
English Grammar Exercises: HBSE Revision Class 12 Exams 2023

HBSE Pre-Board Sample Paper Class 12 English (Core) 2022–23/ TIPS TO SCORE MAXIMUM MARKS in exams hbse cbse, english grammar

English Grammar Exercises: HBSE Revision Class 12 Exams 2023 will assist you in revising previous HBSE examination question papers. English Grammar Exercises: HBSE Revision Class 12 Exams 2023  provides you with the most important English grammar for Class 12 Final Exams 2023 in order for you to score 10 marks in the Class 12 English Examination 2023-24.

Most Important English Grammar Exercises: Class 12 Q. No. 3, an additional article for the students of all classes to practice the exercises from the different HBSE Question Papers, will cover Articles, Tenses, Voices, and Modals of BSEH Class 12 English Question Papers. This article on English Grammar: BSEH Class12 English Question Papers will provide solutions to all the exercises of change of narration, articles, modal auxiliaries, and voices with MCQs of 2021 question papers. The details of the change of narration, articles, modal auxiliaries, and voices are already provided by

English Grammar Exercises: HBSE Revision Class 12 Exams 2023

(Grammar/Writing Skills) [ M. M. : 26]

English Grammar: BSEH Class12 English Question Papers(March 2019)
English Grammar: BSEH Class12 English Question Papers: Set A

Attempt any two from each sub-part :
(a) Change the form of narration : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) “I have read a new novel by R. K. Narayan”, said Monika.

Ans. Monika said that she had read a new novel by R. K. Narayan.
(ii) “Do you wish to open an account ?” the manager asked the customer.

Ans. The manager asked the customer if he wished to open an account.
(iii) “Bravo! Well done!”, he said.

Ans. He aplauded them of doing well.
(b) Supply articles wherever necessary : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) We buy ………. oil by the litre.

Ans. No article
(ii) ………. great Shakespeare committed grammatical errors.

Ans. The
(iii) ………. rich should help the poor.

Ans. The
(c) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal auxiliary verbs given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) She expects that her son …….. return. (may/can)

Ans. may

(ii) She advised that I ……… curtail expenditure. (should/can)

Ans. should
(iii) She ……… not have left alone as it was raining heavily. (can/must)

Ans. must
(d) Change the voice : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) He encourages me.

Ans. I was encouraged by him.
(ii) Please come soon.

Ans. You are requested to come soon.
(iii) It is impossible to do.

Ans. It is impossible for this to be done.

(e) Use the correct form of verbs given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) More men than one ……. absent today. (was/were)

Ans. were
(ii) Neither of the two boys ………. done it. (has/have)

Ans. have
(iii) What evidence ………… these acts ? (is/are)

Ans. is

Exercise English Grammar: BSEH Class12 English Question Papers: Set B

Attempt any two from each sub-part :
(a) Change the form of narration : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) The girl said, “I shall do it.”

(ii) “Where does the Principal live ?” a parent asked the peon.

(iii) “I posted the letter” said the boy.

(b) Supply articles wherever necessary : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) There is ………. swimming pool in our area.

(ii) Air is important for ………. life to exist.

(iii) Mr. Rao is ………. Director of the Institute.

(c) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal auxiliary verbs given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) If we request her, she …….. give a lift. (must/might)

(ii) ……… you work hard you will pass. (should/can)

(iii) I am sure the Principal ……… be in his room. (might/must)

(d) Change the voice : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) I would like someone to help me.

(ii) I don’t know the answer.

(iii) Don’t stay here.

(e) Use the correct form of verbs given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) The director as well as the dancers ……. honoured. (was/were)

(ii) Four miles ………. not a long distance. (is/are)

(iii) Time and tide ………… for none. (wait/waits)


English Grammar: BSEH Class12 English Question Papers: Set C

3. Attempt any two from each sub-part :
(a) Change the form of narration : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) “Lie down, Mohan”, the father said to his son.

Ans. The father asked his son Mohan to lie down.

(ii) “What shall I tell him, Mummy ?” the child asked.

Ans. The child asked Mummy what he should tell him.
(iii) He said, “I do Yogasanas daily.”

Ans. He told that he did Yogasanas daily.
(b) Supply articles wherever necessary : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) ………. sky has no limits.

Ans. The
(ii) He is admitted to ………. hospital.

Ans. a or the
(iii) This ring is made of ………. gold.

Ans. no article
(c) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal auxiliary verbs given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) …….. our king live long! (May/Will)

Ans. May
(ii) Make haste lest you ……… get late. (will/should)

Ans. should
(iii) My friend did not help me though he ……… have helped. (could/will)

Ans. could
(d) Change the voice : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) There is nothing to lose.

Ans. There is nothing to be lost.
(ii) Shall I eat the fruit ?

Ans. Will the fruit be eaten by me?
(iii) The fruit tastes sweet.

Ans. The fruit is sweet when it is tasted.
(e) Use the correct form of verb given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) I or he ……. to be rewarded. (am/is)

Ans. is

(ii) Many an accident ………. recently taken place. (has/have)

Ans. have

(iii) No student and no teacher ………… present. (was/were)

Ans. was

Exercise English Grammar: BSEH Class12 English Question Papers: Set D

3. Attempt any two from each sub-part :
(a) Change the form of narration : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) “Go out and play for some time” said the mother to her son.(ii) “What a ghastly accident!” the passer-by said.

(iii) The teacher said, “Oil floats on water.”
(b) Supply articles wherever necessary : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) ………. girl in jeans is my neighbour.

(ii) Martha goes to ………. church every Sunday.

(iii) Shakespeare is ………. Kalidasa of England.

(c) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal auxiliary verbs given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) He went there so that he …….. borrow money. (can/might)

(ii) ……… you please help my son ? (Could/Might)

(iii) I …… not go outside now. (dare/ought to)

(d) Change the voice : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) Ganesh lifted the cat.

(ii) Do the work.

(iii) Then they put it on the table.

(e) Use the correct form of verb given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) ……. I or her to be rewarded ? (am/is)

(ii) Five times ten ………. fifty. (is/are)

(iii) A pair of spectacles ………… broken. (is/are)


English Grammar : HBSE Revision Class 12 Exams 2023

English Grammar: BSEH Class12 English Question Papers(March 2020)
English Grammar: BSEH Class12 English Question Papers: Set A

3. Attempt any two from each sub-part :
(a) Change the form of narration : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) Ram will say, “I saw my teacher in the park.”

Ans. Ram will say that he saw his teacher in the park
(ii) I said to her, “Do you want my help ?”

Ans. I asked her if she wanted help.
(iii) He said, “What a great misery !”

Ans. he exclaimed with sorrow that what a great misery it was.
(b) Supply articles wherever necessary : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) He is ………. one-eyed man.

Ans. a
(ii) Keep to ………. left.

Ans. the
(iii) Life is not ………. bed of roses.

Ans. the

(c) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal auxiliary verbs given in the brackets :1 × 2 = 2
(i) She …….. dance very well. (can/may)

Ans. can
(ii) You ……. give up smoking. (should/shall)

Ans. should
(iii) There …….. be some more buses. (ought to/would)

Ans. ought to
(d) Change the voice : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) The thief stole a number of things.

Ans. A number of things were stolen by the thief.
(ii) When will he return your money ?

Ans. When will your money be returned?
(iii) Kindly call in the doctor.

Ans. You are requested to call in the doctor.
(e) Use the correct form of verbs given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) He …….. (be) a teacher since 1988.

Ans. has been
(ii) Last Saturday, I …….. (stay) at home.

Ans. stayed
(iii) She always …….. (find) faults with others.

Ans. finds

English Grammar: BSEH Class12 English Question Papers: Set B

3. Attempt any two from each sub-part :
(a) Change the form of narration : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) The teacher said, “Mahatma Gandhi believed in non-violence.”

Ans. The teacher said that Mahatma Gandhi believed in non-violence.
(ii) He says, “The train will be late.”

Ans. he says that the train will be late.
(iii) I said, “I have been ill since Monday.”

Ans. I said that I had been ill since Monday.
(b) Supply articles wherever necessary : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) ………. Sun shines brightly.

Ans. The
(ii) She is ………. untidy girl.

Ans. an
(iii) Do not make ………. noise.

Ans. a

(c) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal auxiliary verbs given in the brackets :1 × 2 = 2
(i) A servant …….. obey his master. (can/must)

Ans. must
(ii) ……. you wait for sometime ? (Should/Could)

Ans. Could
(iii) How …….. you insult me ? (may/can)

Ans. can
(d) Change the voice : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) People play cricket all over the world.

Ans. Cricket is played by people all over the world.
(ii) Do not waste your time.

Ans. You are advised no to waste your time.
(iii) He might have saved your life.

Ans. Your life might have been saved.
(e) Use the correct form of verbs given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) The clock …….. (just strike) twelve.

Ans. just stroke
(ii) I …….. (dig) in the garden since morning.

Ans. Has been digging
(iii) What …….. (happen) if you fail ?

Ans. will happen

Exercise English Grammar: BSEH Class12 English Question Papers: Set C

Attempt any two from each sub-part :
(a) Change the form of narration : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) The teacher said to the boy, “Shut the door.”

(ii) His uncle said, “Two and two make four.”

(iii) I said, “I have finished my work.”

(b) Supply articles wherever necessary : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) Crime is on ………. increase.

(ii) She is ………. M.A.

(iii) Ink is ………. useful article.

(c) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) It ……. happen to anyone. (should/can)

(ii) You ……. consult some doctor. (must/would)

(iii) I …….. rather starve than steal. (would/may)


(d) Change the voice : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) It is impossible to do it.

(ii) How did you cross the road ?

(iii) I take tea every morning.

(e) Use the correct form of verbs given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) We …….. (have) our dinner before she left.

(ii) It …….. (happen) in the year 1924.

(iii) Run fast ! The train …….. (leave).


English Grammar: BSEH Class12 English Question Papers: Set D

Attempt any two from each sub-part :
(a) Change the form of narration : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) He said, “I shall go there.”

Ans. He said that he should go there.
(ii) She said, “Kamla do you like this book ?”

Ans. She asked kamla if she liked that book.
(iii) The priest said, “Truth wins in the long race.”

Ans. The priest said that truth wins in the long run.
(b) Supply articles wherever necessary : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) It was ………. unique sight.

Ans. a
(ii) I read ………. Gita everyday.

Ans. The
(iii) He was struck by ………. arrow.

Ans. an

(c) Fill in the blanks with suitable modals given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) She ……. swim very well. (can/shall)

Ans. can
(ii) You ……. work hard this year. (must/would)

Ans. must
(iii) …….. I come in, sir ? (May/Will)

Ans. May
(d) Change the voice : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) Where did they see you ?

Ans. Where were you seen by them?
(ii) Could you solve this sum ?

Ans. Could this sum be solved by you?
(iii) Summon the peon.

Ans. You are ordered to summon the peon.
(e) Use the correct form of verbs given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) He …….. (not come) back yet.

Ans. has not come
(ii) Last Saturday, I …….. (stay) at home.

Ans. stayed
(iii) Ice …….. (melt) above 0° Celsius.

Ans. melts.

English Grammar MCQs : BSEH Class12 English Question Papers: BSEH ARIL 2021

The following sets of BSEH question papers will contain multiple-choice questions; students must carefully select the correct option, as it may be easy at times but can also be confusing.

English Grammar MCQs: BSEH Class12 English Question Papers: Set A

(a) Change the narration(any two):

1. He said, “God is great.”

(A) He said that God is great.

(B) He said that God was great

(C) He said if God is great.

(D) None of the above

Ans. (A) He said that God is great.

2. The teacher said,”Are you feeling well?”

(A) The teacher asked why I was feeling well that day.

(B) The teacher asked if I was feeling well that day.

(C) The teacher told that I was feeling well that day.

(D) The teacher exclaimed with wonder that I was feeling well that day.

Ans. (B) The teacher asked if I was feeling well that day.

3. Sita says, ” I shall come to see the picture.”

(A) Sita said that she would come to see the picture.

(B) Sita said that she will come to see the picture.

(C) Sita says that she will come to see the picture.

(D) None of the above

Ans. (C) Sita says that she will come to see the picture.

(b) Use suitable articles(any two):

1. The birds fly in………

(A) a

(B) a

(C) the

(D) x

Ans. (C) the

2. ……..owl cannot see during day time.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) x

Ans. (A) a

3. Do not make………noise.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) x

Ans. (A) a

(c) Use suitable modals(any two)

1. It…….happens to anyone.

(A) should

(B) can

(C) would

(D) none

Ans. (B) can

2.  You…..consult some good doctor.

(A) must

(B) need to

(C) shall

(D) none


3. You….go now.

(A) shall

(B) may

(C) would

(D) none

Ans. (B) may

(d) Change the voice(any two): 

1. Why did you beat him?

(A) Why is he beaten by you?

(B) Why was he beaten by you?

(C) Why was him beaten by you?

(D) None

Ans. (B) Why was he beaten by you?

2. You must take exercise.

(A) Exercise must be taken by you.

(B) Exercise must be taken by you.

(C) Exercise must take by you.

(D) None

Ans. (B) Exercise must be taken by you.

(e) Use correct form of verb(any two)

1. The new teacher….(teach) us for six months.

(A) have been teaching

(B) has been teaching

(C) is teaching

(D) was teaching

Ans. (B) has been teaching

2. Last Saturday, I ….(stay) at home.

(A) have stayed

(B) had stayed

(C) was staying

(D) stayed

Ans. (D) stayed

3. A brave man……..(not lose)

(A) has not lost

(B) do not loose

(C) does not lose

(D) None

Ans. (C) does not lose

Follow the timetable for the last revision of Class 12 English (most important questions).[ 1.5 HOURS DAILY]
Day Question Topic Marks Readlearnexcel’s Most Important Questions
Day 1, Feb. 7 Question 1 Reading Comprehension 4 10 Most Important Reading Comprehension Passages 12th Exams
Day 2, Feb. 8 Question 2 Note-Making 5 10 Most Important Note-Making Examples: Class 12 Exams Special
Day 3, Feb. 9 Question 3 Grammar 10 English Grammar Exercises: HBSE Revision Class 12 Exams 2023
Day 4, Feb. 10 Question 4 Notice Writing/Advertisements 6 20 Most Important Notices

10 Most Important Advertisements

Day 5, Feb. 11 Question 5 Paragraphs/ Report Writing 5 10 Most Important Paragraphs

10 Most Important Report Writing

Day 6, Feb. 12 Question 6 Letter Writing 5 10 Most Important Letters
Day 7, Feb. 13 Question 7 Reading Comprehension Passage Flamingo 5 10 Reading Comprehension Passage Flamingo
Day 8, Feb. 14 Question 8 Long Answer Question Flamingo 5 10 Long Answer Question Flamingo
Day 9, Feb. 15 Question 9 Short Answer Questions Flamingo 10 20 Short Answer Questions Flamingo
Day 10, Feb. 16 Question 10 Reading Comprehension Stanzas Poetry 5 10 Reading Comprehension Stanzas Poetry
Day 11, Feb. 17 Question 11 Short Answer Questions Poetry 6 12 Short Answer Questions Poetry
Day 12, Feb. 18 Question 12 Long Answer Questions Vistas 5 10  Long Answer Questions Vistas
Day 13, Feb. 19 Question 13 Short Answer Questions Vistas 6 20 Short Answer Questions Vistas
Day 14, Feb. 20 Question 14 MCQ Vistas 3 20 MCQ Vistas
  • Class 12 English Detailed Revision

English Grammar Exercises
English Grammar MCQs: BSEH Class12 English Question Papers: Set B

(a) Use suitable articles(any two):

1. You are………..University graduate.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) x

Ans. (A) a

2. ……….gold is a precious metal.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) x

Ans. (D) x

3. Man is …….mortal.( Important)

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) x

Ans. (D) x

(b) Use suitable modals (any two0:

1. It is Sunday today, I….go to office.

(A) may

(B) might

(C) can

(D) could

Ans. (C) can

2. You …..carry any bag. It is available at store.

(A) Shouldn’t

(B) will not

(C) cannot

(D) needn’t

Ans. (D) needn’t

2. My grandfather… sing classic songs.

(A) ought

(B) will

(C) can

(D) used

Ans. (D) used

(c) Use correct form of verb (Any two): 

1. If you give me money, I….you a watch.

(A) buy

(B) bought

(C) shall buy

(D) have bought

Ans. (C) shall buy

2. She…………for two hours.(play)

(A) is playing

(B) was playing

(C) has played

(D) has been playing

Ans. (D) has been playing

3. My father………..a match at present.

(A) watches

(B) watched

(C) was watching

(D) is watching

Ans. (D) is watching

(d) Change the voice (any two):

1. She teases me.

(A) I tease her.

(B) I am teasing her.

(C) I am teased by her.

(D) She is teased by me.

Ans. (C) I am teased by her.

2. They were telling a lie.

(A) A lie was told them.

(B) A lie was being told by them.

(C) A lie were told by them.

(D) A lie is told by them.

Ans. (B) A lie was being told by them.

3. Rachit is disturbing me.

(A)  I am disturbed by Rachit.

(B) I am being disturbed by Rachit.

(C) I was disturbed by Rachit.

(D) I was being disturbed by Rachit.

Ans. (B) I am being disturbed by Rachit.

(e) Change the narration( any two): 

1. He said to me, “Your card has expired.”

(A) He told me that my card has been expired.

(B) He said that my card has expired.

(C) He told me that my card has expired.

(D) He told me that my card had expired.

Ans. (D) He told me that my card had expired.

2. My mother said to me, ” Don’t touch that wire.”

(A) My mother said that not to touch that wire.

(B) My mother prohibited to touch the wire not.

(C) My mother forbade me to touch the wire.

(D) My mother said to not touch the wire.

Ans. (C) My mother forbade me to touch the wire.

3. You said, “You are my friend.”

(A) You told me that I was his his friend.

(B) You said that I was his friend.

(C) You said that I was my my friend.

(D) You said that I was your friend.

Ans. (D) You said that I was your friend.

Check your English Grammar Skills: Class 12 English

Exercise English Grammar: BSEH Class12 English Question Papers

(a) Use suitable articles (any two): 

1. Mumbai is…………capital of Maharashtra.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) x


2. Man is…….mortal






1. You are………..University graduate.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) x

Change Narration:

My mother said to me, ” Don’t touch that wire.”

(A) My mother said that not to touch that wire.

(B) My mother prohibited to touch the wire not.

(C) My mother forbade me to touch the wire.

(D) My mother said to not touch the wire.

The teacher said,”Are you feeling well?”

(A) The teacher asked why I was feeling well that day.

(B) The teacher asked if I was feeling well that day.

(C) The teacher told that I was feeling well that day.

(D) The teacher exclaimed with wonder that I was feeling well that day.


My grandfather… sing classic songs.

(A) ought

(B) will

(C) can

(D) used

(c) Fill in the blanks with suitable modal auxiliary verbs given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) He went there so that he …….. borrow money. (can/might)

(ii) ……… you please help my son ? (Could/Might)

(iii) I …… not go outside now. (dare/ought to)

(d) Change the voice : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) Ganesh lifted the cat.

(ii) Do the work.

(iii) Then they put it on the table.

(e) Use the correct form of verb given in the brackets : 1 × 2 = 2
(i) ……. I or her to be rewarded ? (am/is)

(ii) Five times ten ………. fifty. (is/are)

(iii) A pair of spectacles ………… broken. (is/are)


ReadLearnExcel Conclusion on English Grammar

Sample practise tests of English grammar might have proved an asset for the students of all classes in the four areas of articles, tenses, modal auxiliaries, and change of voice. This article on English Grammar: BSEH Class 12 English Question Papers will help you boost your English grammar skills.

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