HBSE Practice Paper Class 10 English 2022-23 Code-A and B
HBSE Practice Paper Class 10 English 2022–23, Codes A. The Haryana Board of School Education (HBSE) has provided two sets of practice papers for the students to become familiar with the new pattern of the Class 10 English (Core) examinations, which will commence on February 27, 2023. HBSE Practice Paper, Class 10 English, 2022–23, Codes A and B HBSE Practice Paper, Class 10 English, 2022–23, Codes A and B, with a complete solution provided by your English teacher, who is promoted to the position of principal. I am really thankful to my department, which has provided me with an opportunity to prove myself as a good administrator, and I assure my students that I will always remain a teacher. Practice it, as I hope you will get the maximum number of questions in your final examination from these two sets of HBSE practice papers for Class 10 English in 2022–2023.
Courtesy to HBSE for Practice Question Paper:

HBSE has provided practice paper for 2022-2023 for all subjects. Therefore, the students must solve these question papers to score good marks in the class 10 examination. Download the following question paper for final practice:
- Hindi- A
- Hindi-B
- English-A
- English-B
- Science-A
- Science-B
- Mathematics-A
- Mathematics-B
- Social Science-A
- Social Science-B
HBSE Practice Paper Class 10 English 2022-23 Code-A
CLASS: 10th (Secondary) Code No: A
Roll No
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80
• Please make sure that the printed question paper are contains 12 questions.
• The Code No. and Set on the right side of the question paper should be written
by the candidate on the front page of the answer-book.
• Before beginning to answer a question, its Serial Number must be written.
• Don’t leave blank page/pages in your answer-book.
• Except answer-book, no extra sheet will be given. Write to the point and do not
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• Candidates must write their Roll Number on the question paper.
• Before answering the questions, ensure that you have been supplied the correct
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General Instructions:
(i) This question paper is divided into four sections: A, B, C and D.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) Attempt all the parts of a question together.
(iv) Stick to the word limit wherever prescribed.
SECTION – A(Unseen Comprehension)
1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. Do any two:
(a) How does television affect our lives? It can be very helpful to people who carefully choose the shows that they watch. Television can increase our knowledge of the outside world; there are high quality programs that help us understand many fields of study, science, medicine, arts and so on. Moreover, television benefits very old people, who can’t often leave the house as well as patients in hospitals. It also offers non-native speakers the advantage of daily informal language practice. They can increase their vocabulary and practice listening. On the other hand, there are several serious disadvantages of television. Of course, it provides us with a pleasant way relax and spend our free time, but in some countries, people watch the ‘boob-tube’ for an average of six hours or more a day. Many children stare at a television screen for more hours each day than they do anything else, including studying and sleeping. It’s clear that the tube has a powerful influence on their lives and that its influence is often negative. Recent studies show that after only thirty seconds of television, a person’s brain ‘relaxes’ the same way that it does just before the person falls asleep. Another effect of television on the human brain is that it seems to cause poor concentration. Children who view a lot of television can often concentrate on a subject for only fifteen to twenty minutes. They can pay attention only for the amount of time between commercials. Another disadvantage is that television often causes people to become dissatisfied with their own lives. Real life does not seem as exciting to these people as the lives of actors on the screen. To many people, television becomes more real than reality and their own lives seem boring. Also many people get upset or depressed when they can’t solve problems in real life as quickly as television actors seem to. Before a child is fourteen years old, he or she views eleven thousand murders on the tube. He or she begins to believe that there is nothing strange about fights, killings and other kinds of violence. Many studies show that people become more violent after watching certain programmers. They may even do the things that they saw in a violent show. The most negative effect of the ‘Boob-tube’ might be people’s addiction to it. People often feel a strange and powerful need to watch television even when they don’t enjoy it. Addiction to a television screen is similar to drug or alcohol addiction. People almost never believe that are addicted. Questions: 1 × 5 = 5
(i) How can television increase our knowledge of the outside world?
(ii) How does it benefit the non-native speakers?
(iii) How does television have a powerful negative influence on people’s lives?
(iv) What are the effects of television watching on children?
(v) How does television causes people to become dissatisfied with their lives?
Practice the following unseen passages:
(b) Can our workouts be shaped by what our friends do? That question is at the heart of an important new study of exercise behavior, one of the first to use socalled big data culled from a large-scale, global social network of workout routines. The researchers focused on running because so many of the network participants were runners. And what they found suggests that whether and how much we exercise can depend to a surprising extent on our responses to other people’s training. The results also offer some practical advice for the runners among us, suggesting that if you wish to improve your performance, you might want to become virtual friends with people who are just a little bit slower than you are. The identity of individual runners was masked, but the researchers could tally exactly how often, far and fast each had gone every day for five years. They could similarly map out how often, far and fast their friends had run on those same and subsequent days. The researchers noted immediate correlations. Friends tended to display similar training routines day to day and year to year, even if separated geographically. So the researchers next decided that they should also consider weather. Bad weather can dampen enthusiasm for exercise, the researchers reasoned, so if someone heads out in rotten weather on a day when pals elsewhere have run, the soggy runner presumably has been influenced by what their friends have been up to. Consequently, the researchers also gathered five years’ worth of data from global weather stations and cross correlated this data base with information about the runner’s daily workouts. The results clearly showed that runners do influence one another, the scientists found. Over all, if one person ran for about 10 minutes more than usual on any given day, that runner’s friends would lengthen their workout by approximately three minutes, even if the weather was discouraging. Similarly, if a friend ran faster than usual, his or her friends would tend to pick up their pace that same day. In aggregate these results indicate that, with caveats, ”Running can be socially contagious.” Questions: 1 × 5 = 5
(i) Which workout (exercise) did the researchers study in particular?
(ii) On what does the quantity of our exercise depend?
(iii) What should we do to improve our performance in workouts?
(iv) How does weather affect exercise?
(v) What did the scientists find when they cross correlated five years of data from global weather stations?
Practice the following unseen passages:
(c) AIIMS admitted 150 patients with alcohol – related liver failure from 2011 to
2015. Of this, the study said, 96 died within 10 days despite all possible medical
intervention. Follow – up of the rest of the patients who were discharged when
their condition got stable revealed that nearly 20% died within three to four
months and another 20% in a year. “Once you have got acute-on chronic liver
failure due to alcohol, survival is rare. Transplant, the only life-saving treatment
option, is not possible immediately because three months of abstinence from
alcohol is required”, said Dr. Shalimar, associate professor of gastroenterology at
There is no medicine for alcoholism. “Abstinence is the only way to prevent
liver failure and deaths caused by that. The government needs to create
awareness to prevent excessive drinking.” A recent survey published in Global
Heart, a reputed medical journal, showed alcohol use has gone up from 16.1% to
25.6% among urban dwellers in Delhi in the past 20 years. The increase in alcohol
use in rural areas in the corresponding period is nearly four times – from 8% to
33.2% – the survey found. “We admitted 427 patients with acute – on chronic
liver failure from 2011 to 2015 at the hospital. Of this, a maximum 150 (40.8%)
cases were alcohol-related, followed by hepatitis B virus infection (71, 19.3%),
hepatitis E (45, 12.2%), autoimmune hepatitis flare – up (17, 4.6%), antituberculosis drugs (16, 4.3%) and hepatitis A(2, 0.5%). In 67 patients (18.2%), the
cause of acute liver failure couldn’t be ascertained”, he said. The AIIMS doctor
added alcohol-related liver failure cases have poorer prognosis. “Most of them
required ventilator supports, their blood was thinner and brain damage was
higher too”, he added. Dr. S. K. Sarin, director of the Institute of Liver and biliary
Sciences (ILBS), said most alcoholics are calorie – deprived. “Most infections cause
leaky bowel. But in case of alcoholics, this problem is severe. Due to this, bacteria
easily get into liver from the small intestine, thus aggravating organ failure status,
he added. He, however, stressed the need to create awareness about harmful
effects of binge drinking. Questions: 1 × 5 = 5
(i) What happens to the patients who go to AIIMS with alcohol – related liver failure?
(ii) What is the best treatment for patients suffering from acute on chronic liver failure due to alcohol?
(iii) What is the best way to prevent liver failure and death due to alcohol?
(iv) In which areas of India is the use of alcohol increasing more rapidly?
(v) What is the effect of binge drinking?
SECTION – B (Writing Skills)
2. Attempt any one of the following: 5
(a) Write an application to your principal requesting him to arrange special coaching in the subject of English.
(b) You are Somwati/Sombir. Write a letter to the Deputy Commissioner of your district complaining about the insanitary conditions in your slum locality.
Related Article on Letter Writing:
- The Cover Letter: The Most Important Tool for Landing Your Dream Job
- Formal Letter Writing in English: Ultimate Letter Writing Solution
- “Letter to the Editor”
3. Attempt any one of the following: 5
(a) Telephone is one of the most important means of communication today. But it has also become a nuisance for the same. Write a paragraph on the topic, “Telephone: A Nuisance.”
(b) Write a brief report in about 40 words on Annual prize distribution function of your school to be published in your school magazine.
SECTION – C (Grammar)
4. Attempt any twelve sentences, choosing two from each part: 1 × 12 = 12
Related Article on Grammar:
- HBSE Practice Paper Class 12 English(Core): Previous Years Questions
- 12 Tenses in English Grammar: The Beginning of the English Learning Language
- English Grammar: Active and Passive Voices with Examples of 12 Tenses
- Direct and Indirect Speech: Steps & Rules to Change Narration
- Modal Auxiliaries for all Classes: PDF
- Articles in English: The Beginning of Learning English Grammar PDF
- The modal auxiliaries for all classes
(a) Use the correct form of the verb given in the brackets:
(i) What ……… (make) the moon go round the earth?
(ii) Look! She ……… (tremble) with fear.
(iii) This is February. Then the next month ……… be March.
(b) Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech:
(i) My father said to me, “Why have you failed?”
(ii) He said to me, “Slow and steady wins the race.”
(iii) He said to his friend “Please lend me your book.”
(c) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles wherever necessary:
(i) Ink is ………….. useful article.
(ii) ………….. Taj Mahal is ………….. most beautiful building.
(iii) ………….. rose smells sweet.
(d) Fill in the blanks with modals given in brackets:
(i) I have no pets. They ………….. be very troublesome. (can/will/must)
(ii) The candidates ………….. to appear for an interview. (will/must/have)
(iii) …………… that I were a millionaire. (Shall/Should/Would)
(e) Put the verbs in brackets into correct form (Gerund/Infinitive):
(i) He is too weak (walk).
(ii) You needn’t (say) anything.
(iii) The rice will grow well in the (come) season.
(f) Punctuate the following sentences:
(i) he said madhu looks weak is she ill
(ii) i tell you sir i have read king lear
(iii) my aunt dr v l sharma lives in Srinagar.
[(A: Prose Text) First Flight]
5. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. Do any two passages:
(a) His parents and his brothers and sister had landed on this green flooring
ahead of him. They were beckoning to him calling shrilly. He dropped his legs to
stand on the green sea. His legs sank into it. He screamed with fright and
attempted to rise again flapping his wings.
Questions: 1 × 5 = 5
(i) Name the writer of these lines.
(ii) Name the chapter of these lines.
(iii) What does the phrase, ‘green flooring’ refer to?
(iv)How did the whole family praise and reward the success of the seagull’s flight?
(v) Find out a word from the passage which means the same as ‘Pieces’.
(b) Midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore sits a piece of
heaven that must have drifted from the kingdom of god. This land of rolling hills is
inhabited by a proud reace of martial men,beautiful women and wild creatures.
Coorg or Kodagu, the smallest district of Karnataka, is home to evergreen
rainforests, spices and coffee plantations. Evergreen rainforests cover thirty per
cent of this district. During the monsoons. It pours enough to keep many visitors
away. The season of joy commences from September and continues till March.
The weather is perfect, with some showers thrown in for good measure. The air
breathes of invigorating coffee. Coffee estates and colonial bungalows stand
tucked under tree canopies in prime corners.
Questions: 1 × 5 = 5
(i) Who is the writer of these lines?
(ii) Name the chapter of these lines.
(iii) What is referred to as a piece of heaven?
(iv) Why do many tourists not visit it during monsoons?
(v) Find out a word from the passage similar in meaning to ‘beginning’.
(c) Of those who, overcome by death, depart from life, a father cannot save his
son, nor kinsmen their relations. Mark! While relatives are looking on and
lamenting deeply, one by one mortals are carried off, like an ox that is led to the
slaughter. So the world is afflicted with death and decay, therefore the wise do
not grieve, knowing the terms of the world.
”Not from weeping nor from grieving will anyone obtain peace of mind; on the
contrary, his pain will be the greater and his body will suffer. He will make himself
sick and pale, yet the dead are not saved by his lamentation. He who seeks peace
should draw out the arrow of lamentation and complaint, and grief. He who has
drawn out the arrow and has become composed will obtain peace of mind; he
who has overcome all sorrow will become free from sorrow and be blessed.”
Questions: 1 × 5 = 5
(i) Who is the writer of these lines?
(ii) Name the chapter of these lines.
(iii) Why did the Buddha give this sermon to Kisa Gotami?
(iv) What is the fate of mortals in the world?
(v) Find out a word from the passage which means the same as “the killing of
animals for their meat.”
6. Answer in about 100 words: 5
What sort of qualities do you find in Anne Frank? Explain.
What did Valli find out about the bus journey? How did she find out these details?
7. Answer any three (30-40words) of the following questions: 2×3=6
(i) What does Mandela thank the international leaders for? (Nelson Mandela:
Long Walk to Freedom)
(ii) Why does Anne want to keep a diary? (From the Diary of Anne Frank)
(iii) How does Maddie feel after listening to the note from Wanda’s father?
(iv) How did the author manage to travel with the other? (Mijbil the Otter)
(v) Who was Gautama Buddha? Where was he born? (The Sermon at Benares)
[(B: Poetry) First Flight ]
8. Read the stanza given below and answer the questions that follow:
Winds rush to meet them.
The moon is broken like a mirror,
Its pieces flash now in the crown
Of the tallest oak.
Questions: 1 × 5 = 5
(i) Who is the poet of these lines?
(ii) Name the poem of these lines.
(iii) Who does ‘them’ in the first line refer to?
(iv)What does the moon look like?
(v) Where do the rays of the moon fall?
Belinda is as brave as a barrel full of bears,
And Ink and Blink chase lions down the stairs,
Mustard is as brave as a tiger in a rage,
But Custard keeps crying for a nice safe cage.
Questions: 1 × 5 = 5
(i) Who is the poet of these lines?
(ii) Name the poem of these lines.
(iii) Who is as brave as a barrel full of bears?
(iv)Who chases lions down the stairs?
(v) Does a tiger become braver in a rage?
9. Answer in about 100 Words: 5
What is the central idea of the poem ‘Dust of Snow’? Discuss.
Summarise the poem ‘Amanda!’ in your own words.
10. Answer any two of the following: 2 × 2 = 4
(i) What message do you get from the poem, ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?
(ii) What does “in the world of possessions “mean in the poem ‘The Ball Poem’?
(iii) Where are trees in the poem, ‘The Trees’? What do their roots, their leaves and their twigs do?
(C: Supplementary Reader)
11. Answer in about 100 words:
Describe Bholi’s experiences on her first day at school and the role of the teacher. 5
Why did Hari Singh decide to return the stolen money? What light does it throw on his character?
12. Answer any four of the following questions in about 30-40 words each:
2 × 4 = 8
(i) Why is Mr. Herriot tempted to keep Tricki on as a permanent guest?
(ii) Who came to meet Ausable? What was his profession?
(iii) Was Horace Danby a typical thief? If so, how do you know?
(iv)What is Think Tank’s first guess about books?
(v) What kind of a person is Mme Loisel? Why is she always unhappy?
(vi)Why did the narrator not like his job? (The Hack Driver)