
(i) The Question Paper contains four sections – Reading Skill,
Grammar, Writing Skill and Literature.
(ii) Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
SECTION – A 20Marks
Q 1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that
follow: (10)

(i) Eiha Dixit is an eight-year-old girl from Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. She was born
on September 29, 2012 to Kuldeep and Anjali.The young environmentalist
planted a record 1,008 saplings on her fifth birthday. By the age of 6, she had
already planted 2500 saplings and earned a place in the Asia Book of
Record. Eiha was also awarded the “Bal Shakti Puraskar 2019” by the
President of India for excellence in the field of social service.
(ii) Eiha’s father says that she had the courage to do something different from the
very beginning. One day, Eiha was watching a cartoon on television that
discussed the importance of plants and how they help the environment. Ever
since the thought that plants help save the environment and combat pollution
has remained in the little girl’s mind. Then, when she saw the Prime Minister
discuss plants on television, she insisted on planting a sapling. The family
planted a lemon plant in their garden.
(iii) Soon, Eiha began insisting on planting saplings regularly and her family
obliged. Every Sunday, the family would plant saplings in the vicinity of their
house. Her father would share it on social media, and slowly people started
taking note of Eiha’s work.
(iv) Initially, people would notice and appreciate Eiha’s efforts, but once the family
started the “Green Eiha Smile Club” in 2018, children started joining Eiha in
her endeavour. Today, Elha and her club continue to plant saplings and
encourage others to do so on occasions such as birthdays and weddings.
“This is our last chance to save human civilization. Planting trees is the only
way to do it, the more the better,” says Eiha, who aims to become an IPS
officer, and wishes to plant trees all her life.
Questions :
Q1. To which state does Eiha belong?
A. M. P.
B. U. P.
C. Haryana
D. Rajasthan
Q2. When was Eiha born?
A. September 28, 2012
B. September 13, 2012
C. September 12, 2012
D. September 29, 2012
Q3. How many saplings had Eiha planted by the age of six?
A. 1500
B. 2500
C. 3000
D. 4000
Q4. What was the name of the club started by the family of Eiha?
A. Green Eiha Fairy Club
B. Green Eiha Smile Club
C. Green Eiha Smart Club
D. Green Eiha Sensitive Club
Q5. Eiha aims to become an ________ .
C. doctor
D. teacher
Q6. With which Puraskar was Eiha awarded in 2019?
Q7. Which Idea remained in the mind of Eiha after watching a cartoon on television?
Q8. What would the family do every Sunday?
Q9. What does Eiha and her club encourage others to do on birthdays and weddings?
Q10. According to Eiha, how can human civilization be saved?

Q1. To which state does Eiha belong? A. M. P. B. U. P. C. Haryana D. Rajasthan

Answer: B. U. P.

Q2. When was Eiha born? A. September 28, 2012 B. September 13, 2012 C. September 12, 2012 D. September 29, 2012

Answer: D. September 29, 2012

Q3. How many saplings had Eiha planted by the age of six? A. 1500 B. 2500 C. 3000 D. 4000

Answer: B. 2500

Q4. What was the name of the club started by the family of Eiha? A. Green Eiha Fairy Club B. Green Eiha Smile Club C. Green Eiha Smart Club D. Green Eiha Sensitive Club

Answer: B. Green Eiha Smile Club

Q5. Eiha aims to become an ________ . A. IAS B. IPS C. doctor D. teacher

Answer: B. IPS

Q6. With which Puraskar was Eiha awarded in 2019?

Answer: Bal Shakti Puraskar 2019

Q7. Which idea remained in the mind of Eiha after watching a cartoon on television?

Answer: The importance of plants and how they help the environment, combating pollution.

Q8. What would the family do every Sunday?

Answer: The family would plant saplings in the vicinity of their house every Sunday.

Q9. What does Eiha and her club encourage others to do on birthdays and weddings?

Answer: They encourage others to plant saplings on occasions such as birthdays and weddings.

Q10. According to Eiha, how can human civilization be saved?

Answer: Eiha believes that planting trees is the only way to save human civilization.

Q2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. (10)
(i) The proverb conveys to us that no man is free from mistakes or faults. None
is infallible in this world. Before criticising others, we should first look into
ourselves. To err is human. If we do not make mistakes, we shall rise to the
level of godliness or divinity. At the same time, if we go on making mistakes
only, we shall come down to the level of devilry. Both the possibilities are
remote. A rational inference is that man is not totally free from mistakemaking tendency. After all, he is human being but those who forgive men for
their mistakes, are superhuman.
(ii) It is a princely quality to forgive others. We must have a humanised and kind
attitude towards others. We must rather think that we also may make
mistakes. We ourselves are not divine or godly.
(iii) Apart from it, man has always learnt through mistakes. If a man makes
mistakes knowingly or deliberately, he is unforgivable. He rather deserves to
be punished for the mistakes he has been committing deliberately and
repeatedly. But if mistakes are made unknowingly or innocently, they should
be forgiven and forgotten. It can be done only by a superman with divine
virtues. Mercy is a godly quality and those who are merciful, are humanistic
and altruistic.
(iv) In the light of these arguments, one may ardently advocate for the proverb
“To err is human, to forgive superhuman.” When Christ was being crucified,
he prayed to God. “Forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.”

  1. What should we do before criticizing others?

Answer: Before criticizing others, we should first look into ourselves.

  1. What will happen if we do not make mistakes?

Answer: If we do not make mistakes, we shall rise to the level of godliness or divinity.

  1. What kind of attitude should we have towards others?

Answer: We must have a humanized and kind attitude towards others.

  1. What should be done to a man who makes mistakes knowingly?

Answer: If a man makes mistakes knowingly or deliberately, he is unforgivable and deserves to be punished.

  1. What did Christ pray to God when he was being crucified?

Answer: When Christ was being crucified, he prayed to God, saying, “Forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.”

  1. From which things, no man is free?
    • A. mistakes
    • B. faults
    • C. Both A and B
    • D. Neither A nor B

Answer: C. Both A and B

  1. Through which thing man has always learned something?
    • A. mistakes
    • B. money
    • C. health
    • D. All of these

Answer: D. All of these

  1. What kind of people are those who are merciful?
    • A. humanistic
    • B. altruistic
    • C. Both A and B
    • D. Neither A nor B

Answer: C. Both A and B

  1. Which word in the passage means the same as ‘support’?
    • A. infallible
    • B. advocate
    • C. humanized
    • D. forgive

Answer: B. advocate

  1. When does a man become unforgivable?
  • A. When he makes mistakes deliberately.
  • B. When he makes mistakes innocently.
  • C. When he makes mistakes unknowingly.
  • D. When he helps somebody with money.

Answer: A. When he makes mistakes deliberately.


Q3. Attempt any ten sentences from the given items. (10 X 1 =10)
a. Choose the correct form of verb from the given choices :
1. _______ you not (take) your breakfast yet?
A. did not take
B. have not taken
C. are you not taking
D. None of these
2. It ______ ( hail ) outside for half an hour.
A. was hailing
B. is hailing
C. have been hailing
D. has been hailing
b. Choose the correct article from the given choices :
3. He is ________ artist.
A. the
B. a
C. an
D. No article
4. ______ Water is necessary to survive.
A. No article
B. The
C. A
D. An
c. Choose the correct punctuated sentence from the given choices :
5. reema said to her mother where are you going
A. Reema said to her mother: Where are you going.
B. Reema said to her mother, “Where are you going?”
C. Reema said to her mother, “where are you going?
D. Reema said to her Mother, ” where are you going, ”

B. Reema said to her mother, “Where are you going?”
6. Alas he is ruined
A. Alas! He is ruined?
B. Alas, he is ruined.
C. Alas! He is ruined.
D. Alas? He is ruined.
d. Choose the correct modal from the given choices :
7. He ________ dance for hours in his childhood.
A. could
B. can
C. need
D. will

He could dance for hours in his childhood.
8. He ______ rather break than stoop.
A. should
B. would
C. can
D. must

He would rather break than stoop
e. Choose the sentence showing correct indirect speech from the given choices :
9. Rohit has said, ” I cannot displease my friend.”
A. Rohit has said that I cannot displease my friend.
B. Rohit has said that he could not displease his friend.
C. Rohit has said that he cannot displease his friend.
D. Rohit has said that he could not displease my friend.

C. Rohit has said that he cannot displease his friend.
10. He said to her, “Do you want to go home?”
A. He asked her if she wanted to go home.
B. He asked her if she wants to go home.
C. He told her that she wanted to go home.
D. He asked her does she want to go home.

C.He asked her if she wanted to go home.
f. Choose the correct non-finite from the given choices.
11. This medicine is pleasant _______ (take).
A. to take
B. taking
C. take
D. having taken
12. Raman is fond of ______ (play) cricket.
A. to play
B. playing
C. play
D. having played
SECTION – C 10 Marks
Q4. Attempt any one of the following : (5)
(i) Your father had sent to you a beautiful gift on your birthday from New York.
Write a letter to him expressing your feelings of love and admiration for him.
You are Sapna/ Mudit living at D-30, Saraswati Kunj, Chennai.

Subject: Heartfelt Gratitude for the Wonderful Birthday Gift

Dear Dad,

I hope this letter finds you in great health and high spirits. I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the beautiful birthday gift you sent me all the way from New York. Your thoughtful gesture has filled my heart with joy and warmth.

The gift is not just a material possession; it’s a reflection of your love and care that knows no distance. I feel truly blessed to have a father as loving and considerate as you are. Your efforts to make my birthday special have left me overwhelmed with emotions.

Thank you, Dad, for being the amazing person you are and for always making me feel cherished.

With all my love,


(ii) You are Kamal/ Kamala, a student of Vohra Public School, Faridabad,
Haryana. The toilets of your school are very dirty. Write an application to your
principal drawing his attention and pointing out the foul smell emitting out of
the toilets.

Subject: Urgent: Request for Cleanliness in School Toilets

Respected Principal,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am Kamal, a student of Vohra Public School, and I am writing to bring to your attention an issue that requires immediate action.

The condition of the school toilets has become a matter of concern for all the students. Unfortunately, they are persistently dirty, and the foul smell emanating from them is affecting the overall hygiene and atmosphere of the school premises. This not only hampers the health of the students but also creates a discomforting environment for everyone.

I, along with my fellow students, kindly request your intervention in addressing this matter promptly. We believe that maintaining cleanliness in the school toilets is crucial for the well-being of all students and staff.

We hope for your immediate attention to this concern and appreciate your efforts in ensuring a clean and healthy school environment.

Thank you for your understanding.


Kamal [Class and Roll Number] Vohra Public School, Faridabad

Q5. Attempt any one of the following : (5)
(i) You are the general manager of a leading industrial concern. You need a
chartered accountant for your office. Write an advertisement in not more than
50 words to be published in the Times of India, New Delhi under the

Job Advertisement

We are seeking a qualified Chartered Accountant to join our dynamic team! As the General Manager of a leading industrial concern, we value expertise in financial management. If you are passionate about accounts and possess the required credentials, send your resume to [Your Company Name]. Email: hr@[yourcompany].com. Join us in shaping success!

[Your Company Logo]

[Contact Information]

(ii) Write a paragraph on ‘Value of Trees’.

The value of trees is immeasurable as they play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis, purifying the air we breathe. They provide shade, reducing heat and creating a comfortable environment. Additionally, trees offer habitat and food for various species, contributing to biodiversity. Their roots prevent soil erosion and improve water absorption. From wood for shelter to fruits for nourishment, trees fulfill human needs. Preserving and planting trees is essential for a sustainable future, ensuring a healthy planet for generations to come.
SECTION – D 40 Marks
Q6. Do any one of the passages given below and answer the questions that
follow. (5)
My father, the most adorable father I’ve ever seen; didn’t marry my mother until he was
thirty-six and she was twenty-five. My sister, Margot, was born in Frankfurt in Germany
in 1926. I was born on 12th June, 1929. I lived in Frankfurt until I was four. My father
emigrated to Holland in 1933. My mother, Edith Hollander Frank, went with him to
Holland in September, while Margot and I were sent to Aachen to stay with our
1. Name the chapter from which the passage has been taken.
2. Who does ‘my father’ refer to here?
3. Where did the grandmother live?
4. When was Anne Frank born?
5. What was the name of Anne Frank’s mother?


  1. The passage is taken from “The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank.
  2. ‘My father’ refers to Anne Frank’s father.
  3. The grandmother lived in Aachen.
  4. Anne Frank was born on 12th June, 1929.
  5. Anne Frank’s mother’s name was Edith Hollander Frank.

Our elders are often heard reminiscing nostalgically about those good old Portuguese
days, the Portuguese and their famous loaves of bread. Those eaters of loaves might
have vanished but the makers are still there. We still have amongst us the mixers, the
moulders and those who bake the loaves. Those age-old, time-tested furnaces still
exist. The fire in the furnaces has not yet been extinguished.
1. Name the chapter and its writer.
2. Whom do the elders remember nostalgically?
3. Who are referred to as the makers?
4. Which time-tested things still exist?
5. Which word in the passage means the same as ‘disappeared’?


  1. The passage is from the chapter “Glimpses of India-I.”
  2. The elders nostalgically remember the Portuguese and their famous loaves of bread.
  3. The makers refer to the mixers, the moulders, and those who bake the loaves.
  4. The time-tested furnaces still exist.
  5. The word in the passage that means the same as ‘disappeared’ is ‘vanished.’

Q7. Answer any two of the following questions : (2 X 3 = 6)
(i) Why did the postmaster send money to Lencho? (A Letter to God)
(ii) What tells you that Anne loved her grandmother ? (From the Diary of Anne Frank)

(ii) In “From the Diary of Anne Frank,” Anne’s love for her grandmother is evident through the way she expresses her feelings. Anne mentions how she treasures her grandmother’s photograph, keeping it with her always. This connection to the photograph symbolizes her affection and longing for her grandmother, indicating a deep emotional bond.
(iii) What happened when the box was opened? (Mijbil the Otter)
(iv) What happens to Lomov when he is in an excited state? (The Proposal)

(iv) In “The Proposal,” when Lomov is in an excited state, he experiences physical symptoms such as trembling all over. He mentions, “I’m trembling all over, just as if I’d got an examination before me.” This physical reaction is a humorous portrayal of Lomov’s nervousness and anxiety, adding comedic elements to the play.
Q8. Attempt any one of the following questions : (6)
What legends are associated with the origin of tea?
(Tea from Assam)

The origin of tea is shrouded in several fascinating legends, and one such tale is associated with the discovery of tea in ancient China. According to popular belief, the story begins with Emperor Shen Nong, a renowned herbalist and ruler around 2737 BCE. Legend has it that while he was boiling water in his garden, leaves from a nearby tea plant fell into the pot. Intrigued by the aroma and flavor of the infused water, the emperor decided to taste it. This marked the accidental discovery of tea.

Another legend attributes the discovery to the Buddhist monk Bodhidharma, who introduced tea to Japan during his travels in the 6th century. Regardless of the specific legend, tea has evolved over the centuries, becoming a globally cherished beverage with a rich cultural history.

Write a character sketch of Natalya.
(The Proposal)

Natalya Stepanovna, a character in Anton Chekhov’s play “The Proposal,” is portrayed as a young and somewhat eccentric woman. She is the daughter of Chubukov and plays a central role in the comedic interactions within the play. Natalya is characterized by her strong-willed and assertive nature, often displaying a passionate and impulsive demeanor.

In the play, Natalya becomes a focal point of attention when Ivan Lomov comes to propose to her. Despite her outward appearance of being confident and determined, Natalya also reveals a humorous side through her interactions. Her emotional fluctuations and the exaggerated reactions to Lomov’s proposal contribute to the comedic elements of the play.

Natalya’s character serves as a representation of the societal norms and expectations surrounding courtship and marriage during the time the play was written. While her behavior may seem over-the-top, it adds a layer of satire to Chekhov’s exploration of the absurdities inherent in the conventions of romantic relationships.

Q9. Attempt any one of the following stanzas : (5)
Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
1. Name the poem and the poet.
2. What does fire stand for in these lines?
3. What does ice stand for in these lines?
4. Which figure of speech is used in the first two lines?
5. What is the rhyme scheme used in the stanza?


  1. Poem and poet: “Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost.
  2. Fire represents desire or passion in these lines.
  3. Ice represents hatred or indifference in these lines.
  4. The figure of speech used in the first two lines is a metaphor.
  5. The rhyme scheme in the stanza is AABB.

The pirate gaped at Belinda’s dragon,
And gulped some grog from his pocket flagon,
He fired two bullets but they didn’t hit,
And Custard gobbled him, every bit.
1. Name the poem and its poet.
2. Who was Custard?
3. What did the pirate do on seeing the dragon?
4. How many bullets did the pirate fire on Custard?
5. Who ate every bit of the pirate?


  1. Poem and poet: “Custard the Dragon” by Ogden Nash.
  2. Custard was the dragon.
  3. The pirate gaped at Belinda’s dragon on seeing it.
  4. The pirate fired two bullets on Custard.
  5. Custard, the dragon, ate every bit of the pirate.

Q10. Attempt any two of the following questions : (2 X 3 = 6)
(i) Describe the state of a tiger in the zoo? (A Tiger in the Zoo )

(i) In “A Tiger in the Zoo,” the state of the tiger is one of confinement and oppression. The tiger paces in its cage, displaying signs of frustration and despair, as it is separated from its natural habitat.
(ii) What is the central idea of the poem ‘The Ball Poem’?

(ii) The central idea of “The Ball Poem” revolves around the theme of loss and the harsh realities of life. It explores the boy’s experience of losing his ball and the emotions and lessons that come with it.
(iii) Where are the trees in the poem? What do their roots, leaves and twigs do? (The
Trees )

(iii) In “The Trees,” the trees are portrayed as having deep roots, spreading leaves, and slender twigs. The roots delve into the earth, the leaves absorb sunlight, and the twigs connect the branches, symbolizing the interconnectedness of life.
(iv) Describe the four pets of Belinda. (The Tale of Custard the Dragon)

(iv) In “The Tale of Custard the Dragon,” Belinda has four pets: a black kitten, a grey kitten, a little yellow dog, and a nice, green dragon named Custard.

Q11. Attempt any two of the following questions : (2 X 3 = 6)
(i) Why is the writer tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest? (A Triumph of
Surgery )

(i) In “A Triumph of Surgery,” the writer is tempted to keep Tricki as a permanent guest because Tricki’s delightful antics and affectionate behavior bring joy and laughter to the household, making it a happier place.
(ii) Why was Fowler disappointed on meeting Ausable? (The Midnight Visitor)

(ii) In “The Midnight Visitor,” Fowler was disappointed on meeting Ausable because Ausable was not the imposing and mysterious figure he had imagined. Instead, Ausable turned out to be a simple, unimpressive man, which shattered Fowler’s expectations.
(iii) How did Richard Ebright’s mother help him to become a great scientist? (The
Making of a Scientist)

(iii) Richard Ebright’s mother helped him become a great scientist by fostering his curiosity and providing him with the support and resources needed for his scientific endeavors. She encouraged his interest in insects and even allowed him to use the kitchen for his experiments.
(iv) Why was Sulekha nicknamed Bholi? (Bholi)

(iv) Sulekha was nicknamed Bholi because of her timid and simple nature. The other children mocked and teased her due to her speech impediment, and the nickname reflected her innocent and vulnerable personality.

Q12. Attempt any one of the following questions : (6)
Who is the real culprit in the story ‘A Question of Trust’?

In the story “A Question of Trust” by Victor Canning, the real culprit is the husband, Charles. The plot revolves around the suspicion and doubt that arise between a husband and wife after the wife, Sheila, finds a revolver in their car.

The couple faces a crisis of trust, and as the narrative unfolds, it is revealed that Charles had hidden the revolver to protect Sheila from potential danger. The misunderstanding and lack of communication between them highlight the complexities of human relationships.

Ultimately, Charles’ intentions were misunderstood, emphasizing the importance of trust and open communication in marital bonds.
How did the necklace change the life of Matilda? (The Necklace)

In “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant, the necklace significantly changed the life of Matilda Loisel. Matilda, a middle-class woman, was discontent with her life and yearned for wealth and social status.

When she borrowed a necklace from her friend Madame Forestier to wear to a prestigious event, she believed it would elevate her status and make her appear wealthier. However, after attending the event, she lost the necklace. Instead of confessing the truth to Madame Forestier, she and her husband replaced the necklace by purchasing a new one at great financial cost.

The burden of the debt and the years spent in poverty transformed Matilda’s life, illustrating the consequences of her desire for social status and the pursuit of an illusionary life of luxury.

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