
Management Tips for Examinations

Complete Class 12 English(Core) Examinations solution Solution 

Management Tips for Examinations as Board exams are going to start soon. Students, parents, and teachers are tasked with the intention of securing a good result. This is every year’s festival, and exams come and go. Exams fear is still prevailing among all sections of society as there are many reasons which contribute to enhancing this fear of exams.

Management Tips for Examinations

Tips to remove fear of exams?

  • target of achieving excellent marks. Parents’
  • Pressure
  • Teachers’ pressure on the result
  • Career Tensions
  • Exams system
  • Talent is tested based on scores in exams. The importance
  • of cramming instead of understanding the topic All the points mentioned above

contribute to enhancing the fear of exams among students. Consequently, we need some remedies to dilute the examination tensions. Try these revision techniques and tips to help manage your time and prepare for your exams. It’s time to study until your heart’s content for those upcoming exams. You sit down and open up your textbook at chapter one and start reading, beginning to end. Does this sound like you? Forget what you think you know and get stuck into these exam study hacks instead.

Manage a suitable study spacein exams.

Where you study is important, so if you don’t think you will get much done with your friends, then study by yourself. At home, find a place without distractions. Not at the kitchen table while your family is making dinner or in a TV room where someone is watching TV.

Make your study sessions short before exams.

We all have a limit before our attention begins to wander, so study in shorter, more frequent bursts. Pick a specific task you want to study in that one session. For example, English. Then start a timer for, say, 30 minutes, focus, and study as hard as you can without getting distracted. As soon as the timer goes off, stop and have a break. And make sure you have a break. Your brain will be relaxed and will thank you.

Sometimes I put music on near exams.

Music has an INCREDIBLE IMPACT on the brain. It reduces blood flow to the brain’s fear centre and increases dopamine, allowing you to de-stress, so get a good playlist together and chill out. However, if you’re someone who likes to study in complete silence, that’s fine too.

Explain your topic to someone near exams

Explain the topic in your own words. You’ll notice where you don’t quite grasp concepts, and if you have any points you need to clarify.

Inquire deeply about your subject during exams.

It’s hard to remember fact after fact, so here are a few tips to help connect the dots. Make your subject “real” and apply it to real-life scenarios or picture real people in the situation; try to find links between this topic and others; connect this particular topic with an underlying principle; or see where there are similarities and differences between concepts.

Create your concepts and make mind maps.

You scribbled away furiously during lectures, wrote every last thing down, and now have the most beautiful pages of notes. Make your notes. But do you recall everything on the page? Probably not. Create a concept map with the information. Make a big circle or chart in the middle of the page with the main topic, and then break it down into the different topics, headings, or parts. Then write the minor details under each. Are your notes effective? Make small notes for revision near the examinations.

Practice mindfulness or meditation and exercises of relaxation.

Everyone needs to switch off regularly. If you’re stressed out, taking a few minutes out to clear your mind and take a few deep breaths will make a world of difference, and exercises such as yoga and pilates can help you focus on your breathing. There are also plenty of good websites and apps that can provide guided meditations, such as CALM and HEADSPACE.

Create a colour code

Line after line of black and white writing isn’t the most stimulating for your brain. Color coding can make a big difference, but you must have a method to your madness or you’ll be left with a rainbow mess. For example, use blue highlighting for definitions, yellow highlighting for examples, pink highlighting for English, and green highlighting for dates and events. Be careful in doing this and be consistent.

Study at your optimal time of the day.

When are you most alert? If you wake up with a spring in your step in the morning, use that time of day to blast out a study session. You might find you have a great study session in half the time of one at night.

When you’re very short on time,

If it’s the night before an exam, rather than trying to cram as much new information into your head as possible, revise what you do know well. Don’t try new things. Therefore, concentrate on what you read before.

Test yourself periodically.

You’re flying through your notes or chapter pages. But then you realise you don’t remember a thing you’ve just read. A better strategy is to stop after each topic, chapter, or major point and test yourself. Don’t wait until the end. Study the subject in different modalities. If your textbook or notes aren’t doing it, see if there’s a YouTube lecture or a podcast episode that might explain it a little better.

Speak out loud and write.

You might feel a little silly, but speak out loud to yourself. Saying the words out loud might help you pay attention and absorb the message properly. Some students feel better about learning things by speaking aloud. It is a good trick to have some relief from excess tension. It may reduce your energy level, so be careful. As a result, we can say that we are all experiencing exam stress. We have to design our method to prepare for exams. Consult your teachers to solve your examination problems and use proper counselling to reduce your tensions. I hope the above discussion will reduce your exam fear. All the best for examinations. Start writing when you feel stressed.

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