
HBSE Class 10 English Pre-Board Assessment January 2024 

HBSE Class 10 English Pre-Board Assessment January 2024 

HBSE Class 10 English Pre-Board Assessment January 2024 is the right way to assess your progress and weaknesses in the preparation of the Class 10 English final examination of the HBSE Board.

HBSE Class 10 English Pre-Board Assessment January 2024 

Class 10 English Practice Paper 2024 

HBSE Class 10 English Pre-Board Assessment January 2024

Student name_ 

Time: 3 Hours 

Roll Number_ 

Pre-Board Assessment- January 2024 


Subject – English 

Marks: 80 


(i) This question paper is divided into four sections: A, B, C and D. 

(ii) All questions are compulsory

(iii) Attempt all the parts of a question together


20 Marks 

  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: (10

A chimpanzee is one of the great apes and the nearest in intelligence to man. Scientists have examined its mental capacities and sent it into space in anticipation of man. Chimpanzees need little description. Being apes and not monkeys, they have no tails. Their arms are longer than their legs and they normally rim on all fours. They can also walk upright  with toes turned outwards. When erect they stand 3-5 ft. high. The hair is long and coarseblack except for a white patch near the rump. The face, ears, hands and feet are bare and except for the black face, the flesh is coloured

Chimpanzees exhibit great concern for each other. When chimpanzees meet after having been apart they greet each other in a very human way by touching each other or even clasping hands. Chimpanzees have amazing social discipline. When a dominant male arrives, the rest of the chimpanzees hurry to pay respect to it. The dominant male is not allowed to wrest food from his inferiors. The members of a party also spend considerable amount of time grooming each other and themselves. Mothers go through the fur of their babies for any foreign particles, dirt, and ticks and they aid each other when they are injured

Chimpanzees are the best tools users apart from man. Sticks 2-3 ft long are picked off the ground or broken from the branches and pushed into nests, then withdrawn and the honey or insects licked off. Stones are used to get nuts from trees or as missiles to drive humans and baboons away from its food. Chimpanzees are not only tool users but also toolmakers. They make their own rods by stripping the leaves off a twig or tear shreds off it. Baby chimpanzees learn all this by observing the older chimpanzees making and using them. So man is not the only toolmaker, merely better at it than his relatives


(i) Chimpanzees are as 

(a) Inimical 

(b) weird 

(c) intelligent 

(d) skilled 

(i) Chimpanzees are as intelligent as men.

(ii) Chimpanzees have…………. tails

(b) no 

(c) short 

(d) twisted 

(ii) Chimpanzees have no tails.

(iii) The word ‘wrest‘ means………. 

(a) to respect

(b) to take away violently

(c) to greet each other

(d) to obey 

(iii) The word ‘wrest’ means to take away violently.

(iv) Chimpanzees use……………. as their tools. 

(a) twigs 

(b) stones 

(c) sticks 

(d) all of these 

(v) Chimpanzees are best…………. 

(a) tool users

(b) tool makers 

(c) both a and b 

(d) none of these 

(v) Chimpanzees are both tool users and tool makers.

vi) How do the chimpanzees walk? 

(vi) Chimpanzees walk on all fours or can walk upright with toes turned outwards.

vii) How do the chimpanzees greet each other? 

(vii) Chimpanzees greet each other by touching each other or clasping hands.

viii) What do the chimpanzees do with sticks? 

(viii) Chimpanzees use sticks to pick off the ground or break from branches, push them into nests, and then withdraw them to lick off honey or insects.

ix) How do the baby chimpanzees learn? 

(ix) Baby chimpanzees learn by observing older chimpanzees making and using tools.

X) How the mothers care for baby chimpanzees? 

(x) Mothers care for baby chimpanzees by going through their fur for foreign particles, dirt, ticks, and aiding each other when they are injured.


2.Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow(10) 

(1) Power foods are foods that provide rich levels of nutrients like fibre, potassium and 

minerals. With people becoming increasingly health conscious today, a lot of fitness trainers 

encourage their clients to include these foods in their daily diet to increase muscle 

development. There are various ways of incorporating power foods in your daily diet. Of 

course, the key to enjoy power foods is proper preparation of these foods, the use of 

season-fresh foods, and indentifying your choice of flavour among power foods

(2) Some of the recommended power food combinations are those that are prepared in our kitchens on a regular basis. Take for instance, the combination of chickpeas and onionsThis combination is a powerful source of iron which is required by the body to transport 

oxygen to its various parts. Iron deficiency can lead to anaemia, fatigue, brain fog and 

tiredness. A study by the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry says that sulphur 

compounds in onion and garlic help in the absorption of iron and zinc from chickpeas. The 

combination is a hit with teenagers who need to be diligent about getting iron in their diet. A 

quick way to prepare this power food is to make a chickpea salad with chopped onions

chaat masala and cilantro

(3) Another favourite combination with power food takers is yoghurt and bananas. This 

makes for a perfect snack after a rough game of football. Exercising burns glucose and thus 

lowers blood sugar. Yoghurt is packed with proteins that help preserve muscle mass, and 

bananas are packed with carbohydrates that help in refuelling energy and preventing muscle 

soreness. A quick and easy recipe with bananas is a banana smoothie topped with cool 


(4) Among beverages, green tea is the best source of catechins that are effective in halting 

oxidative damage to cells. According to researchers at the Purdue University, adding a dash 

of lemon juice to green tea makes the catechins even more easily absorbable by the body

So, the next time you have party with your friends serve them rounds of iced green tea with 

mint and lemon juice


  1. What are power foods? 
  1. II. What is the advantage of including onions and garlic in our diet? 

III. Suggest a quick recipe with chickpea and onions. 

  1. Why is yoghurt and bananas, an enriching power food
  1. Why is green tea a recommended power food
  1. The key to enjoy power foods is…………… 

(a) use of season-fresh foods 

(b) identifying one’s choice of flavor 

(c) proper preparation of power foods 

(d) all of these 

vii. What is the meaning of ‘incorporating’? 

(a) To avoid

(b) To include 

(c) To deny 

(d) None of these 

viii. Iron deficiency can lead to….. 

(a) fracture 

(b) anemia 

  1. While we exercise, we………… glucose

(a) get 

(b) need 

(c) injury 

(d) typhoid 

(c) burn 

  1. Adding lemon juice to green tea is important because……. 

(a) it is liked by your friends 

  1. b) it is declared by the Purdue University 

(c) it makes catechins more absorbable by the body 

(d) it develops muscle mass in the body 

Section- B (GRAMMAR) 

  1. Attempt any ten sentences from the given items. 
  2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb

..(receive) his letter before he arrived

(ii) Indiscipline………(cause) a great loss to the national property

  1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals. 

(i) I………………. like to go home now

(ii) Anyone……………..make mistakes

  1. Fill in the blanks with the non-finite form of the verbs given in brackets. 

(i) He is tired of………. (work). 


(ii) He wants……………. (see) you

  1. Identify/name the figures of speech in the following sentences

(i) The fog comes on little cat feet. 

(ii) The moon is like a broken mirror

  1. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. 

(i) He said, “Thank you“. 

(ii) I said to him, “I have lost the book I bought yesterday”

  1. Punctuate the following sentences

(i) dr kalam was a man of high character 

(ii) they all said what a lovely garden it is 10 Marks 

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.

(i) He had received his letter before he arrived.

(ii) Indiscipline causes a great loss to the national property.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals. (i) I would like to go home now. (ii) Anyone can make mistakes.

Fill in the blanks with the non-finite form of the verbs given in brackets. (i) He is tired of working. (ii) He wants to see you.

Identify/name the figures of speech in the following sentences. (i) The fog comes on little cat feet. (Personification) (ii) The moon is like a broken mirror. (Simile)

Change the following sentences into indirect speech. (i) He said, “Thank you.”

  • He thanked.

(ii) I said to him, “I have lost the book I bought yesterday.”

  • I told him that I had lost the book I bought the day before.

Punctuate the following sentences. (i) Dr. Kalam was a man of high character. (ii) They all said, “What a lovely garden it is.”


  1. Attempt any one of the following: 10 Marks (5) 

(i) Write a letter to the Manager, Haryana Roadways, Karnal, complaining against insufficient 

local bus services to your school. 

[Your Name]

[Your Address]


[Email Address]



Haryana Roadways


Subject: Complaint Against Insufficient Local Bus Services to School

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of concern regarding the insufficient local bus services to our school, [School Name]. As a regular commuter on the local bus route, I have observed a significant gap in the frequency and reliability of the buses serving our school.

The students and faculty members who depend on the local bus services often face difficulties due to irregular schedules and limited availability of buses during peak hours. This issue has a direct impact on our daily routines and academic activities.

I kindly request you to look into this matter urgently and take necessary actions to improve the local bus services to our school. It would greatly benefit the students, faculty, and other commuters who rely on these buses for their daily transportation needs.

I propose the following actions to address the issue:

  1. Increase the frequency of buses during peak hours.
  2. Ensure timely and reliable bus services to and from the school.
  3. Assess the need for additional buses to accommodate the growing number of passengers.

I believe that by implementing these measures, the local bus services can be enhanced, providing a more convenient and safe mode of transportation for all the commuters, especially students attending our school.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I trust that you will take the necessary steps to improve the local bus services, contributing to the overall convenience and safety of the passengers.


[Your Name]

(ii) You bought an HMT watch, having one year guarantee, but it is not working properly. 

Write a letter to the Sales Manager asking for repair or replacement

  1. Attempt any one of the following: 


(i) You are Manvi/Manish of D.A.V. School, Bhiwani. Your school celebrated the 

‘International Yoga Day’. Write a report about it for your school magazine describing the 

event in detail

D.A.V. School, Bhiwani

Report on International Yoga Day Celebration

D.A.V. School in Bhiwani celebrated International Yoga Day with zeal. The event, inaugurated by Principal Mrs. [Principal’s Name], saw students and teachers engaging in a session led by professional yoga instructors.

Various yoga postures, pranayamas, and meditation techniques were practiced, promoting physical and mental well-being. A talk on yoga’s ancient origins and its relevance today provided valuable insights.

The event concluded with a collective meditation session, leaving participants with a sense of tranquility. The celebration not only encouraged a healthy lifestyle but also fostered unity among the school community.

Reported by,

Manvi/Manish Class:

[Your Class]

D.A.V. School, Bhiwani

(ii) Draft an advertisement for a new washing detergent powder

Introducing SparkleClean Detergent Powder!

Revolutionize your laundry with SparkleClean – your go-to solution for spotless, vibrant clothes. Our advanced formula tackles stains, protects colors, and leaves a fresh fragrance. Suitable for all fabrics, SparkleClean ensures a powerful clean with every wash. Buy 2, Get 1 Free – don’t miss our special launch offer! Available now at leading stores.

SparkleClean – Where Clean Meets Brilliance!



  1. Do any one of the passages given below and answer the questions that follow. 

Let me put it more clearly since no one will believe that a thirteen-year-old girl is completely 

alone in the world. And I’m not. I have loving parents and a sixteen-year-old sister, and there 

are about thirty people I can call friends. I have a family, loving aunts and a good home. No, 

on the surface I seem to have everything, except my one true friend. All I think about when 

I’m with friends is having a good time. I can’t bring self to talk about anything but ordinary 

everyday things. We don’t seem to be able to get any closer and that’s the problem. Maybe 

it’s my fault that we don’t confide in each other. In any case, that’s just how things are, and 

unfortunately, they’re not liable to change. This is why I’ve started the diary


(i) Who does ‘I’ refer to in the above passage?

“I” in the passage refers to a thirteen-year-old girl.

(ii) How many people can she call her friends?

The passage mentions that she can call about thirty people her friends.

(iii) Whom does she regard as her true friend?

The passage doesn’t explicitly mention who she regards as her true friend. However, it indicates that she doesn’t seem to have that one true friend among her existing friends.

(iv) Why does she start writing the diary?

She starts writing the diary because, despite having a seemingly good life with family and friends, she feels a lack of closeness with her friends. She mentions that all she thinks about when she’s with friends is having a good time, and she can’t bring herself to talk about anything beyond ordinary everyday things. Writing in the diary becomes a way for her to express her thoughts and feelings that she might not be able to share with her friends.

(v) Find a word from the passage which means “trust someone to tell a secret”.

The word from the passage that means “trust someone to tell a secret” is “confide.” The passage mentions, “Maybe it’s my fault that we don’t confide in each other,” indicating a lack of sharing personal or confidential matters with her friends.


Our elders are often heard reminiscing nostalgically about those good old Portuguese days

the Portuguese and their famous loaves of bread. Those eaters of loaves might have 

vanished but the makers are still there. We still have amongst us the mixers, the moulders 

and those who bake the loaves. Those age-old, time-tested furnaces still exist. The fire in 

the furnaces has not yet been extinguished. The thud and jingle of the traditional baker’s 

bamboo, heralding his arrival in the morning, can still be heard in some places. Maybe the 

father is not alive, but the son still carries on the family profession


(i) What do the elders remember fondly about their past?

The elders remember fondly the “good old Portuguese days” and specifically mention the Portuguese and their famous loaves of bread.

(ii) What do still exist?

The passage mentions that the makers of the famous Portuguese loaves of bread still exist. The mixers, the moulders, and those who bake the loaves are still present.

(iii) How can you say that bread making is still popular in Goa?

The passage implies that bread making is still popular in Goa because it mentions that the mixers, moulders, and bakers of the traditional loaves of bread are still present. Additionally, it notes that the age-old, time-tested furnaces used for baking still exist, and the fire in the furnaces has not yet been extinguished.

(iv) How did the baker used to announce his arrival?

The passage mentions that the traditional baker used a bamboo, and the thud and jingle of the traditional baker’s bamboo would herald his arrival in the morning.

(v) Which word in the passage means ‘put out’?

The word in the passage that means ‘put out’ is “extinguished.” The passage states, “The fire in the furnaces has not yet been extinguished,” indicating that the fire in the furnaces has not been put out.

  1. Attempt any two questions

(i) How does Mandela describe the scene of inauguration?

The passage you are referring to is not provided. If you can provide the specific text from Mandela’s description of the inauguration scene, I’d be happy to help answer the question.

(ii) Describe the pilot’s experiences as he flew the aeroplane through the dark clouds.

Similarly, without the specific text or details about the pilot’s experiences in flying through dark clouds, I’m unable to provide a description. Please provide the relevant passage for a more accurate response.

(iii) How did Mijbil spend his time while he was with Maxwell at Basra?

Without the specific details from the passage about Mijbil and Maxwell in Basra, I can’t provide a detailed response. If you provide the relevant text, I’ll be able to help answer the question.

(iv) How did the Buddha make Kisa Gotami realize that death is inevitable?

The story of Kisa Gotami is a well-known Buddhist parable. In the story, Kisa Gotami, grieving the death of her child, seeks help from the Buddha. The Buddha asks her to bring a mustard seed from a house where no one has died. As she goes from house to house, she realizes that every family has experienced death. This experience makes her understand the universality of death, and she eventually comes to terms with her grief. The Buddha’s lesson helps Kisa Gotami realize that death is inevitable for all living beings.

  1. Write the story of Lancho’s faith in God.

Lancho’s Faith in God:

Lancho, a humble farmer, faced a severe drought that threatened his crops. Despite desperation, he continued sowing seeds with unwavering faith in God’s providence. One night, rain unexpectedly poured, saving his harvest. Lancho’s steadfast belief in divine intervention showcased his resilience and trust in higher forces, turning adversity into a testament of faith.


Give a brief character-sketch of Lomov. (6) 


Brief Character Sketch of Lomov:

Lomov, a character from Anton Chekhov’s play “The Proposal,” is a hypochondriac and an anxious landowner. He approaches marriage like a business deal, seeking a union with his neighbor’s daughter, Natalya. However, Lomov’s nervous disposition and constant health concerns make his proposal attempts comical. Despite his eccentricities, Lomov represents the absurdities of social conventions and human quirks in Chekhov’s satirical portrayal of marriage.

9.Attempt any one from the given stanzas

But he locked in a concrete cell, 

His strength behind bars, 

Stalking the length of his cage, 

Ignoring visitors. 


(i) In what kind of a cell is he locked? He is locked in a concrete cell.

(ii) Whose strength is behind bars?

His strength is behind bars.

(iii) How does he react to the visitors?

He stalks the length of his cage, ignoring visitors.

(iv) Who is being ignored?

The visitors are being ignored.

(v) Name the poem and the poet.

“A Tiger in the Zoo” is a poem written by Leslie Norris.



“But I can get a hair-dye 

And set such colour there, 

Brown, or black, or carrot, 

That young man in despair 

May love me for myself alone 

And not my yellow hair.” 


(i) Name the poem and the poet.

The provided text is from the poem “A Girl” written by Ezra Pound.

(ii) Why does she want to dye her hair?

She wants to dye her hair to change its color and attract the young man in despair for who she is, not just for her yellow hair.

(iii) What colour is the girl’s hair?

The color of the girl’s hair is yellow.

(iv) What colour can she give to her hair?

She mentions that she can set brown, black, or carrot color to her hair using hair dye.

(v) What does she expect from the young man in despair?

She expects the young man in despair to love her for herself alone, not just for her yellow hair.

  1. Attempt any two questions: 

(i) How will the world end in fire and ice?

The lines “Some say the world will end in fire, / Some say in ice” are from the poem “Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost. In the poem, fire symbolizes desire and passion, while ice represents hatred and indifference. The poet suggests that the world could end either due to the destructive force of passionate desires (fire) or the cold, unfeeling nature of hatred (ice).

(ii) What is the central idea of ‘The Ball Poem’?

“The Ball Poem” by John Berryman explores the theme of loss and the harsh realities of life. The central idea revolves around a boy who experiences the inevitability of losing things in life and learns to cope with the pain and challenges that come with growing up.

(iii) Explain the symbols used in the poem ‘The Trees’.

“The Trees” by Philip Larkin uses the symbolism of trees to represent the cycle of life, growth, and renewal. The trees in the poem shed their leaves in the autumn, symbolizing death and decay, but they also grow new leaves in the spring, representing rebirth and regeneration. The poem explores the cyclical nature of life and the inevitability of both death and renewal.

(iv) Where did Belinda live and which animals lived with her?

The reference to Belinda and the animals is from the poem “The Snake” by D.H. Lawrence. In the poem, Belinda lives in a cottage and has a pet snake as a companion. The snake is described as a “golden small snake” that she kept as a pet in her cottage. The poem explores the themes of sensuality, intimacy, and the connection between humans and nature.

  1. Answer any two of the given questions: 

(i) What evidence do you get from the text about Tricki’s affluent living?

The text you’ve provided doesn’t contain information about Tricki’s affluent living. If you can provide more context or details, I would be happy to help answer the question.

(ii) How did Ausable get rid of Max?

The reference to Ausable and Max suggests a connection to the short story “The Man Who Could Cheat Death” by Donald Westlake. In the story, Ausable is a forger and impersonator. To get rid of Max, Ausable plans a ruse involving a fictitious doctor. He convinces Max that he needs urgent medical attention, leading Max to leave voluntarily for medical treatment.

(iii) What did Griffin do inside a big London store?

The reference to Griffin hints at the character from H.G. Wells’ “The Invisible Man.” Griffin, who has the power of invisibility, creates chaos inside a big London store by stealing and vandalizing items without being seen. His actions reflect the consequences of unchecked power.

(iv) What did Loisels do to replace the necklace?

In Guy de Maupassant’s “The Necklace,” after Mathilde Loisel loses a borrowed necklace, she and her husband replace it by purchasing a new one. To afford the new necklace, they make financial sacrifices, take out loans, and work hard for ten years, eventually leading them into a life of poverty. Ironically, they later discover that the original necklace was not as valuable as they had believed.


  1. Give a brief character-sketch of the thief in Ruskin Bond’s ‘The Thief’s Story’. 

In Ruskin Bond’s “The Thief’s Story,” the central character is the unnamed thief who serves as the narrator of the story. The thief is a simple and impoverished young man living on the outskirts of a small village. He shares his experiences of being an orphan and his struggle for survival. Despite his criminal activities, the thief is portrayed with empathy, highlighting the circumstances that led him to a life of theft. The character sketch reveals his vulnerability, desperation, and the human side of someone often deemed a societal outcast. The thief’s narrative provides readers with a glimpse into the complexities of poverty and the choices individuals make under challenging circumstances



Give a brief character-sketch of Bholi and describe the role the teacher played in her life. 

Bholi is a character from the short story “Bholi” written by Khushwant Singh. Here is a brief character sketch of Bholi and the role the teacher played in her life:

Bholi: Bholi is a young girl in the story who initially faces challenges due to a speech impairment. Because of her speech impediment, she is often teased and mocked by her peers, leading to low self-esteem. However, as the story progresses, Bholi undergoes a transformation. After a corrective surgery, her speech improves, and she gains confidence. Bholi is portrayed as a resilient character who overcomes adversity to find her voice.

Role of the Teacher: The teacher plays a crucial role in Bholi’s life. Recognizing Bholi’s potential and the impact of her speech impediment on her self-esteem, the teacher takes an interest in her education. The teacher arranges for Bholi to undergo a surgery that corrects her speech. This act of kindness and support changes Bholi’s life, empowering her to overcome societal prejudices and emerge as a confident and articulate young woman. The teacher’s intervention illustrates the positive influence educators can have on their students’ lives, going beyond traditional teaching roles to address personal and societal challenges.

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