
BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) Solution

BSEH Half-Yearly Exam: Sample Question Papers 12th English

Readlearnexcel solution of BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) will let you know how you attempted your Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) examination held on September 29, 2022. Moreover, it will help the students improve their way of attempting the final exams in class 11. Download the free PDF of the BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) Solution.

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BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 (Solution)

Class-11 Mark


Time-90 Minutes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Marks-40

Instructions: (1) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Question number 1 to 15 carry 1 mark each. Question numbers 16 to 18 carry 2 marks each. Question numbers 19 to 21 carry 3 marks each and question numbers 23 to 23 carry 5 marks each.

Q. (1-10). Mark the correct answer.

Q.1 Lala……..can speak English well.

(A) can

(B) may

(C) should

(D) must

Q.2 ……….you prosper in life!

(A) can

(B) may

(C) must

(D) might

Q.3 I daily read………Gita.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) none

Q.4 He is ………

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) none

Q.5 Who said these words, as mentioned in the chapter’The Ailing Planet’. “We have not inherited this earth; we have borrowed it from our children”?

(A) Dan Brown

(B) Michael Brown

(C) David Brown

(D) Lester Brown

Q.6 What does’Shanshui’ literally mean as given in the chapter”Landscape of the Soul”?

(A) mountain

(B) water

(C) mountain water

(D) sky

Q.7 When was Tut’s tomb discovered?

(A) in 1920

(B) in 1924

(C) in 1922

(D) in 1822

Q. 8 What is the name of Rama Rao’s niece in the story “Ranga’s Marriage”?

(A) Ratna

(B) Reena

(C) Meera

(D) Rattan

Q. 9 What was Mrs Dorling’s address in the chapter “The Address”?

(A) 46, Macro Street

(B) 40, Maria Street

(C) 46, Marconi Street

(D) 42, Marrie Treet

Q.10 To which tribe the narrator and his cousin belonged in the story “The Summer of The Beautiful White Horse”?

(A) Armenian

(B) Hemshire

(C) Baroghlanian

(D) Garoghalanian

BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) (Examination) Solution

Q.(11-15) Fill in the blanks.

11. Samrat…..(watch) football since 5 o’clock.

Ans. Has been watching

12. He always……..(find) fault with others.

Ans. finds

13. He said that he………(write) the letter.

Ans. Wrote

14. … the writer of the chapter “The Portrait of Lady”?

Ans. Khuswant Singh

15. The name of Albert’s only friend in the chapter “Albert Einstein At School” was……

Ans. Yuri

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BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) (Examination) Solution

Q. (16-18) Write answers in 23-30 words: BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) (Examination) Solution

Q.16 List the steps taken by the captain to check the flooding of water in the ship.


Water was pouring in through storm-caused holes. To control the excess water, the captain was able to stretch a canvas over the holes and cover them. He turned on the reserve pump to drain the Wavewalker’s water. He was able to lower the water in this manner.

Q.17 Why was Tut’s body burried along with guided treasure?


It was customary in Ancient Egypt to bury the dead with an abundance of gold in order to aid in the deceased’s resurrection. Tut’s body was thus buried with numerous gold ornaments and other valuable items.

Q. 18 How does the writer describe his villages in the chapter “Ranga’s Marriage”?


In the chapter “Ranga’s Marriage,” the author describes his villages, and he is from Hosahalli. He claims to have a small village. He goes on to say that his village is not mentioned in any geography books. However, he claims that his village is still well-known in Mysore.

BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) (Examination) Solution

Q.(19-21) Write answer in 30-40 words: BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) (Examination) Solution

Q. 19 What has the goldsmith been compared to in the poem  “The Laburnum Top” and why?


In the poem “The Laburnum Top,” the goldsmith is compared to a lizard because her movements are similar to those of a lizard. The goldsmith has the sleek and alert appearance of a lizard. “Then he was as sleek as a lizard, alert, and abrupt.”

Q.20 What has not changed over the years? Does this suggest something to you? ( Photograph)


The poet compares human life to that of the sea. The sea’s nature does not change, whereas human life and health are not as stable as the sea. Human life changes over time and is never the same, but nature is always the same and has never changed.

Q. 21 What do adults usually talk and preach of ? How do they differ in their actions? (Childhood).


Markus Natten, the poet, describes his childhood in the poem “Childhood.” He believes that his innocence was lost when he discovered that the adults were not what they appeared to be. They enjoy talking about love but have never acted lovingly.

BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) (Examination) Solution

Browse more Topics of Writing Skills for class 11

Browse the following topics to boost your writing skills. These topics will provide you with the ultimate solution to your writing skills. You will be an expert in writing skills after understanding these topics. Readlearexcel’s writing skills are designed by an expert English teacher with 25 years of teaching experience.

Q. (22-23) Answer in 50-60 words: BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) (Examination) Solution

Q. 22 Write down the charactersketch of the grandmother.( The Portrait of A Lady)


“My grandmother, like everybody’s grandmother, was an old woman. She had been old and wrinkled for twenty years. ” In this chapter, ‘The Portrait of a Lady’, Khushwant Singh depicts the character sketch of his grandmother, and the grandmother was a symbol of old age. The grandmother was like everybody’s grandmother and was full of wrinkles, fat, and bent as usual as our grandparents. She was not pretty, but “she was always beautiful”. She was like the winter landscape in the mountains, an expanse of pure white serenity breathing peace and contentment. Therefore, she was an old, peaceful, and spiritual lady.

The grandmother was a spiritual and patriotic symbol. Khushwant Singh used to accompany her to the temple when he was a kid and stayed in the village. She always used “the beads of her rosary.” the whole day and she was always busy in prayer but without any sound. Thus, we can say that she was a spiritual lady. She was of the view that students should be taught about God and the scriptures.

She was a little orthodox in nature as she never liked the music being taught in the class. To her, music had lewd associations. It was the monopoly of harlots and beggars and was not meant for gentlefolk. She began singing about the return of the soldiers when Khushwant Sing came back from abroad after finishing his education. She was overstrained and got a fever and died. Therefore, she was an old, peaceful, and spiritual lady.


Q. Compare the characters of both the women, Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Fitzgeraid (Mother’s Day)

Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Fitzgeraid are the two main characters in Mother’s Day, but their personalities are diametrically opposed. The author attempts to depict the characters by expressing their personalities. Mrs. Pearson is in her forties and is a pleasant lady who is timid and gentle. Mrs. Fitzgeraid, on the other hand, is a little older, has a “strong and sinister” personality, and is a bold lady.

Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Fitzerald are two opposing characters. Mrs. Pearson is a loving and caring wife and mother. Her excessive love and care have spoiled her husband and children. As a result, they take her for granted and show no concern for her well-being. They act selfishly. Mrs. Fitzerald, on the other hand, is assertive, authoritative, and aggressive. She is more practical and talented. Mrs. Pearson, she correctly predicts, will never be able to control her family unless she takes drastic measures. She switches personalities with Mrs. Pearson to teach her family members a lesson.

Sample Template: Cover Letter for the post of manager

You are Mohan lal, living at 30, sector 29, Karnal. Write an application for the post of manager in a bank.

Structure and format of cover letter and students should also learn the pattern of writing a cover letter.

Formal letter format/business/cover

1. Sender’s Name and Address:

H.No. 30

Sector 29


2. Reference no. and date:

March 5, 2023

3. Receiver’s Name and Address:

The Manager

Punjab National Bank


4. Subject of the Letter:

Subject: Application for the post of manager.

5. Greeting or Salutation:

Respected sir

The body of the letter:

Opening paragraph – Grab the reader’s attention with 2-3 of your most notable academic accomplishments. You should also include the following  in your introductory paragraph:

  • Why are you applying for this post?
  • When and where did you discover the post?
  • Cover all your testimonials and qualifications, which help convince the employer to take action.
  • Explain how can be an asset to the organisation?
  • Sell your skills like a salesman.
  • Adopt a different approach at the beginning of the letter, avoid such sentences which are common in use “Concerning your advertisement…”

On March 5, 2022, I was reading “The Tribune’s” advertisement column when I came across your advertisement for the position of manager at the State Bank of India. It immediately piqued my interest that a reputable bank like yours would be able to put my 5 years of experience as an assistant manager at the HDFC Bank’s Delhi Branch and my M.B.A. degree with a high C.G.P.A from a renowned institute, which awarded me a certificate of excellence to good use. I believe I am qualified for this position.

  • Convince the employers of your experience and other achievements(the main body of the job application letter).

As you can see from my enclosed C.V., I have met the requirements for the position of manager through my extracurricular activities and have worked in a variety of banking settings. During my studies, I interned in Human Resources Management at the ICICI Bank Gurugram branch, where I gained practical experience in the HR department, which will benefit me in this position at your bank. In my previous bank, I dealt with major clients such as Reliance Industries and Maruti Udyog Private Ltd. My experience in human resources, computer expertise, and customer relations, as well as my excellent oral and written communication skills, should make me a valuable candidate for the position of manager.

  • Prepare your employer to take immediate action on your application for a job(Concluding Paragraph).

A copy of my C.V. is enclosed with copies of testimonials. With my experience as an assistant manager, I look forward to the challenge of becoming a manager in your bank and enhancing your banking business. I would be delighted to answer any additional questions you may have, and I hope to have the opportunity to meet you. I am available to attend the interview at your convenience, and I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.

Complimentary closing


Signature and name:

Mohan Lal

Encl: C.V.

BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) Solution

Q. 23 You are Moohan lal, living at 30, sector 29, Karnal. Write an application for the post of a manager in a bank.


H.No. 30

Sector 29


March 5, 2023

The Manager

Punjab National Bank


Subject: Application for the post of manager.

Respected sir

On March 5, 2022, I was reading “The Tribune’s” advertisement column when I came across your advertisement for the position of manager at the State Bank of India. It immediately piqued my interest that a reputable bank like yours would be able to put my 5 years of experience as an assistant manager at the HDFC Bank’s Delhi Branch and my M.B.A. degree with a high C.G.P.A from a renowned institute, which awarded me a certificate of excellence to good use. I believe I am qualified for this position.

As you can see from my enclosed C.V., I have met the requirements for the position of manager through my extracurricular activities and have worked in a variety of banking settings. During my studies, I interned in Human Resources Management at the ICICI Bank Gurugram branch, where I gained practical experience in the HR department, which will benefit me in this position at your bank. In my previous bank, I dealt with major clients such as Reliance Industries and Maruti Udyog Private Ltd. My experience in human resources, computer expertise, and customer relations, as well as my excellent oral and written communication skills, should make me a valuable candidate for the position of manager.

A copy of my C.V. is enclosed with copies of testimonials. With my experience as an assistant manager, I look forward to the challenge of becoming a manager in your bank and enhancing your banking business. I would be delighted to answer any additional questions you may have, and I hope to have the opportunity to meet you. I am available to attend the interview at your convenience, and I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.


Mohan Lal

Encl: C.V.


BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) Solution

Q. Write a report on the “Annual function of your school”.

Before writing an answer to the question, you should read some important points on report writing.

A report is a notification and summary of facts about an incident, event, topic, and issue. Students are supposed to learn to write a report and a good report always reveals everything to satisfy all queries about the incident.

What is the report format?

The format of the report depends upon the type of report and the assignment criteria. Although each report has its structure, the basic template is the same:

  1. In the beginning, there should be a summary of the report so that the readers can make out what will be in the report. The summary of the report increases the interest of the readers.
  1. Introduction of the Report: The introduction of the report should be self-explanatory of the report and should explain what you’re about to explain.
  1. Body of report: The body of the report should explain all major happenings. There should be headings and subheadings. It explains the whole event in detail. The introduction and conclusion contain one or two paragraphs, while the body may have more pages.
  1. After a report, the reporter brings all of the facts in the report together and reaches a final interpretation or judgment.

BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) Solution


A Report on Annual function of the school
By Shalini/Shekhar

20th March, 2022


The D.A.V. School’s annual function was held on March 20th, 2022 with great pomp and circumstance. The formal ceremony lasted until 4 p.m. At 09:30 a.m., the principal of the school began the ceremony of the annual function, which was attended by all of the school’s teachers and students. On that day, the entire campus was fully decorated. A committee led by the principal was formed to commemorate the occasion.

Songs, music, debate, recitation, sports, procession, tree planting, and other activities were part of the annual function. The show started with the national anthem and the lighting of the deep. Songs and music programmes started The competitions drew at least 40 students. There were different types of songs, such as folk songs, modern songs, band songs, and so on. Then the drama competition began. At least four different groups performed. In the last phase, cultural programmes were devoted to debate, recitation, and sports.

The prize-giving ceremony took place during the last session at 3.30 p.m. The chief guest was the Deputy Commissioner of Karnal. He gave a brief speech, emphasising the value of annual functions and cultural activities in the realm of education. Then, he distributed the prizes among the winners.

Finally, the principal declared the week’s end with a vote of thanks. The annual function was a fantastic celebration that enthralled everyone in the school.

Download the free PDF of the BSEH Half Yearly Assessment-September 2022 Class 11 English(Core) Solution.

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