
HBSE Class 10 English Annual Exam 2024 Solution

HBSE Class 10 English Annual Exam 2024 Solution

HBSE Class 10 English Annual Exam 2024 Solution. HBSE Class 10 English Annual Exam 2024 Solution: Here are the solutions for the HBSE Class 10 English Annual Exam held in 2024. The solutions cover all the questions asked in the exam, providing comprehensive explanations and answers to help students understand and prepare effectively. Tags: HBSE, Class 10, English, Annual Exam, 2024, Solution.

HBSE Class 10 English Annual Exam 2024 Solution SET B


(Unseen Comprehension) 

[M. M.: 20] 

  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:  Just by the use of colours you can balance your diet. All you need to do is to pay a little attention to the food you eat. Nutrition experts strongly recommend adding colours to your diet. Sweets and candy bars are generally colourful, but remember they do not contain natural colours and hence are not healthy. The key solution is a variety of naturally coloured foods. The deeper the colour, the greater the benefits. Getting more colours in your diet doesn’t mean you have to drastically change your current eating habits. Have a glass of 100% juice in the morning. Keep a mix of dried fruits on hand for a quick snack. Grab an apple or banana on your way out. Include at least two vegetables in your dinner. Get into the habit of starting your dinner with a salad. Eat fruit for dessert. Always add greens to sandwiches.  Most red fruits and vegetables contain an antioxidant, which offers protection against ultraviolet rays and Cancer and helps to prevent urinary tract infections. and diseases related to the circulatory system. Green vegetables not only look great but also possess excellent antioxidant properties that protect your eyes by keeping the retina in good condition and reduce the risk of cancerous tumours.  Orange and yellow group cofftain beta-carotene, an antioxidant that improves cell communication and thereby helps to stop the spread of cancer. Blue and purple group not only adds an element of tranquillity and richness to your plate, but also has an influence on the pineal gland (the third eye) and the nervous system. White group contains sulphur compounds that protect DNA and also contain flavonoids, the antioxidants that protect cell membranes.  Therefore, the more colourful your diet is (all natural colours, of course), the better equipped your immune system is to cope with diseases.


(a) How do antioxidants help us?

(b) How do green vegetables help us?

(c) What improves our immune system to cope with diseases?

(d) Find word from the passage which means ‘greatly’.

(e) Why are sweets and candy bars not healthy ?

(f)What colour vegetables protect eyes by keeping the retina in good condition and reduce the risk of cancerous tumours ?  (i) orange  (ii) red  (iii) blue  (iv) green

(g) Sweets and candy bars are generally colourful, and hence are very healthy. (i) false  (ii) true  (iii) partially true  (iv) not mentioned

(h) What colour group has an influence on the pineal gland and the nervous system ?

(i) white group  (ii) orange and yellow group (iii) red group  (iv) blue and purple group

(i) According to the writer, what makes our immune system better equipped to fight diseases?  (i) colourless food  (ii) chocolates and candies  (iii) colourful diet  (iv) all of the above

(j) What do most red fruits and vegetables contain ?  (i) carbohydrates  (ii) proteins  (iii) antioxidants  (iv) toxins


(a) Antioxidants help us by protecting our cells from damage caused by free radicals, thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases and promoting overall health.

(b) Green vegetables help us by providing excellent antioxidant properties that protect our eyes, maintain the health of the retina, and reduce the risk of cancerous tumors.

(c) A colorful diet consisting of natural colors improves our immune system to cope with diseases.

(d) The word from the passage which means ‘greatly’ is “greater”.

(e) Sweets and candy bars are not healthy because they do not contain natural colors and often contain added sugars, artificial flavors, and other unhealthy ingredients.

(f) Green vegetables protect eyes by keeping the retina in good condition and reduce the risk of cancerous tumors.

(g) (i) false

(h) Blue and purple group has an influence on the pineal gland and the nervous system.

(i) According to the writer, a colorful diet makes our immune system better equipped to fight diseases.

(j) Most red fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants.

Q. 2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:  Drug addiction is a major social evil of modern times. It has transcended all barriers of caste, colour, creed and sex. It is problem that is eating into the vitals of society. In the beginning, a person takes a drug out of curiosity. There are some who take drugs simply for the thrill it gives them. The tragedy is that once a person gets used to taking any kind of intoxicating drug it becomes addiction. His body develops dependence on the drug. He has to steadily increase the dose. Even if at any point of his life, he realizes his folly, it becomes extremely difficult for him to give up drugs.  It is like being in the clutches of a monster. is pathetic to see a drug addict, when he does not get his usual dose. His whole-body writhes in pain which drives him to madness. Besides, taking drugs is expensive. Therefore, it drives drug addicts to stealing, committing petty crimes and other antisocial activities. It is not surprising that drug addicts become antisocial elements. Drugs completely destroy their mental faculties to think clearly and to rationalize.

Questions:  (a) Why does a person take drugs in the beginning?

(b) When does drug-taking become addiction?

(c) What happens when a drug addict does not get his usual dose ?

(d) Give a suitable title to the passage.

(e) What harm is the evil of drug addiction doing to our society?

(f) It is very casy for a drug addict to give up drugs:  (i) True  (ii) False  (iii) Not mentioned  (iv) Partially true

(g) Drug addicts become. …. (i) social  (ii) humble  (iii) amiable  (iv) antisocial

(h) What drives addicts to madness?  (i) neglect  (ii) poverty  (iii) body pain  (iv) loneliness

(i) What makes the drug addicts to commit petty crimes?  (i) It gives them pleasure  (ii) to pay for the drugs  (iii) they are stressed  (iv) not mentioned

(j) What mental faculties are destroyed by drugs?  (i) imagination  (ii) intuition  (iii) perception  (iv) to think clearly and to rationalize



(a) In the beginning, a person may take drugs out of curiosity or for the thrill it gives them.

(b) Drug-taking becomes addiction when a person’s body develops dependence on the drug, requiring them to steadily increase the dose, and they find it extremely difficult to give up drugs even if they realize the folly of their actions.

(c) When a drug addict does not get their usual dose, they may experience intense physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms, including pain, which can drive them to madness.

(d) Suitable title: “The Menace of Drug Addiction”

(e) The evil of drug addiction is causing significant harm to society by leading individuals to engage in antisocial activities such as stealing and committing petty crimes, destroying their mental faculties, and driving them towards madness and social isolation.

(f) (ii) False

(g) (iv) antisocial

(h) Body pain drives addicts to madness.

(i) Drug addicts may commit petty crimes to pay for the drugs they crave.

(j) Drugs destroy the mental faculties to think clearly and to rationalize.

Q, 3, (Grammar)

Attempt any ten sentences from the given items.  Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb:  (i) My mother … up early in the morning.

(a) get  (b) gets  (c) will be  (d) shall be

(ii) The children ……in the field now.

(a) has played  (b) are playing  (c) plays  (d) will had played

Fill in the blanks with correct article:  (iii) She wants to be….. engineer.

(a) a  (c) the  (b) an  (d) None of the above

(iv) My brother studies in ……….. university.

(a) a  (b) an  (c) the  (d) No article  c

Fill in the blanks with suitable modals:

(v) Walk steadily lest you…. …… stumble.

(a) would  (b) should  (c) could  (d) ought to

(vi) My uncle …..go for a walk every morning. (Habit in past)

(a) must (b) should  (c) could  (d) used to

d. Fill in the blanks with correct non-finite form of the verb.

(vii) Children like …fire crackers at the time of Diwali.

(a) burst  (b) having burst (c) to burst  (d) bursting

(viii) I had a chance………. in a second class railway compartment.

(a) travelling  (b) to travel  (c) travelled  (d) having travelled

e.Punctuate the following sentences:

(ix) henry.viii was the first english king of Ireland

(a) Henry VIII was the first English king of Ireland.  (b) Henry viii was the first english king of Ireland.  (c) Henry VIII was the first english king of Ireland. (d) No change.

x) many people got injured in the shooting five of them got killed

(a) No change  (b) Many people got injured in the shooting five of them killed  (c) many people got injured in the shooting; five of them got killed  (d) Many people got injured in the shooting; five of them got killed.

f. Change the following sentences into indirect speech:

(xi) He said to me, “Can you do thes sums for me?”

(a) He asked me if I could do those sums for him. (b) He asked me if I can do those sums for him. (c) He asked me if I can do these sums for him. (d) He asked me if I could do these sums for him.

(xii) Ravi said to the judge, “did not commit this crime.”

(a) Ravi told the judge that he did not committed the crime.  (b) Ravi told to the judge that he had not committed the crime.  (c) Ravi told the judge that he had not committed that crime.  (d) Ravi told the judge that he had not committed this crime.


(i) (b) gets

(ii) (b) are playing

(iii) (b) an

(iv)   (a) a

(v)(b) should

(vi) (d) used to

(vii) (c) to burst

(viii) (b) to travel

(ix) (a) Henry VIII was the first English king of Ireland.

(x) (c) Many people got injured in the shooting; five of them got killed.

(xi) (a) He asked me if I could do those sums for him.

(xii) (d) Ravi told the judge that he had not committed this crime

Q.4(i) The Principal of Happy Spring School, Pune, invited a well-known social worker to address the students on moral education in prayer assembly in the school, you attended his lecture. Write a report in about 40 words for your school magazine. You are Pulkit/Punitha the student representative of the school magazine. 

(ii) You are leaving for England next month. You want to sell your house. Write an advertisement to be published in a local newspaper. 

(i) Report for School Magazine:

The Principal of Happy Spring School, Pune, graciously invited a renowned social worker to enlighten us on moral education during the prayer assembly. The session was enriching and inspiring, offering valuable insights for our character development.

(Pulkit/Punitha, Student Representative)

(ii) Advertisement:

For Sale: Charming House in Prime Location!

Say goodbye to your search for the perfect home! Our lovely house, situated in a desirable area, is now available for sale. With modern amenities and spacious interiors, this property is ideal for families. Don’t miss this opportunity! Contact us now for details.

(Location, Contact Information)

Q.5Write an application to the Principal of your school for leave of absence for one week on account your mother’s illness. You are Akshita/Akshit, student of 10th A class, Arya Senior Secondary School, Kapurthala

  (ii) Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the hardships caused to the common people by rising prices. You are Abhinav/Anubhuti, resident of Mayur Vihar New Delhi. 

i) Arya Senior Secondary School Kapurthala,

Date: [Date]

To, The Principal, Arya Senior Secondary School, Kapurthala

Subject: Application for Leave of Absence

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, Akshita/Akshit, a student of class 10th A, am writing to request a leave of absence from school for one week starting from [start date] to [end date]. This is due to my mother’s sudden illness, requiring my presence at home to assist with her care and medical appointments.

I assure you that I will catch up on missed lessons promptly upon my return and submit any pending assignments. Kindly grant me leave for the mentioned duration.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours sincerely, Akshita/Akshit (Class 10th A)

(ii) The Editor, [Newspaper Name], [Address], [City]

Subject: Hardships Caused by Rising Prices

Dear Editor,

I am writing to highlight the severe hardships faced by the common people due to the relentless rise in prices of essential commodities. As a resident of Mayur Vihar, New Delhi, I witness firsthand the struggles of families to make ends meet amidst soaring costs of food, fuel, and other necessities.

The steep inflationary trend has resulted in increased financial burden, making it difficult for many to afford basic needs and maintain a decent standard of living. This situation demands urgent attention and effective measures from the authorities to alleviate the plight of the common man.

Yours sincerely, Abhinav/Anubhuti (Mayur Vihar, New Delhi)

Q6. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 

Gautama Buddha (563 B.C. – 483 B.C.) began life as a prince named Siddhartha Gautama, in northern India. At twelve, he was sent away for schooling in the Hindu sacred scriptures and four years later he returned home to marry a princess. They had a son and lived for ten years as befitted royalty. At about the age of twenty-five, the Prince. Heretofore shielded from the sufferings of the world, while out hunting chanced upon a sick man, then an aged man, then a funeral procession, and finally a monk begging for alms. These sights so moved him that he at once became a beggar and went out into the world to seek enlightenment concerning the sorrows he had witnessed.


(a) When did he see a sick and old man ?

(b) What was the effect of these sights on Gautama?

(c) Find a word from the passage which means ‘holy books’.

(d) What did Siddhartha Gautama study?

(e) When was he married?

(a) Siddhartha Gautama saw a sick and old man at about the age of twenty-five.

(b) These sights deeply moved Gautama, prompting him to renounce his princely life and seek enlightenment regarding the sufferings he had witnessed.

(c) The word from the passage which means ‘holy books’ is “scriptures”.

(d) Siddhartha Gautama studied the Hindu sacred scriptures during his schooling.

(e) He was married after returning home from his schooling, around the age of sixteen or seventeen.

Q. 7. (i) What is the Indian Legend about the discovery of tea. (Tea From Assam) 

(ii) How did the Seagull express his excitement when he saw his mother bringing food for him? (His First Flight)

  (iii) Why was Lencho angry when he received the letter? (A Letter to God)

  (iv) Why didn’t Valli want to make friends with the elderly woman? (Madam Rides the Bus)  30 words answer only

(i) The Indian legend about the discovery of tea credits Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk, with the accidental discovery of tea in Assam while meditating.

(ii) The seagull expressed his excitement when he saw his mother bringing food for him by hopping and dancing around her, chirping eagerly.

(iii) Lencho was angry when he received the letter because it contained only a small amount of money instead of the larger sum he had requested from God.

(iv) Valli didn’t want to make friends with the elderly woman because she was afraid of being scolded for not going directly home after school

Q.8. What is the importance of the Baker in a Goan village? What kind of dress did  he wear? (Baker from Goa)

In a Goan village, the Baker holds significant importance as he provides freshly baked bread to the community daily. The Baker’s role extends beyond merely baking; he becomes a central figure in villagers’ lives, offering a sense of warmth and connection through his baked goods. Typically, the Baker wears a distinct attire consisting of a white, knee-length tunic known as a ‘kabai’ and a traditional Goan headgear called a ‘topi.’ This attire not only identifies him but also reflects the cultural heritage of the region, highlighting the Baker’s integral role in preserving Goan culinary traditions.

What twin obligations does the author talk about? How does he feel about (Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom) them? 

The author discusses the twin obligations of being an advocate for the oppressed and maintaining his integrity as a leader in “Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom.” He feels a profound sense of responsibility towards these obligations, recognizing the importance of fighting for justice and equality for all oppressed people while remaining true to his principles and moral compass. Mandela views these obligations not as burdens but as guiding principles that define his purpose and drive his actions throughout his life. He embraces these obligations with determination and conviction, understanding the sacrifices they entail but also acknowledging the transformative power they hold in shaping a better future for South Africa and beyond.

Q.10. i. What was the cause of Matilda ruin? How could she have avoided it? (The Necklace) 

(ii) For what unusual reasons was Bholi sent to school? (Bholi)

  (iii) What kind of treatment was given to Tricki ? Did it help in his recovery? (A Triumph of Surgery)

(i) The cause of Matilda’s ruin in “The Necklace” was her desire for material wealth and social status. She could have avoided it by being content with her own circumstances and appreciating the value of what she already possessed.

(ii) Bholi was sent to school due to her unattractive appearance, as her father hoped education would make her more marriageable. Additionally, her family believed she might benefit from being educated and gain confidence.

(iii) Tricki received pampering and indulgent treatment, including a special diet and luxurious care, in “A Triumph of Surgery.” However, this treatment did not help in his recovery, as it led to obesity and worsened his health condition.

Q.11. i) How does the tiger terrify the villagers? (A Tiger In The Zoo) 

(ii) What message does the poet want to give through the poem – ‘Amanda’? 

(iii) How did Custard prove to be brave when the pirate came ? (The Tale of Custard The Dragon) 

(iv) Which two ideas about how the world will end have been mentioned in the Which idea does the poet support more? (Fire And Ice) poem ?

(i) The tiger terrifies the villagers in “A Tiger In The Zoo” by pacing up and down his cage, snarling fiercely, and showing his sharp teeth. His wild and powerful demeanor instills fear and awe in the villagers.

(ii) Through the poem “Amanda,” the poet wants to convey the message of appreciating the beauty and uniqueness of each individual. The poem celebrates the diversity and individuality of people named Amanda, highlighting the different traits and qualities that make them special.

(iii) Custard proved to be brave when the pirate came by emitting a tremendous roar, showing his teeth, and waving his tail like a banner. Despite being described as a cowardly dragon, Custard displayed courage and bravery in the face of danger.

(iv) In the poem “Fire And Ice,” the two ideas about how the world will end are through fire and ice. The poet seems to support the idea that the world will end in fire, as it is described as more destructive and fervent compared to ice, which represents a slower and more passive end.

Q.12. Justify the title “The Book That Saved Earth”

The title “The Book That Saved Earth” is justified by the pivotal role played by a single book in saving the planet from destruction. In the story, the book contains a powerful code that proves crucial in thwarting an alien invasion. Through its contents, the book provides vital information that enables humans to outwit the invaders and ultimately preserve Earth from annihilation, earning it the title of the savior of the planet.

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