
CBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 2023-24

CBSE Class 10 English Sample Paper 2023-24. CBSE Class 10 English Mock Test 2024 will help you to score good marks in class.


Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and LITERATURE.
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages
1. Read the following text. 10 m
(1) As a high school student, studying poetry can be a rollercoaster ride. This journey is punctuated by
moments of profound appreciation for simpler pieces and intermittent frustration with more
complex works. Let’s be real here -some poems are just plain confusing and no amount of re-reading
seems to help decipher the intended meaning. The puzzlement that results from such instances can
be both vexing and demotivating. If solving a riddle is what was intended, then playing Sudoku is a
better option. One is led to ponder if obscurity was the goal.
(2) Conversely, some pieces resonate with the reader’s soul. stirring feelings of warmth, happiness, and
connection to the world. Often, these compositions centre on themes that are universally
understood, such as love, nature, or faith. Being able to actually understand what the poet is trying
to say can feel like a little victory and is a welcome relief after grappling with more perplexing poetry.
(3) Then there are poems that are emotionally charged; the ones that make the reader curl up in a ball
and cry or jump up and down with joy. One is left in awe of the poet’s ability to convey emotion
through words. Let’s not forget the downright weird poems. These are the ones that defy
categorization and leave the reader to their own devices in attempting to interpret meaning. The
author’s use of figurative language and unconventional imagery can create a sense of bewilderment
that is either intriguing or off-putting. Regardless, the reader can appreciate the uniqueness of the
(4) Despite the wide range of emotions and reactions that come with studying poetry, it can be a
rewarding pursuit. Not only does reading poetry allow one to appreciate the artistic beauty of the
written word but also enables one to develop crucial critical thinking and analytical skills. The process
of unlocking a poem’s meaning can feel like cracking a code or solving a puzzle but the sense of
accomplishment derived from mastering a challenging piece can be deeply gratifying. Finally,
impressing an English teacher with a well-analysed poem can be a source of pride and validation.
(5) Overall, studying poetry is like a box of mixed chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.
But whether it’s complex, emotional, simple, or just downright weird, there’s always something to
be gained from the experience. So, let’s applaud all the poets out there, for making us laugh, cry,
scratch our heads, and occasionally feel like a genius.
Created for academic usage/ 414 words
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.

i Which of the following statements best describes the author’s attitude towards studying
A. Finds poetry to be a frustrating and meaningless endeavor.
B. Believes that the emotional rollercoaster of studying poetry is not worth the effort.
C. Recognizes the challenges of studying poetry but also acknowledges the rewards it
D. Feels that poetry is too obscure and abstract for the average person to appreciate.
ii What is the tone of the writer in the given lines from paragraph (1)? Rationalise your response
in about 40 words.
If solving a riddle is what was intended, then playing Sudoku is a better option. One is led to
ponder if obscurity was the goal. 2

  • The tone is skeptical and critical. The author questions the purpose of reading confusing poetry and suggests that playing Sudoku might be a more meaningful endeavor.

iii Complete the sentence appropriately.
The author’s use of vivid imagery in the paragraph (3), such as “curl up in a ball and cry” and
“jump up and down with joy”, greatly affects the reader because ____________.1

  • The author’s use of vivid imagery in paragraph (3), such as “curl up in a ball and cry” and “jump up and down with joy,” greatly affects the reader because it elicits strong emotional responses and enhances the reader’s connection to the described experiences.

iv The passage includes some words that are opposites of each other. From the sets (a)-(e)
below, identify two sets of antonyms: 1

  • perplexing – understandable
  • demotivating – gratifying

v Complete the sentence appropriately.
We can say that the author’s tone becomes more neutral and objective when discussing weird
poems, compared to other types of poetry because __________.

  • We can say that the author’s tone becomes more neutral and objective when discussing weird poems, compared to other types of poetry because weird poems defy categorization, and the author acknowledges the subjective nature of interpreting their meaning.

vi Based on the reading of the passage, examine, in about 40 words, how studying poetry can
be like exploring a new city.

  • Studying poetry, like exploring a new city, offers a diverse experience with a range of emotions. It involves navigating through the familiar (simple poems) and the unfamiliar (weird poems), akin to discovering both the known and unknown in a city.

vii What is the message conveyed by Hina’s experience, in the following case?
Hina spends hours trying to analyze a poem for her assignment and finally feels a sense of
accomplishment and pride, once she understands.
A. Only those with natural talent for poetry should engage with it.
B. Persistence makes studying poetry a rewarding pursuit.
C. Study of poetry is guaranteed to impress others.
D. The efforts of studying poetry is inversely proportional to the rewards gained.

  • B. Persistence makes studying poetry a rewarding pursuit.

viii State whether the following lines display an example of a simple / complex / emotionally
charged / downright weird , poem.
The sun rises in the east,
A new day begins, a fresh start.
Birds chirp, nature wakes up,
A peaceful feeling in my heart.

  • These lines display an example of a simple poem.

2. Read the following text. 10 m
Reduction in green areas has caused various environmental problems. People squeezed between
concrete structures are looking for various ways to meet their longing for green. One of the
ways to do so, is vertical gardens and green walls. Vertical gardening is a unique method of
(a) intriguing and off-putting (b) deciphering and interpreting
(c) appreciate and applaud (d) simple and challenging
(e) emotions and feelings
gardening where plants are grown in a vertical position or upward, rather than in the traditional
method of planting them on the ground.
The purpose of vertical gardens and green walls, which arises from the studies of different
disciplines (landscape architects, architects, engineers, etc.), is to close the cold image of concrete
and increase the visual value. In these systems, nature and structures are integrated, and thus, urban
areas and the desired environment have become intertwined.
Vertical garden case studies often show that , though functionality should be in the foreground,
when vertical gardens are planned, they are generally made as aesthetic elements in the city’s
underpasses and city squares, and decorative elements in residences, without seeking functionality.
Experts support that the visual quality and evaluation of landscape architecture is determined based
on the satisfaction of the users. Hence, a survey questionnaire was prepared for residents of varied
age groups from of a metropolitan city . The given Table 1, displays these responses:
Table 1 – Total number of participants : 400
No. Survey statements Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Vertical gardens1 improve quality of life of people
in urban areas
191 138 43 9 19
2 reduce noise pollution 128 164 77 25 6
3 increase air quality -indoors and
172 147 51 28 2
4 reduce energy and water
58 47 125 68 2
5 positively impact global warming 114 144 106 30 6
6 have a relaxing and calming
161 177 44 7 11
7 cost too much 86 107 152 42 13
8 make plants look beautiful 195 139 44 6 16
9 add naturalness to the environs 135 173 55 25 12
10 are among the determining
factor to visiting a place
59 133 141 54 13
11 are inconvenient indoors 9 84 123 126 48
12 can be applied in every place 71 132 97 77 23
13 have a functional feature 81 207 100 10 2
14 distract drivers 34 101 106 131 28
15 funds are best used for social
57 72 100 130 41
The study acknowledged that vertical gardening has the potential to transform urban spaces into
green, sustainable areas, and further research should explore the impact of vertical gardening on the
environment and human well-being.
Adapted for academic usage – 2019 case-study -Investigating the vertical garden applications in Turkey
225 words approx.
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above
i Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your understanding of paragraphs 1
& 2.
We can say that the situation of people living in concrete structures is comparable with a fish
living in a fishbowl, and the need for vertical gardens to the need for decorations in the
fishbowl because _______________.
ii Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your
understanding of paragraph 2.
The statement that , urban spaces have become more closely connected with the desired
natural surroundings through the incorporation of nature and structures in vertical gardens
and green walls, is a ___________ (fact/ opinion) because it is a _____________ (subjective
judgement/ objective detail).
iii Justify the following, in about 40 words.
While the survey results suggest that vertical gardens may be effective in improving the
quality of life in urban areas, further research and evaluation may be necessary to fully
understand their effectiveness and potential drawbacks.
iv Based on the survey results, which two concerns should a city government, looking to install
vertical gardens, address?
v In Table 1, the statement 3, “Vertical gardens increase air quality – indoors and outdoors,”
received the most neutral responses from participants, with 51 respondents indicating a
neutral stance. State any one inference that can be drawn from this.

vi Select the option that correctly displays what ‘intertwined’ signifies. (Reference-Paragraph 2)
A. (i) , (iv) and (v)
B. Only (ii)
C. Only (iii)
D. (ii) and (v)
In the given sentence taken from paragraph 1, select the option that correctly replaces the
underlined word, with its most likely antonym.
Vertical gardening is a unique method of gardening.
A. an indefinite
B. an exclusive
C. a combined
D. a standard
vii Infer one benefit and one drawback of vertical gardening, in comparison to other solutions,
such as community gardens or parks. (Answer in about 40 words) 2
viii Which of the following is the main takeaway from the study mentioned in the passage?
A. Vertical gardening has minimal impact on the environment or human well-being.
B. Vertical gardening is a sustainable practice that can transform urban spaces into green
C. The impact of vertical gardening on the environment and human well-being has
already been thoroughly explored.
D. The study needs to include experts from horticultural firms to offer any
recommendations for further research.

i. Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on your understanding of paragraphs 1 & 2. We can say that the situation of people living in concrete structures is comparable with a fish living in a fishbowl, and the need for vertical gardens to the need for decorations in the fishbowl because _______________.

  • We can say that the situation of people living in concrete structures is comparable with a fish living in a fishbowl, and the need for vertical gardens to the need for decorations in the fishbowl because both involve a desire for a more natural and aesthetically pleasing environment within a confined space.

ii. Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on your understanding of paragraph 2. The statement that urban spaces have become more closely connected with the desired natural surroundings through the incorporation of nature and structures in vertical gardens and green walls is a ___________ (fact/opinion) because it is a _____________ (subjective judgment/objective detail).

  • The statement that urban spaces have become more closely connected with the desired natural surroundings through the incorporation of nature and structures in vertical gardens and green walls is an opinion because it is a subjective judgment.

iii. Justify the following, in about 40 words. While the survey results suggest that vertical gardens may be effective in improving the quality of life in urban areas, further research and evaluation may be necessary to fully understand their effectiveness and potential drawbacks.

  • The survey results hint at the potential benefits of vertical gardens for urban quality of life, yet the need for further research is emphasized to comprehensively assess their effectiveness and identify any associated drawbacks.

iv. Based on the survey results, which two concerns should a city government, looking to install vertical gardens, address?

  • Two concerns that a city government should address are:
    1. The cost associated with vertical gardens (Option 7).
    2. The potential distraction to drivers (Option 14).

v. In Table 1, the statement 3, “Vertical gardens increase air quality – indoors and outdoors,” received the most neutral responses from participants, with 51 respondents indicating a neutral stance. State any one inference that can be drawn from this.

  • One possible inference is that participants are unsure or neutral about the claim that vertical gardens significantly increase air quality, suggesting a need for more clarity or evidence on this particular aspect.

vi. Select the option that correctly displays what ‘intertwined’ signifies. (Reference-Paragraph 2) A. (i), (iv), and (v) B. Only (ii) C. Only (iii) D. (ii) and (v)

  • A. (i), (iv), and (v)

vii. For the visually impaired candidates: In the given sentence taken from paragraph 1, select the option that correctly replaces the underlined word, with its most likely antonym. Vertical gardening is a unique method of gardening. A. an indefinite B. an exclusive C. a combined D. a standard

  • C. a combined

viii. Infer one benefit and one drawback of vertical gardening, in comparison to other solutions, such as community gardens or parks. (Answer in about 40 words)

  • Vertical gardening offers the benefit of space efficiency, especially in urban areas, but it may pose a drawback in terms of potential distraction to drivers compared to larger solutions like community gardens or parks.

ix. Which of the following is the main takeaway from the study mentioned in the passage? A. Vertical gardening has minimal impact on the environment or human well-being. B. Vertical gardening is a sustainable practice that can transform urban spaces into green areas. C. The impact of vertical gardening on the environment and human well-being has already been thoroughly explored. D. The study needs to include experts from horticultural firms to offer any recommendations for further research.

  • B. Vertical gardening is a sustainable practice that can transform urban spaces into green areas.

3 Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed.

i. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket, for the given portion of
a letter:
Dear Sir
This is with reference to committee’s letter of recommendation that __highlighted ______ (highlight) the nominations for ‘Safe Residential Area’ award for this current year. 1
ii. Read the given sentence from a recipe review article. Identify the error and supply the
correction in the sentence.
This delightful recipe must keep your hunger pangs at bay with its balanced spices and
oriental flavour.
Use the given format for your response.
error correction 1

Error: oriental Correction: Oriental
iii. Abhilash and Neha had a conversation about the inauguration of Neha’s Dance Academy.
Report Abhilash’s question.
Is your best friend helping you in this venture?

Abhilash asked Neha, “Is your best friend helping you in this venture?”
iv. Read the dialogue between Shabnam and her mentor, Sara, regarding her summer internship
Sara: Why did you choose to participate in this internship programme?
Shabnam: Ah! I am convinced this programme has the potential to enhance my abilities.
Select the correct option to complete the reporting of the above dialogue.
Sara asked Shabnam _________________________________ in that internship programme.
Shabnam sighed and exclaimed that she was convinced that programme had the potential to
enhance her abilities.
A. why to choose to participate
B. to choose participation
C. why he had chosen to participate 1
D. with her choice in participating

Sara asked Shabnam why she had chosen to participate in that internship program.
v. Fill the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the concluding line of an issued
circular by an Organisation, to its Managers.
A copy of the plan is enclosed and __________ (that/ then/ this) may be communicated to all
Team Leaders for compliance. 1

A copy of the plan is enclosed and this may be communicated to all Team Leaders for compliance.
vi. Identify the error and supply correction for the given sentence from a commercial company’s
current marketing strategy.
The company aimed at increasing authority in areas frequently visited by the clients.
Use the given format for your response.
error correction 1

Correction: The company aimed at increasing authority in areas frequently visited by clients.
vii. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the closing line, from
an analytical report.
In conclusion, this study explores the association among short-sleep pattern and overweight
Option No. error correction
A explores explore
B and or
C among between
D In for 1

Option No. C. In conclusion, this study explores the association between short-sleep patterns and overweight youngsters
viii Complete the given narrative, by filling the blank with the correct option.
The experience of nursing an injured bird left me _____________ grateful for knowing the
importance of being kind and compassionate to all creatures.
A. feeling
B. having felt
C. felt
D. feels 1

The experience of nursing an injured bird left me feeling grateful for knowing the importance of being kind and compassionate to all creatures.
ix. Report the dialogue between a vendor and his customer, by completing the sentence:
Vendor: It is nice to see you, Sir!
Customer: Yes, indeed! Unlike last month, I have been away for quite some time this month.
The vendor greeted his customer respectfully and mentioned that he was pleased to see him.
The customer answered in the affirmative and explained that ______________________1

The customer answered in the affirmative and explained that unlike last month, he had been away for quite some time this month.
x. Fill the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the live feed on a school news
Congratulations Change Makers!
The regional competition awards have been announced and our school music club
___________ the first prize. 1
A. had been won
B. will win
C. was winning
D. has won

The regional competition awards have been announced and our school music club has won the first prize.
xi. Complete the line from a self- awareness song, by filling the blank with the correct option.

The river runs through your veins
The trees and mountains ______ your name
The moon and stars watch over
You’re guiding your way back home
To dream the night away.
A. will call
B. call
C. had called
D. calls 1

The trees and mountains call your name The moon and stars watch over You’re guiding your way back home To dream the night away.
xii. Identify the error and supply correction for the following note in a passengers’ flight
instruction manual:
Use the given format for your response.
error correction

Error: Use the given format for your response. Correction: No correction needed.


Note : All details presented in the questions are imaginary and created for assessment purpose .
4. A As Vaishali Nathani of 214, Indrayani Apartments, Vaishali Street, Daipur, you believe that forming Ecology clubs and appointing Eco-minders in your city can aid in the preservation and conservation of nature. Write a letter to the MLA of your city area, in about 120 words, suggesting the need to form such clubs. Share their importance and implications. Recommend the involvement of resident volunteers for implementation of eco-club activities that nurture and protect the local ecosystem.


[Your Name]

214, Indrayani Apartments

Vaishali Street, Daipur


[MLA’s Full Name]

[MLA’s Office Address]

Subject: Urgent Call for the Formation of Ecology Clubs to Preserve and Conserve Nature

Dear [MLA’s Last Name],

I trust this letter finds you well. As a concerned resident of Daipur, I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of utmost importance – the need to establish Ecology Clubs within our city. I strongly believe that this initiative, coupled with the appointment of dedicated Eco-minders, can play a pivotal role in the preservation and conservation of our precious natural resources.

Ecology Clubs serve as a community-driven approach to environmental stewardship, fostering a sense of responsibility towards our local ecosystem. By engaging resident volunteers, we can ensure the active participation of the community in activities that contribute to the well-being of our environment.

The implications of such clubs are far-reaching, from promoting sustainable practices to creating awareness about the delicate balance of nature. Residents, through their involvement, can actively contribute to nurturing and protecting our local ecosystem.

I kindly urge you to consider advocating for the formation of Ecology Clubs and the appointment of Eco-minders in our city. This grassroots initiative, with your support, has the potential to make a significant impact on the ecological landscape of Daipur.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am hopeful that together we can take meaningful steps towards a greener and healthier future for our city.

Yours sincerely,

Vaishali Nathani

[Contact Number]

[Email Address]

4.B As Armaan Khan, the School Literary Captain of Ujjwal Academy, Old City, Kiladerabad, you believe that languages can help bridge regional divides and promote unity. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily, in about 120 words, suggesting the introduction of an online regional language learning programme managed and run by student councils and language clubs in the city. The programme aims to help residents who have recently relocated to a new region in picking up the local language organically. Share the importance and Note- Passengers will not reach the airport late in order to avoid a fine equivalent to 5% of the basic fare. credibility of such a programme and suggest a feasible way to execute it along with possible activities.


[Your Name] School Literary Captain Ujjwal Academy, Old City Kiladerabad


The Editor

[Newspaper Name]

[Newspaper Office Address]

Subject: Proposal for an Online Regional Language Learning Programme

Dear Editor,

I hope this letter finds you well. As the School Literary Captain of Ujjwal Academy in Kiladerabad, I am writing to propose an innovative initiative aimed at fostering unity and bridging regional divides in our city.

I suggest the introduction of an online regional language learning programme, managed and run by student councils and language clubs. This program would cater to residents who have recently relocated, providing them with a platform to pick up the local language organically. The importance of such a program lies in its ability to create a sense of community and understanding among diverse linguistic groups.

To execute this, student councils and language clubs can collaborate to design interactive online modules, language exchange programs, and cultural events. By involving students, we not only tap into their enthusiasm but also ensure a relatable and engaging learning experience.

I believe such a program has the potential to significantly contribute to the integration of newcomers into the local community, fostering a more inclusive and harmonious city.

Thank you for considering this proposal, and I look forward to the positive impact this initiative could have on our city’s cultural fabric.

Yours sincerely,

Armaan Khan School

Literary Captain Ujjwal Academy, Old City Kiladerabad

[Contact Number]

[Email Address]

5.A Tsering, of class X, is contesting for the post of the Junior School Captain, in the upcoming student council elections. Given below is her character traits’ graphic, shared in the public domain, by the school counsellor, for the awareness of student voters, at school. All Tsering’s peers have been asked to write a paragraph in about 120 words, analysing these traits, to either support or oppose her candidature. As one of her peers, write this analytical paragraph, by selecting some of the traits that support your analysis. You may begin like this :
As a responsible student voter, I believe Tesring possesses / does not possess the necessary traits to be a School Captain. You may end like this:
For these reasons, I believe she has / does not have the potential to be a good School Captain and I support /oppose her candidature. 5

As a responsible student voter, I believe Tsering possesses the necessary traits to be a School Captain. Her strong sense of responsibility is evident in her consistent dedication to academic pursuits and extracurricular activities. Tsering’s leadership skills shine through her ability to collaborate with peers and foster a sense of unity within the student body. The graphic highlights her excellent communication skills, a crucial aspect for effective leadership. Furthermore, Tsering’s empathy and approachability make her a reliable and understanding figure for her peers, ensuring that their concerns are heard and addressed. Considering her well-rounded character and positive influence on the school community, I believe she has the potential to be a good School Captain, and I wholeheartedly support her candidature.
5.B As the Captain of the school’s Cultural Club, you have been asked to study the given itinerary
provided by a tour-organizing vendor.
A 3N/2D Educational Tour for the Senior School Students:
Jabalpur and Ranha National Park (Vandhya Pradesh)
 Tour Travel & sightseeing by bus.
 Accommodation on quad sharing basis.
 One staff complimentary for every 20 students.
 Bottled mineral water throughout the tour.
 Dance Party on 22 November.
 Insurance policy of ₹ 20,000/- per head.
 Provision of Tour Manager’s assistance to all places.
Day Estimated time of departure from Estimated time of arrival Sight-seeing Destination/ Activity
Time spent
at the
22 Nov.
8:49 am (Nagpur
Junction)-8 hrs. 30
5:23 pm Reporting at the hotel
23 Nov.
9:00am (hotel) 10:00am Bhawartal Garden 1 hr.
11:00am (garden) 11:40am Bhedaghat Dhuandhar
12:40pm (falls) 1:00pm Lunch (nearby
1 hr.
2:00pm (restaurant) 2:15pm Marble Rocks Cable car
1hr. 30 mins
3:45pm (Marble
4:45 pm Rani Durgavati Museum 1 hr. 30
6:15pm (museum) 7:00pm Back to the hotel
24 Nov.
5:30am (hotel)- 170
kms- 4 hrs. drive
9:30am Ranha Tiger Reserve 7hrs.
4:30pm (Tiger
9:00pm Back to the hotel
25 Nov.
7:54 am (Jabalpur
Railway station)- 8
hrs. 45 min
4:21 pm Nagpur Railway Junction
Analyse this itinerary to either approve or reject the tour proposal, while focusing on the
students’ safety, interest, and physical wellness. Write this analytical paragraph in about 120
words, by selecting features that support your analysis.
You may begin like this :
A thorough analysis of the itinerary provided by the tour organizing vendor reveals that the tour proposal should
be accepted / rejected.
You may end like this:
Therefore, the tour proposal for the educational trip should be approved / rejected.

A thorough analysis of the itinerary provided by the tour organizing vendor reveals that the tour proposal should be approved. The itinerary is well-structured, offering a balance between educational and recreational activities. The inclusion of prominent sightseeing destinations like Bhawartal Garden, Bhedaghat Dhuandhar Falls, Marble Rocks, and Rani Durgavati Museum ensures an enriching experience for the students. The provision of a dance party adds a recreational element, promoting student engagement and enjoyment. Additionally, the tour prioritizes students’ safety with the inclusion of insurance coverage, and the presence of a Tour Manager enhances the overall supervision. The schedule is thoughtfully planned, allowing sufficient time for each activity and ensuring that students’ physical wellness is considered. Therefore, the tour proposal for the educational trip should be approved.

6. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. 5
A. The question he tried to answer was simple: What is the purpose of the twelve tiny gold spots on a
monarch pupa?
“Everyone assumed the spots were just ornamental,” Ebright said.
“But Dr Urquhart didn’t believe it.”
To find the answer, Ebright and another excellent science student first had to build a device that
showed that the spots were producing a hormone necessary for the butterfly’s full development. This
project won Ebright first place in the county fair and entry into the International Science and
Engineering Fair. There he won third place for zoology. He also got a chance to work during the
summer at the entomology laboratory of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.
(The Making of a Scientist)
i State any one inference about Dr Urquhart from the given context:
Everyone assumed the spots were just ornamental,” Ebright said.
“But Dr Urquhart didn’t believe it.”

i. Inference about Dr Urquhart: Dr. Urquhart appears to be a scientist who challenges conventional assumptions. While others assumed the gold spots on a monarch pupa were merely ornamental, Dr. Urquhart, driven by curiosity, rejected this notion. His refusal to accept common beliefs suggests a commitment to scientific inquiry and a willingness to explore beyond established ideas.
ii State TRUE or FALSE.
None of the terms (a) -(d) below, can be applied to the question – What is the purpose of
the twelve tiny gold spots on a monarch pupa?
(a) A hypothesis – a proposed explanation for a phenomenon
(b) An assumption – something that is taken for granted or assumed to be true without
(c) A premise – a proposition that forms the basis of an argument
(d) A theory – a well-substantiated explanation for a natural phenomenon

ii. TRUE or FALSE: (b) An assumption – something that is taken for granted or assumed to be true without proof
iii Ebright’s approach towards finding the purpose of the gold spots on a monarch pupa was
highly effective. Elaborate in about 40 words, with reference to the extract.

iii. Ebright’s approach towards finding the purpose: Ebright’s approach was highly effective as he didn’t accept the assumed notion about the gold spots. Instead, he proactively designed a device to demonstrate that the spots produced a vital hormone for the butterfly’s development. This hands-on approach showcased his scientific prowess and earned him recognition.
iv Which phrase would correctly substitute ‘a chance’ , in the given sentence from the
He also got a chance to work during the summer at the entomology laboratory of the
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.

iv. Substitute for ‘a chance’: He also got an opportunity to work during the summer at the entomology laboratory of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.

The Making of a Scientist

B. LOMOV : It’s cold… I’m trembling all over, just as if I’d got an examination before me. The great thing
is , I must have my mind made up. If I give myself time to think, to hesitate, to talk a lot, to look for
an ideal, or for real love, then I’ll never get married. Brr…It’s cold! Natalya Stepanovna is an excellent
housekeeper, not bad-looking, well-educated. What more do I want? But I’m getting a noise in my
ears from excitement. (Drinks) And it’s impossible for me not to marry. In the first place, I’m already
35— a critical age, so to speak. In the second place, I ought to lead a quiet and regular life. I suffer
from palpitations, I’m excitable and always getting awfully upset; at this very moment my lips are
trembling, and there’s a twitch in my right eyebrow.
(The Proposal)
i Which of the following is NOT a reason why Lomov thinks he must marry?
A. He is already 35 years old.
B. He suffers from palpitations.
C. He is excitable and easily upset.
D. He is in love with Natalya.

i. NOT a reason why Lomov thinks he must marry: D. He is in love with Natalya.
ii Why is it fair to say that Lomov’s tone, when he says “What more do I want?”, is uncertain
and questioning? Answer in about 40 words.

iii Read the following descriptions (a)-(c) and identify which one correctly corresponds to the
(a) A debate is a formal discussion on a particular topic, usually with two or more people
presenting different viewpoints and arguments.
(b) A soliloquy is a speech given by a character alone on stage, which reveals their innermost
thoughts and feelings to the audience.
(c) An aside is a brief comment or remark made by a character directly to the audience,
which is not intended to be heard by other characters on stage.

iii. Correspondence to the extract: (c) An aside is a brief comment or remark made by a character directly to the audience, which is not intended to be heard by other characters on stage.
iv If an actor were to enact this extract, what would he be required to focus on, while
modulating his voice?

iv. Focus on while modulating voice: The actor would need to focus on expressing Lomov’s nervousness, excitement, and inner turmoil. The modulation should convey the character’s physical discomfort, evident in trembling and palpitations, as well as the mental struggle in deciding to marry Natalya.

The Proposal

7. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two, given. 5
A. But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
(Fire and Ice)
i Fill the blank with one word.
When the speaker says that ice could also bring about the end of the world , he refers to
__________ , as the means for destruction.

i. Fill the blank: When the speaker says that ice could also bring about the end of the world, he refers to hate, as the means for destruction.
ii What does the speaker’s alignment with those who favour ice, suggest? 1

ii. Speaker’s alignment with those who favour ice suggests: The speaker’s alignment with those who favor ice suggests a preference for a more gradual and emotionally detached form of destruction, emphasizing hate as a potent force.
iii Which of the following best describes the speaker’s attitude towards destruction caused by
A. Indifferent
B. Fearful
C. Dismissive
D. Respectful

iii. Speaker’s attitude towards destruction caused by ice: C. Dismissive
iv Comment on the poet’s use of language in these lines. 2

Fire and Ice

iv. Comment on the poet’s use of language: In these lines, the poet employs concise and impactful language. The repetition of “I think I know enough of hate” emphasizes the speaker’s confidence in understanding the destructive power of hate. The simplicity of language enhances the poem’s clarity and memorable impact.

B. The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbour and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
i In what way does the language used in this poem challenge traditional ideas of what poetry
should be?
ii What is the significance of the use of the word “little” to describe the fog in the poem and
how does this word choice contribute to the overall mood and tone of the poem? Answer
in about 40 words.
iii Complete the sentence with the appropriate option.
The lines from the poem tell us that the city is ______.
A. hilly
B. coastal
C. industrial
D. under-developed
12 of 13
iv Identify the type of imagery used in the lines of the poem. 1



i. Language challenging traditional ideas of poetry: The language in this poem challenges traditional ideas of poetry by its simplicity and brevity. It lacks ornate language or elaborate metaphors, presenting a mundane subject, fog, with straightforward words, challenging the notion that poetry must be complex.

ii. Significance of “little” in describing fog: The word “little” suggests a subtle, unobtrusive presence of the fog. It creates an image of gentleness, contributing to the overall mood of quiet and calm. This word choice evokes a sense of the fog’s delicate and almost mysterious nature.

iii. Complete the sentence: The lines from the poem tell us that the city is coastal.

iv. Type of imagery used: Visual imagery is used in the lines of the poem to depict the fog as it moves in a silent and cat-like manner.

8 Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words. 4×3=12
i Justify the opinion that the traditional baker and his bread play a significant role in the
cultural and social fabric of Goan society. (Glimpses of India-I)3

i. Significance of Traditional Baker in Goan Society: The traditional baker and his bread hold a pivotal role in Goan society, acting as cultural staples. Beyond providing sustenance, the baker becomes a communal figure, shaping social interactions. The bread, with its distinct aroma and taste, symbolizes the essence of Goan culture and fosters a sense of togetherness.
ii How does Leslie Norris use vivid imagery and metaphorical language in A Tiger in the Zoo,
to effectively depict the confinement and oppression, experienced by the captive tiger.3

ii. Leslie Norris’s Use of Imagery in “A Tiger in the Zoo”: Leslie Norris employs vivid imagery and metaphorical language to convey the captivity of the tiger. Descriptions like “steel bars,” “caged glare,” and “soft pads of velvet quietness” evoke a poignant image of the confined tiger, emphasizing the emotional and physical oppression it endures.
iii Explain how the description of the devastation caused by the hailstorm reflectsthe sadness
within Lencho, in A Letter to God?
Refer to the given lines, from the text –
Not a leaf remained on the trees. The corn was totally destroyed. The flowers were gone
from the plants. Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness.

iii. Lencho’s Sadness in “A Letter to God”: The description of the hailstorm’s devastation mirrors Lencho’s profound sadness. The barren landscape, devoid of leaves, corn, and flowers, serves as a metaphor for Lencho’s shattered hopes. The external destruction mirrors the internal turmoil, emphasizing Lencho’s deep emotional distress.
iv Kitty was a trusted friend to Anne. Elaborate.
(From the Diary of Anne Frank)

iv. Kitty as a Trusted Friend in “Diary of Anne Frank”: Kitty, Anne Frank’s diary, becomes a trusted confidante in the annex. Anne pours her innermost thoughts, fears, and dreams into the diary, treating it as a loyal friend who listens without judgment. Through this intimate connection, Kitty becomes Anne’s solace during the challenging times of hiding.
v How does Ogden Nash’s The Tale of Custard the Dragon , challenge the notion that
individuals should conform to societal expectations?

v. Challenge to Societal Expectations in “The Tale of Custard the Dragon”: Ogden Nash’s “The Tale of Custard the Dragon” challenges societal expectations by portraying Custard, the supposedly timid dragon, as a hero in the end. This challenges the conventional notion that individuals must conform to predefined roles, encouraging readers to reconsider stereotypes and embrace individuality.

9 Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. 2×3=6
i The story, A Triumph of Surgery is a powerful example of the importance of saying “no”.
Explain. 3

i. The Significance of Saying “No” in “A Triumph of Surgery”: In “A Triumph of Surgery,” the act of saying “no” becomes a transformative decision. It signifies the protagonist’s assertion of personal agency, leading to a life-changing surgery. This illustrates the power of refusal in steering one’s destiny and embracing positive change.
ii How does education play a transformative role in Bholi’s life?
(Bholi) 3

ii. Education’s Transformative Role in Bholi’s Life: Education serves as a transformative force in Bholi’s life, empowering her to break free from societal constraints. Through education, Bholi gains confidence, self-awareness, and independence. It becomes the catalyst for her emancipation, challenging oppressive norms and opening avenues for personal growth.
iii The various elements of Robert Arthur’s writing style work together to create a sense of
tension, uncertainty, and suspense, well-suited to the mystery and suspense genre of the
story, The Midnight Visitor. Comment, with reference to any one element.3

iii. Elements Creating Suspense in “The Midnight Visitor”: Robert Arthur employs various elements to craft suspense in “The Midnight Visitor.” The use of foreshadowing, mysterious settings, and cryptic dialogues contributes to an atmosphere of tension and uncertainty. These elements engage readers, keeping them on the edge of their seats in alignment with the mystery genre.

10 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. 1×6=6
(A) You have been asked to present an evaluation of the approaches of the mothers of both, the baby
seagull and Amanda, towards helping their children. Write this presentation draft including your
insights, in about 120 words, comparing the approaches of both parents.
You may begin this way:
One acknowledges that both parents, Amanda’s mother and the baby seagull’s mother both….however, …
(Reference -Amanda! & His First Flight)

One acknowledges that both parents, Amanda’s mother and the baby seagull’s mother, exhibit distinct yet effective approaches in fostering their offspring’s independence. Amanda’s mother, understanding her daughter’s human limitations, encourages and guides Amanda to explore the world cautiously. She provides a supportive environment for learning and offers reassurance, emphasizing the importance of developing confidence over immediate flight.

Conversely, the baby seagull’s mother adopts a more direct approach, nudging her offspring out of the nest to instigate flight. While seemingly abrupt, this method aligns with the seagull’s natural instinct and survival skills, pushing the chick beyond its comfort zone. Both approaches showcase a mother’s commitment to her child’s growth, each tailored to the unique needs of their respective species.

(B) You have been chosen to address a student gathering from the neighbourhood schools, to speak on the resilience of human spirit required to transcend discrimination. Prepare the speech draft in not more than 120 words, with reference to the commonality of themes in Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom and The Trees by Adrienne Rich.
You may begin this way:
Good morning, everyone. Today, I’d like to discuss two pieces of literature that offer a powerful insight into the resilience of the human spirit required to transcend discrimination. You may end this way. To conclude, I’d like to say that …
Thank you

Good morning, everyone. Today, I’d like to discuss two pieces of literature that offer a powerful insight into the resilience of the human spirit required to transcend discrimination. In Nelson Mandela’s “Long Walk to Freedom,” we witness the indomitable spirit of a leader who overcame racial injustice and imprisonment to emerge as a symbol of hope and reconciliation. Similarly, Adrienne Rich’s poem “The Trees” echoes the theme of resilience, portraying the strength of trees that persist despite the harsh environment, drawing parallels to the human capacity to withstand discrimination. Both works emphasize the transformative power of resilience in the face of adversity, inspiring us to break free from the shackles of discrimination. To conclude, I’d like to say that resilience is not just a virtue but a force that can lead us to a future free from prejudice. Thank you.
11 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. 1×6=6
(A) Imagine that M. Loisel, from The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant, writes a diary entry, exploring the theme of class and social status, and the nature of social mobility, in the context of his own
experience. Write this diary entry , as M. Loisel, in about 120 words.
(B) A character arc is the transformation or development of a character throughout a story and refers to
the changes a character undergoes as a result of their experiences, challenges, and interactions with
other characters.
In the light of the above information, trace the character arc of the thief in Ruskin Bond’s The Thief’s
Story, in about 120 words.

(B) In Ruskin Bond’s “The Thief’s Story,” the thief undergoes a significant character arc marked by transformation and self-discovery. Initially driven by the necessity of survival, the thief steals to meet his basic needs. However, his encounter with the blind girl opens his eyes to compassion and empathy. Witnessing her kindness and trust challenges his perception of the world. This pivotal moment becomes a catalyst for change as he starts questioning his life choices. Ultimately, the thief experiences a moral awakening, realizing the value of honesty and human connection. His character arc reflects a profound shift from a self-centered, survival-driven individual to someone capable of empathy and understanding.

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