
Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023: PM Modi’s Success Mantra to Children

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023: PM Modi's Success Mantra to Children

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023: PM Modi’s Success Mantra to Children

“Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023: PM Modi Success Mantra to Children” was an inspirational and educational lecture by the honourable Prime Minister of India, Sh. Narendra Modi, interacted with the students, parents, and teachers at Tal Katora Stadium, New Delhi, to help them overcome the examination stress they are facing as the examinations are going to start soon. We, the students, teachers, and parents of Saheed Jagbir Singh Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School, Silana, watched the live programme on Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023: PM Modi Success Mantra to Children. Being the principal of the school, it’s my sole responsibility to help my students come out of their exam fear. The prime minister’s interaction with the students helped us a lot to think over the exam stress in a practical way. The interaction on Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 was simple and easy to understand, but some students might have faced some problems due to some internet issues or the nonavailability of other resources. Therefore, I am writing some important points on Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 in this article.


About Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023


Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 Live: परीक्षा का तनाव सताए... तो क्या करें उपाय? पीएम मोदी ने बच्चों को दिया सफलता का मंत्र

Image Courtesy: abp live

परीक्षा पे चर्चा 2023

Image Courtesy: Aaj Tak

Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023: PM Modi’s Success Mantra to Children

The Prime Minister talked to the students, teachers, and parents who came from different parts of India to listen to their beloved Prime Minister, Sh. Narendra Modi. The following were the success mantras for children, teachers, and parents during the examination days:

Tips for Teachers, Parents, and Students: Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023

  • Parents should leave their status and help their wards sincerely.
  • “Even today our student considers the words of his teacher very valuable. We should choose the path of belonging instead of choosing the path of discipline with a stick. Will benefit only if we choose the path of affinity” – PM Modi
  • “The country which has the oldest language of the world should be proud of it. In UN, I deliberately told some things related to Tamil language because I wanted to show the world that we have the oldest language in the world” – PM Modi
  • “We live day and night in the spirit of competition. Let us live for ourselves. Live in yourself. Live while learning from your loved ones. Everyone needs to learn, but emphasis should also be placed on your inner potential. Life doesn’t stop at one station because of one exam” – PM Modi during discussion on exams
  • “Most people are ordinary, extraordinary people are very few. Ordinary people do extraordinary things and when ordinary people do extraordinary things then they go to great heights”: PM Modi
  • “First of all you have to decide whether you are smart or gadget smart. Sometimes you are smarter than yourself. Let’s take our gadget for granted and the mistake starts from there. The more smartly you use the gadget, the better the results will be” – PM Modi, during the discussion on Pariksha
  • “Do not pay attention to habitual critics. We should never lose our focus. I also request the parents that you cannot ‘mold’ your children through toka-toki”.- PM Modi, during the discussion on Pariksha
  • “First understand the task. We should also focus on what we need. If I want to achieve something, I have to focus on a specific area, only then results will come. We should do ‘smartly hardwork’, only then we will get good results” – PM Modi in Pariksha Pe Charcha
  • “Every parent should evaluate their children properly and do not allow inferiority complex to enter in the children” – PM Modi, during discussion on examination
  • “Once you accept the fact that I have an ability and now I have to do things according to it. The day you come to know your potential, you become very powerful that day”.- PM Modi in Pariksha Pe Charcha
  • “Students should understand that now life and the world have changed a lot. Today you have to take the exam step by step. That’s why the one who cheats will pass one or two exams but will never be able to pass life”.- PM Modi, in discussion on examination
  • “Look inside yourself. Introspect You must identify your potential, your aspirations, your goals, and then try to align them with the expectations others are having of you”.- PM Modi, in Pariksha Pe Charcha
  • “While giving tips on time management during the discussion on the exam, PM Modi said, “Make such a slab that first give time to the subject which you like less… After that, give time to the subject which you like.”
  • “Not only for the exam but also in life we should be aware of time management. Work piles up because it was not done on time. One never gets tired of working, there is satisfaction in working. Tired of not working that there is so much work left:” PM Narendra Modi
  • “Even if you do well, everyone will have new expectations from you. There is pressure from all sides but should we succumb to this pressure? If you stay focused on your activity then you will come out of such crisis. Never be under the pressure of pressure.”- PM Modi
  • “During the discussion on the examination, the Prime Minister while giving tips to the students said that take a pen, pencil on paper and note on the diary where you are spending your time”.
  • “‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ is my exam too and crores of students of the country are taking my exam. I enjoy giving this exam. It is natural for families to have expectations from their children, but if it is just to maintain social status, then it becomes dangerous”: PM Modi

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