
Lesson Plan for Last 30 Days for Class 12 English Before Exams: The Ultimate Success in HBSE

HBSE Pre-Board Sample Paper Class 12 English (Core) 2022–23/ TIPS TO SCORE MAXIMUM MARKS in exams hbse cbse, english grammar

“Lesson Plan for the Last 30 Days for Class 12 English Before Exams” is going to boost your preparation for the final board examination. The last 30 days for Class 12 English before exams are crucial for the teachers and students, as the teachers can plan their lessons for the last 30 days for Class 12 English before exams to improve their boards’ results. The students who haven’t prepared till now can also score good marks by following the schedule I am going to discuss in “Lesson Plan for the Last 30 Days for Class 12 English Before Exams”. Therefore, now you can’t avoid the exams, and you have to face the music of examinations in the coming days.

Lesson Planning: A Tool for Student Success

Lesson planning is a tool for the success of students, teachers, and classrooms. An experienced teacher will explain to you the success story of teaching, where lesson planning is the most sought-after tool for students’ success. Lesson planning is the heart of pedagogy, and pedagogy is the heart of classroom teaching. So, if you want to be a good teacher, you need to talk about how important lesson planning is for student success.

I will discuss the entire article “Lesson Plan for the Last 30 Days for Class 12 English Before Exams” as per the question paper designed by HBSE for Class 12 English and distribute the 30 days into 30 hours and the distribution of 30 hours as per the question paper style for Class 12 English. So, let’s plan our last 30 crucial hours for the final preparation, sample paper solutions, and revision.

Lesson Plan for Last 30 Days for Class 12 English Before Exams
Proud Team of PGT English(Jhajjar): At DIET Machrauli for NISHTHA 2.0 Training from January 16-18, 2023

PRACTICE PAPER(2022-23), Pattern, and marks Distribution of Exam and Your Lesson Plan

CBSE Model Answer By Candidate Class 12 &10 English

CLASS : 12th (Sr.Secondary) Code No: A
Roll No
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80
• Please make sure that the printed pages in this question paper are 10 in
number and it contains 14 questions.
• The Code No. and Set on the right side of the question paper should be
written by the candidate on the front page of the answer-book.
• Before beginning to answer a question, its Serial Number must be written.
• Don’t leave blank page/pages in your answer-book.
• Except answer-book, no extra sheet will be given. Write to the point and do
not strike the written answer.
• Candidates must write their Roll Number on the question paper.
• Before answering the questions, ensure that you have been supplied the
correct and complete question paper, no claim in this regard, will be
entertained after examination.
General instructions:
1. This question paper is divided into four sections: A,B,C and D.
2. All the sections are compulsory.
3. Attempt all the parts of a question together.
4. Stick to the word limit wherever prescribed.

Section-A (Reading Skills)
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions : 1×4=4

2. Read the following passage carefullyand make notes on it using headings and sub headings.
Supply an appropriate title also. 4+1=5

Section –B: Grammar/ Writing Skills
3.Attempt any two from each sub-part:
a) Change the form of narration: 1×2=2
i) “ I have read a new novel by R.K. Narayan’, said Monika.
ii) “ Do you wish to open an account”, the manager asked the customer.
iii) He said, “ Bravo! Well done.”
b) Supply articles wherever necessary: 1×2=2
i) There is _____ swimming pool in our area.
ii) Air is important for _____life to exist.
iii) Mr. Rao is _____ Director of the institute.
c) Fill in the blank with suitable modal auxiliary: 1×2=2
i) I am sure that the Principal ______ be in his room. ( might/must)
ii) If we request her, she _____ give a lift. ( must/ might)
iii) She expects that her son _____ return. ( may/can)
d) Use the correct form of the verb given in the brackets: 1×2=2
i) More men than one ____ absent today. ( was/were)
ii) What evidence _____ these acts? (is/ are)
iii) Neither of the two boys ______ done it(has/have)
e) Change the voice: 1×2=2
i) I do not know the answer.
ii) I would like someone to help me.
iii) The jug contains water.
4. Attempt any two of the following: 3×2=6
a) Design a poster creating awareness about ‘ Cyber Safety’
b) You are Rohini/Rohit , the owner of an independent house in D-Block, Sector-6,
Panchkula . Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words for the column ‘To
c) On the occasion of World Book Day, the school has decided to organize a Book
Fair. You are Vidushi/Vibhor, the Secretary of the Book Club of your school. Write
a notice in not more than 50 words for the school notice board to announce the
5. Attempt any one of the following: 5
a) Write a paragraph of about 100 words on ‘Freedom of Speech’
b) You are Ankit/Ankita. You participated in a career counseling programme
organized by ‘Careers’ . Write a report of the programme in about 150-200 words.
6. You think that there should be moral education in schools. Write a letter to the editor of a
newspaper, stressing the need of introducing moral education in schools. 5

Section-C (A) Main Reader ( Prose)
7. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 1×5=5

8. How did Douglas come over his fear of water? 5
Write down a brief character sketch of M.Hamel, the narrator’s teacher?
9. Answer any five questions briefly: 2×5=10
i) Give an account of the background of Saheb and his fellow rag pickers?
ii) What changes did the order from Berlin cause in the school that day?
iii) Why did the iron-master speak kindly to the peddler and invite him home?
iv) What did Franz notice that was unusual for the day in the school?
v) Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water?
vi) What were Sophie’s plan for her future?

Section –C: (B) Main Reader (Poetry)
10. . Read the following passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 1×5=5
What I want should not be confused
with total inactivity.
Life is what it is about;
I want no truck with death.
If we were not so single-minded
about keeping our lives moving,
and for once could do nothing.
i) From which poem have these lines been taken?
ii) Name the poet who has written the above lines.
iii) What does the poet want?
iv) With whom does the poet want to have no dealing?
v) Find words from the stanza which mean the same as: a) big ,b) misunderstood.

11. Answer any two questions from the following : 2×3=6
i) List the things that cause suffering and pain. (A Thing of Beauty)
ii) What symbol from nature does the poet invoke to say that there can be a life under
apparent stillness?
iii) What does the poet say about the polished traffic?
Section-D Supplementary Reader
12. The story is a satire on the conceit of those in power. How does the author employ the
literary device of dramatic irony in the story? 5

Why do people visit Antarctica?
13. Answer any two questions: 2×3=6
i) What does the third level refer to?
ii) Who was Dr. Sadao? Where was his house?
iii) Will Dr. Sadao be arrested on the charge of harboring an enemy?
14. Read the following questions and choose the correct option:
(i) People avoid Derry because of:
(a) Broken leg
(b) A scar on the leg
(c) The acid burnt face
(d) None of the above
(ii) Who ordered Evans to take off his hat?
(a) Jackson
(b) Stephens
(c) Governor
(d) All of the above
(iii)What was the name of the psychiatrist?
(a) Louisa
(b) Sam
(c) William
(d) Charle


Lesson Plan for Last 30 Days for Class 12 English Before Exams

Learning Objectives/Skills to be Developed among Students
  • Prepare students for the final examination of class 12 English.
  • Learning about the way to attempt the question paper.
  • Understanding the nature and structure of examinations.
  • Reducing examination stress, tension, and anxiety by proper preparation of the examination.
  • Prepare the students to bring good results.
  • Students should understand that examination is a fact and they have to face it.
  • Developing writing skills to score good marks in class 12.
  • Values of examination.
  • Children are advised to prepare for the examination.
  • Students learn to be practical instead of daydreaming about the final exams.
  • What do they think about their goals and ambitions?
  • Help the students decide their goals for the examination.
  • Raise awareness about the negative effects of exam copying.
  • Help the students attempt the question paper in a systematic way.
  • high-scoring and low-scoring areas in the paper.
  • improving the weak points of the students.
  • Solving the practise and sample papers will help the students come out of fear of the examination.
Assessment Exercises/ Activities
  • Summary of the chapters are the most important part of any chapter, hence putting emphasis on summary.
  • Students must be asked to summarise what they have read in the chapters. This will enhance their reading comprehension skills.
  • Underlining the important words and relating these words with the theme of the chapter
  • Preparing small notes by using the question no. 2 to prepare good notes.
  • Reading comprehension of passages by providing MCQs.
  • Formation of groups in the class for the quiz by asking the MCQs
  • Ask each student to write five words from the text with synonyms and antonyms.
  • Ask each student to prepare small drawing sheets with the name of the chapter, its author, and five short questions.
  • Understanding the text through a critical examination of passages
  • Discussing the text and the significance of reality in academic success
  • Ask the students to write down their answers to the short-answer questions so they can talk about them.
  • Homework: Write questions in their notebooks.
  • Give small test of each chapters.
Learning Outcome 
  • Acquire examination skills
  • Reading comprehension skills
  • Skimming skills
  • Writing a paragraph
  • paragraph in an article
  • theme, working with synonyms and antonyms, tenses, etc.
  • helped the students decide on their careers with a concrete plan.
  • Practice as much as you can, take practise tests, and review previous years’ board examination question papers.
  • Best ever results in the final examination.

Date: January 20, 2023; 1 Hour

Topic: Section-A (Reading Skills)
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions : 1×4=4

Date: January 21, 2023; 1 Hour

Topic: Note-Making

2. Read the following passage carefullyand make notes on it using headings and sub headings.
Supply an appropriate title also. 4+1=5

Topic: English Grammar: Articles, Narrations, Voices, Modals, Verbs.

Date: January 22-24, 2023; 3 Hours.

Topic: Writing Skills: Poster, Notice, and Advertisements

4. Attempt any two of the following: 3×2=6
a) Design a poster creating awareness about ‘ Cyber Safety’
b) You are Rohini/Rohit , the owner of an independent house in D-Block, Sector-6,
Panchkula . Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words for the column ‘To
c) On the occasion of World Book Day, the school has decided to organize a Book
Fair. You are Vidushi/Vibhor, the Secretary of the Book Club of your school. Write
a notice in not more than 50 words for the school notice board to announce the

Date: January 25-26, 2023; 2 Hours.

Topic: Writing Skills: Paragraph, Report

Date: January 27-28, 2023; 2 Hours.

5. Attempt any one of the following: 5
a) Write a paragraph of about 100 words on ‘Freedom of Speech’
b) You are Ankit/Ankita. You participated in a career counseling programme
organized by ‘Careers’ . Write a report of the programme in about 150-200 words.

Topic: Letter Writing

Date: January 29-30, 2023; 2 Hours.

6. You think that there should be moral education in schools. Write a letter to the editor of a
newspaper, stressing the need of introducing moral education in schools. 5

Topic: Flamingo: 8 Chapters

Date: January 31- Feb.3, 2023; 4 Hours

Section-C (A) Main Reader ( Prose)
7. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 1×5=5

8. How did Douglas come over his fear of water? 5
Write down a brief character sketch of M.Hamel, the narrator’s teacher?
9. Answer any five questions briefly: 2×5=10
i) Give an account of the background of Saheb and his fellow rag pickers?
ii) What changes did the order from Berlin cause in the school that day?
iii) Why did the iron-master speak kindly to the peddler and invite him home?
iv) What did Franz notice that was unusual for the day in the school?
v) Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water?
vi) What were Sophie’s plan for her future?

cbse sure-shot questions flamingo

Topic: Flamingo Poetry: 6 Poems 

Date: February 4-6, 2023; 3 Hour

Section –C: (B) Main Reader (Poetry)
10. . Read the following passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 1×5=5
What I want should not be confused
with total inactivity.
Life is what it is about;
I want no truck with death.
If we were not so single-minded
about keeping our lives moving,
and for once could do nothing.
i) From which poem have these lines been taken?
ii) Name the poet who has written the above lines.
iii) What does the poet want?
iv) With whom does the poet want to have no dealing?
v) Find words from the stanza which mean the same as: a) big ,b) misunderstood.

CBSE sure-shot questions flamingo poetry



Topic: Vistas; 8 Chapters

Date: February 7-10, 2023; 4 Hours

Section-D Supplementary Reader
12. The story is a satire on the conceit of those in power. How does the author employ the
literary device of dramatic irony in the story? 5

Why do people visit Antarctica?
13. Answer any two questions: 2×3=6
i) What does the third level refer to?
ii) Who was Dr. Sadao? Where was his house?
iii) Will Dr. Sadao be arrested on the charge of harboring an enemy?
14. Read the following questions and choose the correct option:
(i) People avoid Derry because of:
(a) Broken leg
(b) A scar on the leg
(c) The acid burnt face
(d) None of the above
(ii) Who ordered Evans to take off his hat?
(a) Jackson
(b) Stephens
(c) Governor
(d) All of the above
(iii)What was the name of the psychiatrist?
(a) Louisa
(b) Sam
(c) William
(d) Charle

Most Important Vistas Exam Questions Class 12 English(Core) 2023
CBSE Sure-Shot Questions Vistas Class 12



Topic: Question paper of Previous Years: Minimum 3

Date: February 11-13, 2023; 3 Hour

Topic: Solve the Question Paper Below: 3 Hours

Date: February 14-16, 2023; 3 Hours.( One paper)

Topic: Most Important Questions for Class 12 Full Syllabus and Tips for Scoring maximum marks in the examination.

Date: February 17-19, 2023; 3 Hours.

ReadLearnExcel wishes you all the best for the examination!


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